Chapter 45

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Eli is a character from the alpha girl series by Alan Erin and I do not own it. Eli is also an archangel.

"Harry buddy, I'm eli." "no" i say because the man made dwaco sad. I know eli this is just for show and eli knows it."Please just listen i have to explain something to you." he says. I know that I can become big but I want to annoy eli. "Fuc oo eli." "harry that's not ok." "harry you now have the ability to see your parents without me." "eli that's not funny. Eli. eli. No eli no.'''' Little kitten pees breath." he says to me and puts a protective hand on me.  I take a breath and trigger my burning heat. "Ow Harry no please stop, I'm not joking. Close your eyes and imagine your parents." Eli says, taking his hand off of me. I close my eyes and imagine my parents. "Harry mummy loves you daddy loves you." my mom says because when i see them they become stuck in a loop. "I love  you but i have to go try to say something else." "ok oh my harry i can talk to you." james says. "I have to go but I will come in an emergency" I say and leave. "Eli you little." But before I finish my sentence Eli punches me. "What the hell eli." I say kicking him in the crotch. Before long Eli is bleeding because I can now harm an archon.  "Harry got off of eli." draco says tackling me and getting roped in. "Sorry dray but i punched him first." he says, punching me. "Draco got out." we both say and he gets out without a scratch. "Im getting some help." draco says and leaves. "Ok can we team up and annoy draco." We both say getting up, healing each other and hugging him. I'm crying and little and Eli is taking care of me. "In here, here." we here draco say. "Draco that is not fighting." Pansy says, taking me from Eli and I start to cry. "I want eli. I want eli. I WANT ELI." I yell knowing that this will piss them off. "Eli can you leave because I really want some time with my group and harry." draco says looking nervous. "Fine and just so you know we were fighting." Eli says, smirking and disappearing. "Harry are you ok?" pansy asks and before i can say anything i feel a pull from the sky and go to my parents.
"Oh my gosh he just passed out.'' I say shifting Harry's head up in the air. "Pansy what the hell I was talking to my parents, they wanted to know I was ok because Eli told them what happened." he says, sounding pissed at me  for pulling me out. "Can we eat because I'm hungry and about to slip? '' he says and starts to cling to me. "Ok let's go eat dinner." i say trying to put him down. "Wait, no one can touch harry." Draco says, putting aunty maras cloak over Harry, leaving his head out. He's still really small even when he's big because of his living situation for the past 13 years. "Mommy." Harry says, looking up. "Yes kitten?" "why can't we just have a normal life?" "did he just ask that question?" Blaise asks, jumping on George's back. "Kitten let's talk about this when we get back after dinner ok?" I ask and tell him because I don't want to talk about this now. "Otay." he says and wiggles down. "Harry how old are you?" draco asks. Harry holds up five fingers and says "im fouw." "Harry kitten, you are holding up five fingers." "o stay then I'm five." he says, taking Draco's hand. "Back back." he says, trying to get on Draco's back. "I have to wear a special cloak so i don't get hurt." draco says taking the cloak and putting it on. Harry then gets on his back and we open the doors to the great hall and slip in hoping to attract little attention. "Should we go to the lion table so the girls don't explode.'' Fred said. "Blaise off of my back." George said, trying to coax Blaise off of his back. "Fine." he said, getting off of George's back. "Let's sit with the littles over at that table." blaise says rubbing his eyes. "Hi guys, can we sit here? Slytherin is not a safe choice." Fred asks Oliver who is surprisingly still the quidditch captain. "Sure" he says in his thick scotish accent. "How did your inheritance go?" "it went ok." I say taking Harry from Draco and putting him in a high chair. "Blaise um we might have a problem." I say this because none of us have harrys bag. "What is it?" he says, patting his side for the bag. "Keep harry on his good side." draco says. And we sit down. "HEM HEM." dumbledore says standing up. "I would like to introduce a few new teachers. First off we have  Xiomara hooch she is taking over for ancient runes.'' Draco whispers in my ear "if the second teacher is Eli I have no idea what I'm doing." "and the second teacher is elialos he will be teaching a new course that is required and is called the study of inheritance and the archons." dumbledore continues. "Let's welcome them and let the feast begin."
