Angry boys and jellyfish

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"I'm not traveling with that whiney bitch" I say and Lin rolls his eyes

"Language" he mutters and I chuckle "anyways I'm just the messenger! The spirits say 'to bring peace the girl must travel with the prince'" Lin mimics the spirits and I laugh. He smile at me and I sigh

"Why?" I ask not understanding 

"The prince will be the next ruler for the fire nation, without a proper guide he might become like his father. He is not grounded, he can be pushed and molded into whatever his advisors wish. He must learn to stand his ground. He needs to become the fire lord that the world needs to rebuild the nation after the fall of his father" Lin explains and I huff

"So I need to beat him into shape?" I ask and Lin chuckles 

"Just be his friend. Dont think I didnt see you flirting with him" Lin jokes and I roll my eyes 

"Well then you must have seen my little meet up with June" 

"That was- it doesnt... never mind" He says and I laugh. He looks down at me sadly and I know its time to go.  

"I don't want to leave you" I say and Lin looks at me sadly.

"I'm sorry for leaving" he says and I shake my head

"I know why you left Lin, I left myself, dying was never part of the plan though" I say raising my eyebrows and Lin shrugs

"You know me, I go with the flow"

"You turned to ash" I say dryly and his smile drops.

"I'm sorry-"

"No, It's fine" I say and hug him "I guess it's time to go?" I ask and he nods.

"Wait" he says and I look at him confused. He leans down and kisses my forehead. I look at him weirdly and he smiles handing me a mirror. There is now a strip of white hair under a layer of my hair, only visible if I want it to show. 

"Did you just age me?" I ask and Lin rolls his eyes.

"It's a blessing from the spirits, they like you for some reason" He say shrugging 

"Whats not to like" I smile and hug him again. I feel a tear fall down my cheek and I look up to see that he is also crying.

"I love you" I say

"I love you more" he says before I feel myself coming back to my body. I gasp and take my hand out of the water. I look around and notice that the room is empty, but by the ice on the wall and the burnt grass I can tell there was a fight here. I get up and look around when I see Katara laying on the grass to my left. I run over to her and kneel by her side.

"Katara!" I call out to her but she doesn't respond "Katara!" I call out again and she steers. She slowly opens her eyes and sits up abruptly. I move my head back so she doesn't head mine.

"Aang! And you! You weren't moving!" She says all at one and I try to calm her down.

"Relax! I'm fine I was in the spirit world! Where is Aang?" I ask  and Katara looks at me weirdly before sitting up completely.

"Zuko has him!" She says

"Yeah about that-" I start but Sokka and Yue show up on Appa.

"Sokka! We have to find Aang!" Katara says and I watch as Sokkas eyes widen. 

"Come on! Get on Appa!" He says and we get onto Appas saddle, and start searching for him. 

"What are you doing out of the healing room?" Sokka asks and I grin

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