Chapter 29

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"Hey cutie let me try.'' I say pushing pansy out of the way. "Hey kitten can you stay still for me?'' I say, putting Harry's dummy in his mouth. "Mky netswin.'' Harry says around his dummy. "Thank you kitten." i say as i finnish putting his nappy on. "Hey honey how did you do that?" "blaise you are not calling me honey." "i will let you call me sweetie.'' Blaise tells me to kiss my cheek. "Ok sweety i just gave him his dummy and asked him to stay still in my daddy voice." I explain as I put a cute little onesie that had the Slytherin crest on it. "Draco last name we will decide later, you still have the mind of a homosexual." "probably because i am a ace homosexual." "whats ace mean?" "an ace of acesexual means you have no sexual attraction you can like someone romantically but you don't desire sex.'' I will explain. "Are we all acesexuals?" "yes cutie we are all acesexuals." "honey can i hold harry?" blaise asks me. "Sure sweety.'' I responded. "Hi kitten how are we today?" blaise asks in a little voice. "Sup kids ready to meet your new family ?" "Yes, Fred, we are ready."  "cutie how do you tell the twins apart?"  "Well Draco Fred is taller and George is the one who has shorter hair and George is wearing a jumper with the letter G on it." "hi you must be the new kids, what are your names and who is your little?" one of the hufflepuff kids asks. " My name is Pansy, I might change my last name, I am a Slytherin, My little is Harry Potter, And the other people taking care of my little are Draco and Blaise." "Hi Pansy, Draco, and Blaise, my name is jayden but you can call me jay, my little is miranda jones." "we have an hour before we go down to dinner so ask us questions."
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~no pov just question and answers~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Will our little alwayse be like a baby?" pansy asks
"No there is something called big headspace and little headspace, because we are not muggles when the mind is in little space the body will reflect the age that the mind is in, when in big headspace the body will be in its normal body."
"Which day is the hardest day?" This question came from draco.
"The first day is always the hardest because the little will resist slipping into little space."
Blaise then asks "what is the biggest achievement?"
"When your little calls you mommy, daddy, or whatever you want your little to call you."
"What is the best punishment?" draco asks.
"We like to make it a habit to not use physical punishments because some of the littles have been abused."
"Ok, where do we eat?" from blaise
"You, the boys, and your little will eat with your group at your table."
"What time do we go to bed?" This is from draco.
"We all put the littles to bed in here at 8:30, and then we bring them to their beds."
"Will we resume classes as usual?" pansy asks
"Sort of. We have a schedule where you will go to classes where we go on certain days and on others we take care of all the littles with the caregivers who aren't in class."
"Does our little one have to wear a nappy when they are in a big headspace?" blaise asks.
"Yes they have to wear a nappy the whole time."
"If your little was an animagus before classification are they still one after?" Draco asks.
"They are a younger version of the animal when in little space." The hufflepuff said. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
The voice of a female said "littles a caregivers please go to the great hall for dinner." Harry, who was napping in Draco's arms, woke up and started fussing. "Here you take the kitten." Draco said, handing Harry to me. "Come here kitten come to mommy." "mommy mommy mommy." Harry started yelling when I mentioned myself. "That's right come to mommy." I said trying to hide a smile because Harry had just called me mommy. "Let's go eat kitten." Blaise said, taking Harry from me. "Dabby." Yes, I'm daddy.'' Blaise said, smiling. "No fair he is calling you mommy and daddy what am I." Draco asks. "Give it time you have barely spent time with him." I said to Draco as we followed the twins whose little was in a big headspace. "Harry baby we are going to eat dinner ok." "din din." Harry said. "You four will go with the Slytherin group and we have another highchair set up for harry." Fred said. "The gryffindors will be surprised and my brother might go a little wacko." George said. As we walk in, Harry gets scared and buries his head in my robes. "Mommy, I'm scared." "harry it's ok to be scared we will get through this together." "what do you think you are doing with harry?" Wesley said to me. "Ronnie stayed out of their faces." Fred said to his brother. "Who are you defending these snakes?" ron said with a look of disgust. "They happen to need help and we are offering them help." George said, pushing his brother out of the way. "Let's go eat kittens. I bet you're hungry." I say , pushing past the red haired boy in front of me. "Din din." Harry said, looking happy at the mention of food. "Harry don't you want to eat with us." "no I eat with mommy, dabby, and pappa at the green table." "draco he called you pappa." I told draco. "Ron bloody hell leave them alone." Hermione said, smacking Ron with a book on the back of his head."What was that for?" Ron almost yelled "you are now bullying other students and I will not stand for Ronald." Hermione said, positioning the book to hit him again. "Fine let's go." Rom said in an annoyed tone. "We sit over here and here is a high chair for your little." One of the older Slytherins said pointing to a small round table with high chairs and normal chairs around each high chair. "Harry we have to leave the twins so we can eat." Draco said to the little hiding in Fred's robes. "Fed comes with ee." The little said trying to get behind Fred. "I guess it won't hurt to sit with you tonight if lee is ok with it." George said as he woke up his little. "Let's just go eat because we have to put the littles down soon." Blaise said as he took Harry from Fred.
"Hi kitten we are going to go eat dinner now, ok?" "Dabby." Harry said reaching for me as I put him in his high chair. "Harry please stay still so I can strap you in your chair so we can eat." I say starting to get annoyed at the stubbornness of this kid. "Oo no weave hawwy." "I'm not going to leave you Harry, we are staying with you." "Otay." The little said.

Little snakes (harry potter fanfic)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें