Ch:10 I Was Sooo Stupid....

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(Lea's P.O.V)

I groaned and rubbed my temples as the sunlight flooded into my room and forced me to wake up from my deep slumber.

Sometimes, I really wonder why Sleeping Beauty was so stupid as to she wanted to wake up from her eternal sleep. I mean, come on girl! You're getting to sleep as much as you want and more and you want to wake up the extra cheesy style by the kiss of a stupid egoistic prince! Plus if you would be able to sleep forever then you'd be extra-pretty sleeping beauty cause unlike me and all the unfortunate souls of this era who have to attend school for which they have to wake up early, you never had to sacrifice your beauty sleep.

But then again, even if I did get to sleep, I couldn't really look beautiful. I'd still be able to execute my zombie dead look perfectly. can they be so blind.

Whoa, I'm surprised I can even still think!

The mornings always are the worst.

With the minor migraine drumming in my head, I woke up begrudgingly and trudged to the bathroom. With a fuzzy memory of last night and not focusing on trying to remember either, I did my daily routine. I mean what's going to be the use of it?

Okay. So yes, I do have flashes. And yes, I might remember a bit.

Like me playing 7 minutes in heaven.

Or me holding hands...with Sam.

Or me and Sam having stared at each other REALLY weird last night.

Or me giggling. Bleh...I mentally gagged.

Tell me, huh? What's the use? I don't wanna think about it in fact.

Everyone will be talking about it and their talks will probably wake me up. Refresh my memory, you know? Detailed version.

Seriously. Any hot topics are like honey. The students are obviously the bees and bears and humans.

It's an insult to the bees actually. Poor them.

I quickly took a pill for my headache and gulped it down with water. At least it'll keep me migraine-free for sometime.

Making it through the school day shouldn't be the problem. It isn't.

It's Sam.

I sighed and tied my pony tail after my quick shower. I looked like a zombie. And since I don't apply make up, I'd have to go with that. At least it might scare some people off and save me some time, energy and brains.

Trying to be optimistic, I skipped breakfast since I didn't feel like eating anything.

It would surely bother me in the second period when my empty stomach will start growling but well, who cares?

'Technically, you do...?'

'Ah.......right. I do actually.'

I nodded at Nikita who shrugged.


"You really don't?"

I shook my head. She sighed.

I then turned to her, confusedly.

"I thought you would surely know something." I asked Emma who looked a bit upset.

"Or at least Demi would." I muttered to myself but Emma's sharp ear caught them.

"Well....she isn't really known for her memory so....."

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