Chapter 2

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I was in my bedroom, reading, when a Patronus of a stag appeared in front of me, butting me gently with its horns. Snape wouldn't be home for another two hours, and I was quite curious about who the owner of this Patronus may be, so I followed it out of the house.
I arrived at a playground, the stag following me as I inspected the grounds, but disappeared in a wisp of smoke as I neared the play structure, and what I found horrified me.
On the ground, under the slide, was Potter, bruised and bloodied, his glasses broken and his face covered with cuts. I wasn't sure what I was expecting when the patronus of a stag appeared in my room an hour ago but when the stag stopped at the owner of the patronus my heart dropped. Potter was on the ground under the slide and he was covered in blood and bruises. As I ran to his side I said to him " I don't know what happened to you but im sending word to snape and we are going to get you to a safe space" it was the strangest thing I think i said what i did because last week when snape saved me and my father from my mother that is what he told me. Harry sent out a patronus but he was unable to talk so I sent one to Snape telling him where we were. Even though Potter and I are mortal enemies, I couldn't leave him here to die because his patronus came to me.

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