Lgbtq+ warning (please read)

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Warning ⚠

Rape and murder mentioned

I've said before on what pride fall is but I didn't go into much detail but now I've done some research

Basically it's a group of homophobic's that take it to a whole another level

People from pride fall have been sending LGBTQ creators pictures of other lgbtq+ people being raped and murdered

I've actually been a victim of that happened cause on tik tok (yes I have it) I was open about my sexuality.

They sent me videos and pictures of people being raped and murdered so I reported and blocked them.

But this isn't about me

They have also been reported to have been cat fishing others into dangerous situations.

Its just so fucked up that people would do this to their own kind for something that others are born with and it fucking disgusts me that people do this while thinking that they are the good person.

Please I beg of you. Spread the word, idk how just spread the word and spread awareness of this.

The government don't care, the higher ups don't care but that doesn't automatically mean that we can't stop this.

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