Ch:2 Another Morning

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(Lea's P.O.V)

As I made my way out of the house in a rush, thoughts of last night when she had come to meet me and inform me, made me feel a bit uneasy. I knew that Scarlet's arrival and our meeting meant that the coming few day--or weeks-- or even months were gonna be very eventful. And not in a good sense. But I couldn't really do anything except for go along. And, well, what my agreement and duty stated.

Sad. I sighed.

If I wanted to make my stop at Starbucks, I had to hurry up.

What? Its called Time management? Anyone?

In around 8 minutes I was at my destination. Opening the door, the similar smell of coffee hit me and I inhaled deeply. I quickly ordered and went to a table. I always loved the Homely feeling here at Starbucks.

After making myself comfortable with my coffee cup at my side, I took out my laptop to do some work and pretty much dissolved myself in it.

Yes, I did have a laptop......for only study purposes or for fun after begging for hours (I am over exaggerating a bit maybe). So it's pretty much like it doesn't exist.

I leaned back in my seat after closing my laptop and my eyes fell at the big clock which.....gave me heart attack. Why?

It's actually really funny you

IT WAS 7 MINUTES TO 8:30!!!!!

Does that reason seem reasonable enough?!

I was out in a jiffy and picked up my coffee.

'You should drink it' Nikita reasoned.

'Later!' I shut her off with that and raised my wristwatch to see the time frantically. And just then I ran into someone......ugh....I was literally FLYING!

How funny? I was flying.....towards the ground!

In other words I had absolutely no control. 


This is the moment of absolute humiliation for the protagonist where she gives a display of her pathetic skills and lands on the ground face first then simply drowns in her own cup of coffee which she conveniently had chosen not to drink. Yeah, that's what I can see as my bright future.

It was nice living in a humiliation free world.

Goodbye, oh beautiful world! This is the ultimate end! Damsel in distress style.

'You're being melodramatic.' Nikita gave me a blank stare.

Ignore her. She's emotionless.

But frankly, I'm never gonna live this down. And let's go ahead with ignoring whoever my knight in shining Armour will be. I will not see you or your shining Armour.

Or I'll turn blind. Ha.

Because let's face it, there has to be some knight for me too.

This is the pathetic story of my life. I tightly shut my eyes and hoped the best for the impact to come. Of course, as I predicted, it never came.

So. Damned. Cliche.


(Sam's P.O.V)

She hit my shoulder and we twisted as I saw her lose her balance. Like any sane person, I grabbed her wrist and.......

Damn was she heavy! But not enough for me to not hold onto. She was a few feet away from hitting the ground.

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