Chapter 35

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"Don't think I won't tell your father.'' Marcus says to me. I freeze and shrink to the floor. "Fuck MARCUS GET OUT RIGHT NOW." Pansy said, "look what you did he can't fucking breathe." Pansy said as she bent down and started rubbing my back. "Come on Draco lets get you on the bed." pansy said guiding me to the bed and sitting me down. "Hands' ' she took my hands and held them. "Fuck fuck fuck pansy i can't breath i can't breathe." i said because i was freaking out. "I know draco just try to breathe, don't pull your hands away from me." pansy said tightening her grip on my hands. "Blaise go get  draco's meds bag which is bright green." Pansy said as she hugged me, still holding my hands. "Ok I have the med bag, Merlin's beard, this is hectic." blaise said as he opened my meds bag. "Do you know what a muggle inhaler is." "no but i'm assuming it is the one that looks like an L." yes it's that one, please give me that one and then take Draco's hands and do not let go at all because if he has the chance there might be blood." Pansy said as blaise put his hands over hers. "Ok Draco before Blaise takes full control of both of your hands one of your hands will be let go so you can use your inhale and nothing else, ok?" pansy asks. "Why why why why.'' I started mumbling. "Draco Zabani, you will use your inhaler and do nothing else." pansy said in a voice that is strict but not too strict because she knows how to deal with this.
"Ok Blaise you will take full control of his right hand and hold his left hand but let him move so he can use his inhaler." I instruct Blaise as I let go of Draco's hands. Draco uses his inhaler and drops it on the bed next to him. I pick up the inhaler and start organizing Draco's meds bag. SLAM, "shit pansy draco just escaped and i think i need ice and a faw bandaids." blaise said. "You fucking let him escape, Blaise we need to find him now before he hurts himself. Wait how long or sharp are his nails?" I ask. "Long enough to do this." Blaise said, showing me his right wrist. "He did this right after you turned around." Blaise said, starting to freak out. "Calm down go alert the twins and everyone tells Marcus to stay in his room and if he sees Draco leave him alone. Also tell all of the professors." I was walking out the room with Draco's med bag because he probably needs something in it. "Is draco ok, he just ran out with a really bloody arm and he was crying." Fred asked, really worried. "That blood probably wasn't his but it might be." blaise said looking around. "Ok Draco is having a massage panic attack which was caused by Marcus Flint, so tell him to stay in his room. Please ask the teachers to send everyone to their common rooms because draco is now a safety hazard to himself and others. I need you two to come look for him with me." i said as we climbed out of the picture frame. "Merlin's beard, come get your little, he is our responsibility." Marcus said, trying to give Harry to me. "Marcus Flint, Draco is in a panic attack that you started so go stay in your room with harry and do not come out until one of us says so." I nearly screamed because we needed to go. "You can't talk to me like that. I am older than you and have more power." Marcus snears. Predicting my next move, George takes harry. I take Marcus's color and slam him against the wall. "Listen here you had no right to barge into our room and mention Draco's father. So if you want to survive i suggest you keep your mouth shut and do what i tell you. OK?" I yelled at him. "You little bitch get your hands off of me right now." "you really have a death wish, and don't care that I don't mind going to azkaban." i say raising my wand only to find that blaise has my wand. "You're not going to Azkaban yet we have to find Draco." blaise replies to my death stare.
