[22] im in love with you

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Billies P.O.V

It was getting late and we were in the bar, and I didn't exactly remember the last time I saw Marsha since getting wrapped up in a conversation with some dudes outside.

I went back to our table to ask Tre and Mike if they had any idea at all where she was, but Tre was too invested in talking to Casey and Mike was on the phone to Alice. And none of them knew where she was.

I was beginning to get worried, what if something bad happened? What am I gonna do? I'm suppose to get her home safe by the end of this week... not dead.

I kept looking around the bar until my eyes landed perfectly on her, and the dude from yesterday with two stools pulled up at the other end of the bar I was on. She was laughing at something he had just said, and the conversation looked as if it was awfully flirty from where I was stood.

I began to get aggravated as I walked over to the both of, and then coughed.

"Oh hi Billie." She smiled, not even drunk, She's sat at the bar talking to a guy she even admitted freaked her out yesterday night and she's not even the slightest bit drunk! not even tipsy.

"Are you serious?" I asked her bluntly and annoyed.

"What?" She asked me confused.

"Is there a problem dude?" The guy next to her asked. Sort of ready to get out his seat, I looked over at him as he quickly sat back in his seat again and then I focused on Marsha.

"Come on," I said grabbing her hand as I pulled her away from the bar. She sort of waved off the guy sat there as I took her outside. So I could hear my own thoughts for one, and two to be out the guy's vision.

"What's your problem!?" She snapped at me annoyed pulling her hand out of my grasp. "I was having a conversation!?"

"Oh, this is not happening," I said as I walked to the back of the building. She followed me and we both climbed to the roof, it was empty like I would have guessed.

"What's not? What's your fucking problem Billie joe?"

"My problem is that guy!"

"He's a nice guy!" She shouted. "He was being nice and sweet to me!"

"Yeah so he can get you in his fucking bed," I say rolling my eyes.

"Are you serious?"

"Well seemed to me as if you were flirting," I add.

"So what if we were!? Is that a need for you to get jealous like you are?"

"Oh my god!" I said putting my hands through my hair and looking up at the sky. Taking a moment.

"What? What's the problem cause I can't see why you're so fucking annoyed." She growled, stood with her arms crossed.

"My problem is the fact that I've been making moves and flirting with you for weeks now! I have been since I saw you on the roof, and nothing between us has happened but some sleazy guy just shows up and you're ready to get in bed with him!?"

Marsha P.O.V

I swear I could feel my blood boiling. I felt so angry towards Billie.

"I was not ready to get in bed with him! I still don't understand why you're so angry!"

"Because I'm in fucking love with you Marsha! As soon as I see someone getting close to you, I get jealous! And I've been trying my hardest to let you know that but then suddenly this guy shows up and I'm looking for you to find out you're with some guy who just seems off to me!"

He-he's ... in love. With me? I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

"You're... in love.... with... me?" I asked him. Slowly pointing at myself and lowering my voice a ton.

"Yes Marsha! I've been in love with you since...," he lowered his voice and looked at me. "Since I saw you on the roof."

"But for me? Why?" I asked, confused. But I was screaming on the inside.

"I don't know!" He stressed running his hands through his hair again. "It must have been the way you laughed or looked at me- or something! And I just- I knew I wanted that in my life. It's just suddenly before I even knew it, you were everything I cared about. It's the way every time I ask you what you're thinking you accidentally tell me what you really are thinking, the way you're so brutally honest with everyone, the way you tease me without even meaning to, the way your eyes look, even right now. Like there's fucking demons in your eyes recklessly lighting up matches. I've never seen Sparks so memorable and pretty. I fell in love with you for the million things you never even realised you were doing." He said. Standing still and looking at me. "And I know this is going to sound fucking stupid but loving you feels like some sort of self-destruction when I'm supposed to hide it away from you or act like the feelings aren't there. You just memorise me."

"Billie I-" I said standing closer to him, but he only cut me off.

"-I know it's a stupid time to tell you this. And I know I've just sort of blew it up at you, but I can't keep it to myself anymore. It's your fault!" He laughs. "For being so fucking memorising and perfect! I guess I've just been needing someone like you to come around and show me not to be such an ass with girls. But now I really do need you. Not in the ways to survive, but in the ways that make like worth more interesting." He finished.

I was on the edge of tears, I wasn't expecting so much to come out at once. But I was overwhelmed and so happy at the same time it confused my mind. I walked closer to him again.

"I love you too," I whispered, placing my hands on his shoulders "you're one of a kind Billie joe, I'm lucky to of every come across and find someone like you. There's just something about you I'm scared to lose because I know I won't find it anywhere else. And I love that I won't find another person like you, I love you not just for what you are, but for what I am with you. And I'm not as good with words as you are, and I wish I could explain how your eyes, and how the sound of your voice gives me butterflies. How your smile makes my heart skip a beat and what I have with you, I don't want with anyone else. I know I'm not good with these words. And if I knew how to show it to you I would-"

He cut me off. "Kiss me then."


"If you don't know how to tell me, although I think you did a great job. Just kiss me." He smiled.

So I did. I connected my lips with him, and it just felt so right. The way he moved his in rhythm with mine. The warmth of them despite stood on a rooftop in the cold. His arms wrapped around me like I was the last thing on this earth. I couldn't have asked for anything more.

The best feeling in the world is kissing someone for the first time when you've really wanted to kiss them for a long time, and I now know that.

We broke apart. As he looked at me. His eyes stole all my words.

Billies P.O.V

She looked me into my eyes. And she had fucking kissed me.

Her eyes smiled at mine and at that moment my heart stopped. Time stood still as a warm feeling filled my soul, and I saw forever in them.

But we didn't say anything. We didn't need to, we just smiled. And now it was the fact that the relationship between me and her would-be amazingly different. Although none of us had said it, we knew.

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