Ch:15 Our Discussion

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(Sam's P.O.V)


My attention immediately turned to where the sound came from and I gazed into chocolate brown eyes that seemed to have widened for a split second before returning to their normal state.

I narrowed my eyes and quickly jogged over towards Lea after covering up the distance of some 20 feet between us.

She looked at me and slightly gulped. I won't lie: All I was thinking about was if she saw our conversation. If she did, well, I'm done. But....if she didn't then I guess I still have a chance and anyways it's not like she doesn't have her own secrets!

'And surprisingly, you seemed to have done a PHD in that department yourself!' Brain, as usual, mocked me.

"What are you doing here?"

Oops. It came out a bit more harsh than I had intended for it to be. But, oh well.

"Um......actually, I came to talk. To you." She suddenly said with a certain intimacy.

I squinted my eye at her but then slightly nodded.

"Come on."

I gestured for her to come and sit with Me at a bench there.

Whatever it was, it sent a wave of anxiousness over me even though it shouldn't be that way. The last few days had, no doubt, been hectic and tiring and suspicious and confusing. God knows.

We both took a seat and sat at a fair distance. Not a lot but not so close either.

I swiftly turned to face her as she let out a breath and lockd eyes with me. For once, I felt like just diving into that chocolate brown pool that were Lea's eyes.

"Look, Sam." She started to explain, "There are some things we need to clear up."

'I really like the sound of this!'

And I'm sure that remark makes it clear how much this is not gonna be something I really want to hear. Definitely not. I only nodded as a part of me wished it had nothing to do with what just went down between me and- well, better not mention him.

"Okay, so first things first. I-um-Louis told me so-something."

Did she just stutter!?!?!? Lea Olsen Summers does not stutter!

"Alright, what the hell of a made up story did he feed you?"

I asked her blankly and tiredly. I was in no mood to show much anger or frustration. But I knew that it was showing by the way I had first spoken to her and it would keep up like that no matter how much I wouldn't want it to.

She looked away, breaking the eye contact I had begun enjoying, and gulped visibly.

"He said that when the closet...kissed......something like that."

She hurriedly ended and had a very devastated look on her face. She nervously fidgeted with her shirt hem and bit her lip.

I sighed. That guy!

"Nothing happened. Do you think I would let him?" I snickered.

"Well, you weren't in there either so...."

She retorted rather bitterly but I understood. Anyone would feel like that.

I exhaled through my nose and looked off in the distance.

"I'm telling you, nothing happened. Don't worry, Lea."

She opened her mouth to say something but I beat her to it.

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