Fuck eli is a teacher and i have to take his class. He's fucking 13 years old in our world but he basicallly knows all. "Welp your screwed." frad says laughing. "What is that disgusting little doing on the gryffindor side?" the weasel says with a granger pulling him back. "Ronald please dont start." I say picking Harry up. "FRED GEORGE GET OVER HERE RIGHT NOW AND LEAVE THESE SNAKES ALONE." Ron yells, causing Eli to pop in front of Harry and me. "Get out of here right now." he whispers. Too late Harry senses something is wrong and starts to burn me. "Eli, can you take him?" I ask. "No he will definitely destroy my hands." eli says. I forgot that he doesn't fully trust eli yet so it will fully hurt eli but wont fully hurt me. "You need to help me escape." i say trying to get up. "Ow RONALD WHY DID YOU PUNCH ME." Fred says, holding his nose. That was the last straw for Harry who transformed into a demon. Harry slips out of my hands and waddles over to ron and like a ferret goes for his ankles. "Ow what the. " ron looks down to see a demon on his legs. "Your fault." pansy says laughing. "Well get off of me you little." ron says kicking harry off. "No ron dont do that you." harry gets mad and flys up in the air. Eli yells really really really loud "EVERYONE GETS DOWN CLOSE YOUR EARS, YOUR EYES, AND BREATH INTO YOUR ROBES UNDER THE TABLE RIGHT NOW." hand everyone does as told except for the archon teachers, and our group of caregivers. Harry is growing into a demon/angel mix and was making strange noises that formed a really amazing sound. "Kids cover your ears now." aunty rolanda instructs and we do. "What is he doing." pansy says with fear. "He's calling all of the creatures so take off your robes." Eli says and he takes off our robes. We are the first to join the strange song with all of our angle adornment. A few seconds later more people join flipping over all of the tables. We were circling harry when the windows broke and all creatures came in. the neko's were being held by their vela mates. Ten minutes later the air was filled with a lot of colors and that abruptly everything stopped and everyone had their heads bowed towards harry who was tall. Harry had both red and white wings, has a flower crown over his horns. He had amazing makeup on that was amazing and was over all flawless. "Thank you for coming at my call little ones. I know that it's weird having me as your ruler. Im younger than most of you and a little. But we have one over all enemy ronald weasley and most of the girls in slytherin. We won't attack but you have been told." and then we are left floating around harry. "You will stay here for one fortnight to gain your energy back/ we will be in the room of requirement.the ones in school will continue classes like normal but we will be eating a planned meal. We will be eating at odd times due to our needs. Breakfast will be a 2 am. Lunch at 10 am. Dinner will be at 6 pm. Over and out." Everyone flies out and meets at the ROR. "For those wondering there will be the provided materials for inheritance and classification." Harry says opening the door. Bill and fleur walk up to Harry at our living space. "Hi Harry I was wondering if I could get a space next to Charlie." Harry who was looking everywhere lights up and says "of course. I was just looking for you. "Thank you." Bill says and they start to leave. "Your name is fleur delacour?" Fleur looks up. "Yes I'm fleur." "I think my mother told you something what was it?" Harry asks his eyes begging to know. "Lily Potter ne Evans?" She questions "yes."A pained look flashed across Fleur's face and she looked to bill. "You Can tell him Harry you might want to sit down" bill says mentioning to Harry's crib. "Baths removelo" fleur says and the bars disappear. When all three of them were sitting bill put up a sound bubble.
/inside sound bubble/ harry POV
"Harry I was going to be a god mama." Fleur says, looking at bill. "Whadia means." "Harry I was the first and only person other than the marauders that well your mom was with the baby." She looks at me with tears in her eyes. "You were going to be an older brother to twins." "I-Ii. You might want to leave the bubble now." I say dealing with a build up of magic. "I said. NOW." And I accidentally let out a wave of accidental magic causing Bill and Fleur to hit the ground.
"Draco we need to do something, Bill and Fleur are struggling.''I say, pulling him to the bubble that everyone is now looking at. "They need to keep that bubble up so it doesn't hurt anyone. Bill is strong enough and so is Fleur they will stay safe" Blaise says pulling me back.
