Ch:41 Finally

175 21 24

(Sam's P.O.V)

24 hours.

24 hours and 17 minutes, 4 seconds.

I tapped my foot still impatiently as I sat on the chair besides Lea's bed.

She hadn't gained consciousness in such a long time and I was feeling more anxious than I had been.....well, I don't know. When mom died? When I heard dad died?

I gulped as I stared at the immobile girl on the bed with her brown hair fanning the pillow. Her head was bandaged, she had a concussion, two broken ribs thanks to the punches she'd received. A broken wrist, bruised shoulder, bruised cheek. I wanted to kill the guys who had hurt her.

Clenching my jaw tightly, I stared at her as she shifted uncomfortably even in her sleeping sate. But despite the anger and the confusion, there was the fear overpowering me.

The fear of losing her.

Gulping, I ran a hand through my hair, still keeping an eye on the girl restlessly sleeping in my bed.

I take pride in saying I haven't brought one girl to my room before and never this bed. This room held memories with Lea and no other girl could make me feel the way she did just by her mere presence. I might have a reputation of a bit of a player but most of those were just flying rumors.

When I'd come to the party at the warehouse today so I could let loose a bit considering I hadn't been able to contact Lea, I wasn't expecting to hear a female scream in a voice all to familiar to me.

It had just been hours after school but night was approaching and nobody could get a hold of her. Lea always picks up her phone or stays in contact so this scared me. It doesn't take a genius to think up of the worst case scenarios either.

And when just to sate my curiosity, I ended up going into the basement, I found the girl I cared too much for in such a horrible state that I lashed out.

I lashed out in anger - boiling hot - bad enough to have punched Allen off her and when my eyes finally landed on her, the rage was replaced by panic and fear. When I realized he was about to sexually harass her, I found myself seeing red but getting her to safety was better.

In the past one day, I'd hardly left her side, waiting for her to open her eyes and gaze at me with the chocolate brown orbs I was so used to.

I'd talked to Allen about what this was and when he told me it was Sebastian's doing as Lea was a mole: an agent working for the CIA.

I made sure to send him to Luke so he could deal with it. I know he was worried about Lea too, no matter how much I hated that fact.

But...but I cared far too much for her. Way to go hating someone. After we sorta reconciled, I know we stepped over the friendship threshold and it was a mutual effort. Things changed and...and a romantic outlook on things happened. I don't know, man. I'm confused, and I'm fucking scared of acknowledging what I feel for her.

It's something stronger.

It's not just affection anymore.

It's something overwhelming.

In the time I'd just been staring at her like a creep, the possible explanation ran through my head on repeat. I was just as curious as to why she was there as I know she would be as to why I was there.

A CIA agent, huh?

'That does explain things though. Her sudden disappearances, the threats, her not being there...on that day...' Brain was quiet.

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