Ch:32 Well, This is Unsettleling

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(Lea's P.O.V)

I ran a scrutinizing gaze over myself in the mirror in my room.

So sad. I'm checking my own self out. I sighed.

I had picked a simple light blue sleeveless tee and black yoga pants to wear. They actually looked pretty good and hugged my curves in the right places.

Oh, gods...I'm acting and dressing up like this is some date.

'I think it is.'

My heart skipped a beat at the prospect before I shook my head free of these imaginary dreams.

I quickly knotted a white and red checkered shirt around my waist. For both decency and style's sake.

I exhaled another nervous breath. With everything that had been happening, I was surprised it seemed liked today I could be the most carefree I had been in a long time. I was, of course, excited...for the hiking trip with Sam today.

And nervous too.

I was being really very conscious and I have no idea why.

Okay, yes I do.

I scowled at my reflection in the mirror, quickly tied my hair back in a French braid for today because if it would be in a ponytail, my hair would would get sweaty and stuck. And that is something I find really irrelevant and irritating.

I grabbed my keys, phone and bracelet then quickly tied my hiking shoe laces with a grin. At last, I dumped my water bottle into my hiking duffel bag with a few sandwiches and slung it over my shoulder.

I was starting to feel like I used to whenever me and Sam used to do such stuff back in the day. We used to spend a lot of our free time together.

And boy, were we sly. My grin broadened at the memory and I locked my dorm room before checking out the time.

8:53 AM.

Well, 7 more minutes to go. The reference reminded me instantly of the party where I had gotten drunk and played 7 minutes in heaven. That seems like a distant memory now.

It had hardly been a month since then though. I was in an alien environment with a target on my back and this was what I was worrying about. It almost made me laugh to think of.

As I made my way downstairs, Lisa's voice startled me.

"Going somewhere?" She asked suggestively wiggling her eyebrows. I turned around and rolled my eyes but I couldn't help but smile.

"Yeah. Hiking."

She leaned against her door frame with her arms crossed and a fuzzy blue tank and pajama. She looked cute. I made my way towards her and grinned.

"Up so early?"

"Yeah....midterms are coming so I was studying all night." She heaved a tired sigh and I nodded.

Next week I was going to die under pressure.

That's why I'm living my last breaths today. Yes, it's the truth. You can visit my grave too. Bring chocolates and raspberry truffles please.

Oh and Nerds too! And a Starbucks coffee and--

"So who's the lucky guy?" Lisa asked timidly.

I rolled my eyes. "My...friend Sam?"

Yep, still dunno where our relationship stands but at least its improving.



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