After my magic outburst I go and see if bill and fleur are ok. "Sorry I'm still learning control." I say. "It's ok Harry we expected that." Bill says dusting his shirt off. "Harry dear you just learned that your siblings died I would have done the same thing." Fleur says hugging me. "Harry you Can regress it's the best thing for now we will keep you safe. "Can you stay with me tonight. I wanna stay with you. No ONe else, just you two." Fleur looks at Bill who nods. "Sure but you should have one of your caregivers because well I'm alpha and bill.." "ok and congrats and you don't have to explain. Pansy is staying." I say and then regress.
I just told my god son that he had brothers and there dead. He is so cute though. We walk to the girl who I think is Pansy. "Excuse me. Are you Pansy?" I ask my French accent thick. "Yes I am." She says. "Can you come with me." I say. "Sure I'm assuming that you don't want the boys." She says following me to my bubble. "Mommy." Harry yells. "Hey baby." I say trying to take him from bill. "He wants us to stay with only you and us is that ok." Bill asks bouncing him around holding him like he has a bump. "Bill are you?" "Yes" he responds and I respond. "Bill sit down get food water you need to rest." Fleur gives him the i told you so look and Bill sits down. "That's fine with me I'm going to get you some strange foods and some water. I'm also telling the boys that they get a rest.' I turn to Bill. "Do the twins know." "Um no." He says so I drag him with me to where Charlie and the twins know. "Talk" I say and Bill rubs the back of his neck. "Yah billy we know." The twins say hugging bill. "Bill Weasley what is it." "Charlie calm down. And Fleur is the alpha" "ok hat makes no sense but please take lee." charlie says handing lee to bill. "Oh um lets not, oh ok now i'm holding my brothers little." bill says trying to lee higher up. "Ok um i have to go be with harry." bill said handing lee to george. "Bill let's go get food." I say because he needs food and so do I. we walk over to the boys and fleur who have harry. "Um bill and I are going to get food and we are going alone. Harry carefully gets draco to put him on my back. "Dwaco weave." he says and everyone steps back. "I'm a big brother." he whispers. "What." i say because i don't want him to tell anyone. "You have a baby around three months. Wike bill." he whispers and then signals for Draco to take him off. He looks at me and nods at me saying that he was trying to take the strain off of me. I smile. "Bill let's go eat." I said and took his arm. Fleur comes up behind me and taps me on the shoulder. "Can i come with you." "is it ok if i go with bill alone i really need to talk to him alone." i say pleading with my eyes. "Sure." she says and lets us go. We reach the door and slip out. "What creature are you?" i ask bill. "Im a neko." he says embarrassed. "Oh im a demon." i say slowing down a little bit. "Are you ok?" he asks worried. "Yah let's go eat in the kitchens." I say , leading us to the kitchens. "Hey Pinky, can we get the private room that I have?" i ask so i can talk to bill. "Hi pansy and of course." she says and leads me away. "Wait i have one more person." i say showing bill. "Bill weasley." Pinky says, hugging his leg. "Hi pinky." he says, picking her up. "I raised this one. She was born when i was here." he says putting pinkky down. "Well bill you know the way to the room. Pansy uses the one that you used." she says leaving us. When we reach the room there are already two plates of food that are identical. " you don't need to peat this much food." Bill says confused. "That's what i want to talk about." i say and sit down. "Wait your not." i cut him off. "Yes." i say and put food in my mouth. "Do you use a glamour?" he asks. "No i forgot the glamour spell but i started wearing robes more after i forgot the spell." i say "you just wake your wand over the place you want to change and think of what you want to look like and it will change." he says smiling. "How long?" "harry thinks three months so definitely before i became a caregiver." i explain. "Oh, do the boys know?" "i havnt told them yet." i say. "Oh can i tell fleur and we can go shopping." bill says all excited. "Ok but as long as the boys dont find out" i say and we finnish eating. "Let's go back. I think Harry wanted me to stay with you three because he wanted to monitor our energy levels." I say as we walk back. "Bill." "yes" "can i have a hug?" bill fails to hide a smile. "Sure." he says. "What" i ask being smothered by a hug. "I never thought a slytherin would ask me for a hug." he says sniffling. "Oh get over it." i say hugging him back. "It's nice to talk to someone who understands my struggle." I say. When we open the doors to the room of requirement daco is freaking