Ch:38 So We Move

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(Lea's P.O.V)

I let the last of the firemen pass and then looked at my ruined room.

It was burnt to the ground and except my school bag which contained almost all my books and a few articles of clothing, nothing else was saved.

By the time Luke and I had rushed back here, too much damage was already done and it was as clear as day to me that this was no accident. But the cover up was electrical faulting. Of course.

I bit my lip and smiled slightly as Lisa and Maggie hurried to my side. Luke had left, saying he had stuff to attend to. I wasn't gonna stop him or question our little impromptu trip that sent butterflies fluttering in my stomach for some reason.

"You okay?" Lisa asked and Maggie put a hand on my shoulder.

I nodded and sighed, "Yup." I looked at the girls, "Now I just gotta find another room to stay in. The Dean said he'll look into it and all but for now I really need a room. That was the only empty one and its burned to the ground." I sighed and glanced at the Dean who was talking to our warden.

"Oh my. Seriously?" Maggie gaped and I shrugged again. I was honestly just too tired. Whoever started this fire wouldn't be getting caught anytime soon and that I knew. I just wanted mid-terms to finish and my mission to be wrapped up as quickly as possible now.

Death threats, as you might've learnt, weren't quite my favorite.

My mini cameras in the room wouldn't be functional. If they weren't a victim to the fire, then the smoke would've done the job and if not even that? The firemen made sure they wouldn't be in any working state. I sighed heavily and rubbed my temple.

This was no accident, more like a warning for me to back off.

Mom and Dad had called when they heard and were just as keen on the idea of me returning back home very soon. Well, that was easier said than done. I assured them I was fine and then after persuading me without much persuasion to spend the weekend after mid-terms back home, they hung up.

I hadn't told my friends about the fire but oh well. I'd talk to them later.

"Hey, I have an idea. How bout you move in with us? It won't be long but just for the exams. I mean they start the day after tomorrow and you'll need to be fresh and focused." Maggie suggested, giving me a curious look. I glanced at Lisa and she smiled, nodding along with Maggie's suggestion. I shrugged.

Looking at them I smiled softly, "Thanks guys. I think I'll talk it out with the Dean."

It was a good idea. Right now being in a random person's room wouldn't be a good idea in this foreign place.
At least, I knew these two girls just fine.

Besides Maggie having a good point regarding exams, I honestly as a normal girl wanted the experience of sharing a dorm room even if it was shortly.

I'd try learning who the fire starter was, who tried running me over, who my savior stalker was and just--

'So much to do, Lea. So much to do.' Nikita sighed.


"Okay! That's all so..." I lifted my shoulders and Lisa smiled warmly.

"Welcome to our room, Roomie."

I laughed and tried forgetting about the events.

We talked and the Dean shared the same opinions as me and the girls so he ordered one more bed to be moved into Lisa and Maggie's room and gave me permission to sleep there till they worked things out and it was apparently 'better if you don't sleep alone.'

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