[34] oh my god

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I'm just warning you guys now, this is gonna be one big chapter. Imma fit like two mother fuckers in this bitch. Probably something like over five thousand words... I don't know if that's a lot for you guys but most of my chapters are only a thousand. Maybe two or three if I'm feeling it lmao.

I sat on a chair next to Mike's hospital bed, it was just me and him. I didn't really have a lot of moments of just me and Mike to be honest. Which completely sucks. Billie and Tre were at their houses. I was going to be seeing Billie later on anyway.

Mike had been in the hospital for a couple of days now, and I and Tre had visited him daily. Sometimes Tre would ring me up when he was bored and asked if I fancied making a second trip. Which I would always say yes to. But it felt like you sort of had to drag Billie here, he was still angry at Mike and I could tell. I mean it was obvious, Mike and Tre could see it.

"He's just seemed off with me since I've been in this place," Mike sighed hopelessly looking over at me. I tried to smile at him. "He's really angry at me, I can feel the tension when he walks into the room, he only doesn't say anything about it because he doesn't want to anger you."

"I know it sucks when Billies angry at you. Because when he's angry he's really scary. But he's only angry because he cares. Billie only ever gets angry at me because he cares. But he was really worried about you. You should have seen how fast he got off me when he heard something was going on with you I-" Mike cut me off wide-eyed.

"-got off you?"

"Erm, anyway! Moving on," I said nervously brushing that conversation away. "Once we got into your room. He liked... He dived over to you. And he was really worried. And in the waiting room, it was horrible. Tre was sitting still and Billie wouldn't sit down." I laughed as he joined in. Which made me kinda feel better. "He's just scared to lose you. That's all." I shrugged.

Mike nodded understandingly. "I just hope he doesn't stay angry at me forever."

"He won't, you both are like brothers."

"Yeah..." suddenly the door into Mike's hospital room was opened before I turned around.

"Hey dudes." Tre smiled rushing to a seat. It was just Tre, No Billie by his side. But what can I say, I wasn't even surprised at this point.

"Hey Tre." We both greeted warmly.

"Where's... where's Billie?" I asked him. Although I wasn't surprised, he had said he would come today. But he obviously hadn't.

"He said that he's got to help his mom with something or whatever today, so he would come to stop by tomorrow on his own," Tre told me.

Help his mom? Is he serious, he's got to be lying.

"Ah, that's okay." Mike shrugged.

"Seen any hot women yet Mike?" Tre elbowed him.

"Tre this is a hospital, not high school," Mike said looking over at him half confused and half laughing.

"Well yeah but-"

"-I mean my nurse is pretty hot." Mike shrugged.

"I'm gonna go guys. I'll see you tomorrow if I can." I said to Mike as I got up and grabbed my phone. They both nodded and said goodbye as they finished off their own conversation.

I left the hospital and caught the bus back since I didn't exactly drive here.

Getting off the bus round Billies house, I wanted to see if he was helping his mom or if he had just lied because he was still angry at Mike. So I went over to his house and knocked on his door sort of pissed off, Mike's his friend?

A fire burns today // Billie joe fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now