out. "Where is pansy." he asks fleur. "Draco chill i'm right here." I say laughing. He goes to hug me and i step back "no hugs right now" i say and draco looks at me strangely. "Don't expect me to explain." I say give him my look. "Okay." he says putting his hands up in defeat. "Mommy." harry yells from draco's hip bouncing up and down and throwing draco off balance. "Come here harry." i say turning around so harry can crawl on my back. "How come you never hold harry on your hip?" blaise asks. "Because i don't want to can i sit down now?" i say ppissed off. "Sure." draco says taking harry from my back. I go to sit down but all of the beds are taken. "Where do i sit?" i say turning to draco. "Um pansy your staying with us remember." fleur says is her thick french accent. "Right." i say and follow her. "For some reason you are in the dorm with the people with unborn." she says looking at me. I smile and nod at her. "Did bill tell you?" i ask and she shakes her head no. "but you?" i nod my head yes. "Who" "I don't know." I say liying. "When." "three months." i say smiling. "Wait we have to get harry" fleur says and draco runs up handing her harry. "Thank you" she says taking him. "Harry can we talk when your big?" i ask harry who nods. "Hi everyone this iz pansy." fleur say when we step into a room. "Pansy?" hazle asks me. Hazle is a fifth year hufflepuff who also lives in the castle. "Yes i know and i should tell momma minnie but have you?" i ask. "As a matter of fact I have." she says as she hugs me. "Well off to bed." i say and leave hazle to follow fleur. "Harry is staying with us tonight and everyone here is unborn." fleur explains. "Thanks." i say and find the beds next to the only crib. "Im assuming that this is where we are sleeping." i say sitting down on the only empty bed. "Yes iz." fleur says and puts harry in his crib. We all fall asleep and around 12:30 i wake up because harry is crying. I go over and pick him up and start walking around the room to calm him. "Whats wrong baby." i whisper. "My puff is gone." harry cries. "Whos your puff?" i ask before connecting the dots. Harry's 'puff' is Cedric. "Harry did you dream of a big scary man and a man who looked like a rat?" i whisper ask. "Mhmm." he says crying "well hr cant get you here." i say holding him making it clear that im with child. "Do you want a bottle?" i ask because i want him to sleep. "No i wan oo talk big." he says and than poof hes big. "What do you want talk about?" "when are you going to tell the boys. I mean they are the fathers and because of a prank they played on you." he says and my eyes go big. "But i have memories." i say taken aback. "You really expect me to leave you knowing that this is a prank i want a kid kid in my life pansy i want someone who is the equivalent of a brother i know draco and i are like brothers but hes a caregiver pansy i want some one who is more like a brother please pansy it will be hard with my classification but please pansy dont tell the boys." he says almost crying. Its weird hugging harry when hes big so i pat his back and let him cry on my shoulder. "Harry can you move on my hip because of you know." harry is still to light so i can easly hold him like he is a little. Hes around the sise of a malnourished 13 year old. He dose because and i stand up and start to walk around. "Harry this is going to be a little weird but you need too eat and all i have is a bottle." i say and harry just moves his head. "Harry i need an answer." i say and he starters to shring which is the little magic. He stopes when he is the size of three year old. Thats new so i ask harry "how od are you?" "im five years old." he says with perfect speech. "Ok who taught you to speak?" i ask surprised. "Children are to be seen not heard." he says shrinking in fear. "Harry please fully regress." i say. He fully shrinks. "Harry take the bottle please." i say picking up a bottle. He decides to throw a temper tantrum. "Harry james you will be quiet this instant or i will tell blaise that you woke up the everyone who actually needs sleep." i say in a quiet voice. Draco and I can't handle to punish harry. "No" he says really loud. "What happened." fleur said waking up. "Nothing Fleur goes back to sleep. I'm handing Harry off to Blaise now, not when he wakes up because Harry just woke someone up. Harry clings to me. "Harry your legs are too tight i have unborn with me." i say loosening the legs that are in a death grip. I leave the room and find the weasley cots and so i find the two boys that are with me. Harry is sniffling and is really quiet. I poke blaise and whisper "blaise sweety wake up." and he turns to me. Quickly i moved harry to sit on blaise's cot. "Hey cutie what is it?" he says sitting up and taking harry. "Harry decided to wake up someone