As we leave to go find Draco, a scared looking slytherin first year. " um um draco is in the library and he is like throwing books and chairs and tables at everyone." the first year sobbed. "Thank you so much now please go to your common room and stay there. "Pansy he is in the library throwing things at people." I say to pansy. "That's where we go." pansy said putting her hand out for her wand. "No" i say.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~skip to the library.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
As we run into the library I see Draco pick up a book and throw it at a random hufflepuff. Pansy runs up behind Draco and restrains him. "Blaise hand me his inhaler." pansy screams as draco struggles to get free. "Ok here." I say walking up to them. "Blaise you idiot, I can't let go of him." pansy yells at me. "How are you holding him? He is really strong." i yall over Draco's screaming. "This isn't the only time i've done this." pansy yells. "Hey guys what did i miss i like can't be a little anymore marcus is scary." Harry said, running in. "harry thank god you're here." pansy said as Harry stepped behind her. "Ok on three you let go ok. One, Two, THREE." Harry said as pansy let go and Harry took a stronger hold. "Hey dragon, it's ok, come on, let's sit down." Harry coaxed the yelling boy in his arms. When Draco refuses, Harry forces Draco to the ground, straddling him and holding his arms out like a cross. "Now" Harry yells and pansy somehow manages to get Draco to use his inhaler. "Blaise go get my dad and tell him that Draco is having one of the worst attacks." Harry yells. "Ok I'm going where he is." i ask "go in the potions room look under his desk and there will be two buttons stating your name and reason for needed entry and then push the one that lights up." Harry yells back. "Ok thanks kitten." I yell back as I run out of the library. As I'm running I realize that I'm going to the potions room. Harry lives with snape? I think. I reach the potions room and look under the desk. "Blaise Zabani, Draco is having a really bad panic attack." i say and then instead of a button lighting up snape immediately came out wearing a red quidditch jersey that said james potter, and pajama pants. "Where are they?" he asks, terrified. "Library harry is holding draco down now." I say as we rush to the door. "May I  ask why you are wearing your mortal enemy's old quidditch jersey.'' I am really nervous. "Once upon a time i was really really good friends with a little girl named lily evans who became lily potter and she left this shirt with a note telling me to look after a baby named harry, but i was too late." snape said with a smile teasing his face. "Does that mean you knew petunia?" I ask. "Yes I know Petunia is someone who is easily controlled and she met Vernon when she was little." snape said as we reached the library.
/snape/1/2 chapter/an:i am making stuff up.
Blaise has a lot of guts to ask me about lilly, james, and tunia. When we entered the library what I saw was way worse than I have ever seen. "Where are the boys and pansy?'' I ask, getting really nervous. "Right behind this bookshelf.'' Blaise said, leading me behind the bookshelf. What I saw was a usual sight Harry sitting on top of a screaming draco, not helping calm him down but waiting for me and making sure everyone is as safe as can be, Pansy is organizing Draco's meds bag and getting his glucose measure thing. "Harry i am behind you.'' I say knowing that if he doesn't know who is behind him he will be scared into little and a panic attack. "Thanks dada.'' Harry said as I put my hands on Draco's shoulders, giving Harry permission to get up. "Do you still need help?'' Harry asks me in our usual  work-up. "O thanks go wait bu pansy please.'' I told Harry who started slipping. "Pansy and blaise please take Harry to the ROR because he is  sleeping and I want him not to do that here." i say
"Harry come here please." I say putting draco's bag down. "Mommy." a two year old harry said running toews me. "How old are you harry?" Blaise asks. "Two." Harry responds. "We have to go like now." I say picking Harry up and running. Luckily I know a shortcut and we take that. "What is the ROR?" blaise asks. "Watch." i say as i walk by the portrait and then again and then one more time. "Pans where is the door?" Blaise asks as the door appears. "Ok harry lets go in." I say. I can tell that as soon as Harry saw the room he finished slipping and ran up to a wall with a stuffed parrot, a bunny, a kitten, and a dragon. "Yay" Harry yells and runs towards them. "Harry leave the stuffies please we have to change your nappy." i said and a changing table with a nappy and wipes appeared on one of the walls. I silently thank the room even though I don't have to , let me take things out of the room ank keep them if I am respectful and polite. "Welcome little one your little may take the stuffies if he wants to." the room responds. "Hey kitten do you want to take the stuffies with you when we leave." I ask the little one who is cooperating with blaise. "No tank oo i don't only want bassy." he said. "What a respectful little you have. Is draco ok?" the room asks me.  "He just had a really bad panic attack so i think he will be staying with severus right now." i mentally say. "Hey pansy did you know that snape was best friends with lily potter." Blaise said as he picked Harry up off the table. "really ." i say going to the kitchen. "What do you want for dinner?" I ask as Blaise sat Harry down in a highchair. "Thank you arora." I accidentally say out loud. "Who is arora?" blaise asks. "That's what i call the room." i will explain. "Oh, is it ok if we go to the great hall because I have to talk to the twins." blaise said uncomfortably. "Of course sweety." I reply and take Harry out of the chair. "I will come back soon arora." i say to the room as we leave. "Hi guys." the twins say at the same time. "Hi boys." I say. "I will leave you three to talk. Wait, is Marcus in the great hall?" I ask. "Yes." the twins say again at the same time. "As long as he doesn't say my name, Harry's name, or blames Draco's name, he will survive." I say. "Let's go then." blaise said.
