Ch:30 Going Bonkers

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(Lea's P.O.V)

This person knew I would go to Luke's locker! Then they must also know who I am and possibly who Luke is too! But they're from the Red Blade for god's sake! And they're going to the same freaking school as me!

Clearly, I have moles hot on my trail. Which, if I do say so myself, is extremely bad.

All my plans will be spoiled if this is going to be the case and I'll probably die. Okay, that might be a bit far-fetched......but still!!

I turned the shell in my palms anxiously.

The next thought that sent my brain into a frenzy was the question of Who?
Above all, the question bugging me non-stop was who it could be. 

Was it someone I knew?

Someone I've already met?

Someone who remains unnoticed always?

Could it be my stalker by any chance? 

I stopped for a second before discarding the possibility as soon as it popped into my head.

It can't be him. I've seen his form and somewhat, appearance. And he definitely does not seem to be in high school. He was for sure a 20 year old at least. And on top of that it'd be a big risk on his part to join the school when I partially have an idea of his appearance and aura. One I have a feeling he wouldn't take.

But then again, there's no saying as to what extent these people will go to keep me from.........doing something they don't want me to. Which has to be me getting the access code.

A code that the CIA cyber specialists and best code breakers couldn't break because it was designed in an exceptional way which got them to the point where they couldn't open the files without the access codes.

I grumbled in irritation.

It could also be Victoria. The stakes were high.

And I have a tons of reasons to think she's the culprit because I mean, since day one, we've hated each other. We've been on each other's bad side and she's one of those people who can go to any limits for revenge as I've already experienced to a certain uncomfortable extent.

She's popular. So a very good cover-in-plain-sight. Somewhere one wouldn't think of looking.

Plain sight. I rub my temple in concentration and frustration.
But that's exactly what's bothering me. That's a very good throw off.

If the person isn't Victoria but someone else, then making me focus on the fact that it could be Victoria would be the best move on their part. Almost everyone in school knows our hatred for each other and that she'd be my top most suspect. Making it easier for them to camouflage and get me entirely thrown off from the truth.

Then again, it could be anyone in the whole school. Could be Chris, Lisa, Mike or...

Since the day I walked in, I had a strange feeling about her. But the same applies to Victoria.

Although Maggie has been a friend, that's the art of spies. And if I remember correctly, she's older to us by a year or so and just transferred last year or around that which should raise doubts like its raising now. She's someone close so a chance of her being a mole is a lot.

I'm doing the same so I know. She could be someone working for the other sides or worse, The Red Blade. Here to take me down or keep an eye on me or prevent me from succeeding in my assigned mission.

Trying to fit in and gaining trust of those around you can be beneficial.

That's exactly what I'm doing.

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