in the room im saying." i say and sit down. "Really pans your staying in the ward where everyone is with unborn or mates." he says looking at me. "Yes I am because that's where Bill is staying and Harry is staying with him and fleur." i explain to him and then he turns to harry. "So what's this i hear about you waking up the entire ward?" he says and than something crosses my mind. "Blaise don't do anything. He had a nightmare and the last thing he remembers in space is the nightmare. Blaise gave him to Draco and had him take Harry to our usual ward. I have to talk to you." i say and sit next to blaise. Blaise wakes up Draco and he takes Harry to our ward at the spinner's end. "Blaise i need to tell you something and than we are going to sleep for an hour because breakfast is at 2." i say and hug him. "Pansy oh my gosh. Pansy really." i nod and then i cry into blaise's shoulder. "Its ok pansy lets just go to sleep." he says and we lie down on our sides. "Pansy, Blaise wake up its one we have to go get ready." fleur wakes us up. "You two look so cute together." fleur says smiling. "Oh no were not um." i say and blaise starts coughing. "Um pansy we have to go get dressed." and we go get dressed. "Um fleur thought that blaise and i were together." i whispered because we are trying to let snape sleep. "Cool." draco says trying to battle harry to put on his clothes. "Hey draco what are you putting him in?" i ask knowing that harry wears almost anything except for a suit. "This really cute little suit." he says frowning. "Yah harry doesn't wear suits." i say and sit down in front of blaise. "Just brush it please. I need to eat blaise. I need food." I say this because I'm hungry. "Ok i done." he says a second later. Everyone is ready at 01:30 and we leave leaving a note for uncle sevie. "Harry everyone needs you big right now." i say and he goes big. "Ok but i suggest that you stop leaning on blaise like your dating. "Harry you know that i don't have the strength or energy due to your temper tantrum. You will be apologizing to fleur." i say with my no nonsense tone. "Fine." we walk in and harry starts " I KNOW THAT IT IS EARLY AND I APOLOGIZE EVERYONE IS READY AND WE WILL BE HEADING TO THE GREAT HALL NOW SO EVERYONE FOLLOW ME. PEOPLE NOT IN SCHOOL FIND YOUR BELONGINGS AND FORM A GROUP NO WITH A SCHOOL CHILD A CHILD MUST HAVE NO LESS THAN THREE PEOPLE WITH THEM WE WILL LEAVE IN FIVE MINUTES IF I COME UP TO YOU YOU WILL BE ABLE TO SAY THAT YOU HAVE A CHILD. AND I WILL SAY THIS TWICE DO NOT COME UP TO ME. I REPEAT DO NOT APPROACH ME." he projects to the crowd and everyone started to find a group. Harry leads me to bill and fleur. "Will you be with me?" he asks and they say "of course thank you." and then they join our group. "Um pansy pansy. cissa is here and she hasn't seen us yet." blaise says and than i take harry's hand. "Harry we have a problem." i say and than harry tells draco, blaise, fleur, and bill to find more people. We walk up to cissa and Harry smirks "hello catwoman." he says with a smile. "Don't do it." cissa says raising her wand at harry. "To late, you have to be a cat all day." he says. A set of ears and a tail that is pitched black grows. "Justice." harry smirks. "And stay away from my group or you won't be happy." he says dead serious. We leave narcissa stunned and surprised. "Hey pup." someone says and harry turns around and runs up to two people. "Hi" harry says hugging the two people. "Will you two stay with us?" he asks. "Sure pup." "harry is that professor lupin and sirius black" i ask. He nods and then the two men follow us. "New addition?" Draco asks. Pointing to the new adults. "Yah." Harry says. Five minutes later we are walking to the great hall. We arrive on time and sit in our little groups. Harry just sits with his godfather and professor lupin and looks around. "Harry what's wrong?" i whisper in his ear. "He looks back at me and i see in his eyes that he wants something out of his little bag. "What do you want?" i ask and hand him the bag. He digs through and he stops and a silent tear runs down his face. "Harry what's wrong?" he hands me the bag and his stuffie is missing. "Harry you want your stuffie?" i ask him. More tears fall down his face and he turns into his godfather's shoulder. "What's wrong? Why is my godson crying?" sirius says which makes blaise go all defensive and take harry from sirius. "Harry was classified as a little and this is hard on him and we can't find his stuffie." I explained and Sirius nodded. "Harry." sirius starters towards blaise and blaise's wings expand around harry. "Siri, don't go near him, remember. It's what happens when a cg gets protective." professor lupin explains. "How do you know so much?" i ask. "Not now.

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