When we reach the great hall Marcus Flint blocks Pansy. "Looks like the bitch is back." he snears. "You are correct the bitch is back." pansy said rounding in him slamming him against the wall. "This time you will find that I have my favorite item on me." pansy said flipping open her switchblade. "A little bitch like you wouldn't use it." Marcus said making a really bad mistake. "Nice try." pansy said cutting the robes by Marcus's wrist. "Not so brave are we now Flint." pansy said. "Pansy that's enough let go now." I say as the twins pull pansy off of Marcus and let him fall to the ground. "Let's go eat, 'I said as pansy put her blade away. "Next time i won't hesitate and let's hope that it isn't tonight." pansy replies. As we walk in i tell pansy that im sitting with the twins and bring harry. "Ok." she responds. Dinner was amazing and everything was going smoothly until I heard a glass shattering and pansy screaming. "Alright Flint i told you two times this is the third time." pansy yells advancing on the boy who threw the glass. "And lucky for me i still have my inanimate friend." she yells picking up all the butter knives she could and started throwing them at Marcus missing on purpose. "Missed me bitch."  "if i wanted to hit you, I would." she replies and hits his left than right arms, and than his left leg. "See i told you i never miss." she screams." "PANSY YOU WILL PUT DOWN THOSE KNIVES AND COME WITH ME!" professor McGonagall yelled at an enraged pansy. "Sorry boys i gotta go. I say and follow pansy leaving harry with the twins. "Paansy what the hell was that." i hiss into her ear. "I fucking warned him and he still threw three glasses at me i mean he missed but still." "pansy you will explain to me why you decided to throw knives at Mr.Flint." the head of gryffindor demanded. "So earlier he barged in and mentioned draco's dad to draco which caused a panic attack that ended in a ruined library. Then he confronted me about it and called me a bitch more than two times and I warned him three times. Also I made sure to hit places that will make him bleed a lot but nothing important." pansy said. "Please don't tell anyone about this but thank you. I fucking hate Marcus Flint." the professor said smiling. "You're welcome." pansy said hugging the professor. "Um blaise i have something to tell you." pansy said, looking up at McGonagall who nodded. "I have to introduce you to someone. This is momma Minni." pansy said hugging the adult. "It's how I know that Draco and Harry lived together." pansy said. "I thought that they were staying together but i didn't know they were living together." I say. "Yah they still don't know that I spotted them in Hogsmeade and they didn't see me." pansy said and she started to cry. "It's ok love but they won't be mad." mini said rubbing her back. "Yah pans it's ok I still care for you." I say and hug her. "Thanks sweety." she mumbles in my ear. "Hey pans your head is bleeding." i say as i remove my hand from the back of her head and see blood. "Is it ok if i take her to the hospital wing?" I asked minerva. "Don't tell anyone but I have enough power to apperait us to the wing." she said, taking my hand. "Hold the back of her head and don't let go until we get there." She instructs me. "ok , can i call you minnie?" I ask. "Definitely." minnie said. "Thank you." I say , putting my hand back on Pansy's head. "Ok lets go." minnie said. The feeling of being sucked up a small tube came over me and then it was gone. "Poppy we had an incident that ended up with three knives in Marcus Flint, and glass in my baby's head." minnie explained.

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