Chapter 33

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"Harry we have to put this over your eyes and we are going to have make sure you can't hear." "no huwt hawwy." Harry said, fidgeting with my robes. "Harry we won't hurt you, it's just where we are going some of the people are not so well off." Pansy explains as she puts her hair in two braids. "Hawwy has to be able to see." Harry said, looking Draco in the face because he knew that this was his idea. "Ok harry but you have to face me and keep your head in my shirt, ok." i say as i put the invisibility cloak over harry's shoulders. "Otay." Harry said with such innocence it makes me feel so uncomfortable. "We have to go see Snape now." draco said kissing pansy on the head. "Don't think we're done proving our point." draco said i'm his uninnocent voice. "What about Harry?" Pansy asks, trying to make us 'forget'. "I will ask the twins to look after him." I say to pansy because I want to prove this point. "Ask us to do what?" Fred asked us. "We want you to watch Harry tonight." Draco said, trying to give anything away. "Why?" George asks. "Well Pansy decided to tell Harry that I don't have the nerve shag Draco, so we are going to prove her wrong." I say looking at Pansy. "I asked dumbledore to do something and he made it so we can like anyone in our caregiver group." Draco explained. "Cool." George said, looking at Fred with a mischievous grin. "No, no, definitely not." Fred said looking away. "Sure we can watch Harry tonight just use a silencing spell because we don't need to hear all that." George said, smirking. "Ok we have to go meet snape now." pansy said with her cheeks red as tomatoes. "See you tonight." Fred said.
"Ok you four lets go to hogsmeade." Snape said as he gave Blaise a small pair of magic headphones to block out noise for Harry. "Draco when we were asking questions the first night you mentioned something about an animagus. What animal is Harry?" I ask. "Harry is a kitten." Blaise said because Draco was laughing and pointing at snape. "I need to hear this story." Blaise said to Draco. "What makes you-" Blaise gives him a death stare "ok when we were packing to go to Hogwarts Snape didn't know that Harry was an animagus so he picked him up and Harry licked his face." Draco said laughing. "Draco,I thought we talked about not sharing that story." Snape said, turning red as a tomato. "So this did happen?" I ask. "Yes Pansy this did happen." Draco said. "Ok let's go meet the person assisting you." Snape said, leading us out of the classroom. "So Harry actually licked your face and survived?" Blaise asked in surprise. "Yes Harry survived." Snape said between his clenched teeth. "Wow." I said. "Don't start with me pansy." Snape definitely looked annoyed at me.
"Hi you must be Mr.Malfoy and associates." A man in a guard uniform said. "I prefer not to use the Malfoy name so you can call me.." I paused to look at Blaise who nodded "Mr.Zabani'' Draco said smiling. "Well Mr.Zabani will you introduce me to your group so can document everyone." The man said. "The one who is holding an invisible lump is Blaise Zabani, this is Pansy, and please do not say anything but the invisible lump is Harry." I say with a sigh. "As in Harry Potter?" He said in shock. "Yes as in Harry Potter but we are changing that soon." Pansy snaps. "Ok let's go." The man said, taking our hands and apperating. I pull aside the guard and his in his ear "if you even mention the name Harry Potter or even Harry the next time you see me is going to be at my trial." "Ok Mr.Zabani I understand." The guard said in a really nervous tone. "Right this way." The guard said. As we reached Narcisa's cell I heard her manipulative tone say "Draco darling you came." "Yes I came but that doesn't mean I forgive you. Hell I don't even trust you." I almost yell. "Draco Lucius Malfoy that is no way to talk to your mother." Narcisa yells at me. "Than it's a good thing that you are not my mother." I yell back.
I felt a tug on my shirt and felt two wet spots. "Pansy we have to leave right now." I hiss in her ear. "Why?" She hisses back. "Harry just peed all over me and I think he also vomited." I hiss really wanting to go because I was covered in pee and vomit. "Oh drakie" Pansy squeals in a high pitched voice: "yes Pansy dear:'' Draco says back, turning around. "We have to go right now because I have lady issues and forgeo my pad." Pansy easily lied. We agreed that that is how we would signal that something with Harry was wrong. "Ok love we can leave now next time remember your pads." Draco said in a fake annoyed tone. We got the guard and apperatid back to hogsmeade. "You're back early." Snape said, startled by our arrival. "Yah well this happened." I said taking the invisibility cloak off of Harry. "Oh my what happened." Snape said, taking Harry from me as he cleaned up my robes and then Harry. "Draco and Narcisa were yelling and I think that triggered him." I said as Pansy started walking around and talking to Harry. "That was a bad idea." Draco said to everyone before whispering to me "but I know what is a good idea." "God you two went still in this are you?" Pansy said, walking back to us with a little. "Let's go put Harry in bed." Draco says trying to avoid the look Snape was giving him. "That is an excellent idea." I said back.

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