Chapter 39

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Pansy And I we're given the role of teen rebellious parents. "Ok everyone come down now we have to go" Snape said loudly but not yelling. "Blaise I need help getting my shoes on." Pandy complains holding her boots out to me. "Put your own boot on." I say putting my combat boots on. "But I need help lacing and zipping them up." She wines. She puts her boots on and then sighs. "Fine" I sigh and start to lace up her boots. "Thanks" she said in a really high pitch tone. When everyone had their shoes on and was ready to go I put the littles in the correct strollers and we were on our way. "So what are you guys?" I ask everyone. "I'm the best friend who is coming with you." Draco explains. "We are the twins who help you raise the boys." The twins said. "I'm your dad." Snape said. Everyone but Pansy and me were wearing floral print with gold eyeliner. Pansy and I were wearing black eyeliner. Pansy really overdid it with her makeup. She had a perfect cat eye with black eyeshadow and black lipstick. "Ok we are about to step into muggle Lendon. Get into character" Snape said, pulling everyone who wasn't wearing black close to him. As soon as we stepped into muggle lendon both littles started to cry. "Fred, George take the strollers and get the two dummies." Pansy instructs as she picks Harry up and I pick Lee up. "Here you go." Fred said handing both of us the correct dummy. "Thanks" I replied, putting the dummy in Lee's mouth. "Um Pansy." I say because the back of her pants are wet with a dark spot. "What do you want." She snaps back at me. I know that she wouldn't want me to say this out loud so I whisper in her ear, "either it's that time of the month or you're randomly bleeding." Her face turns bright red as she hands me harry. Draco notices Pansy acting weird so he casually slips his hand on her shoulder so he can whisper "what's wrong" "I forgot that it's my time of the month and I bled through my clothes." Pansy whispers back trying not to cry. "Do you want me to stand behind you or do you want me to carry you?" Draco asks. "Can you carry me? God Draco it hurts I have to stop. Draco I can't keep going." Pansy said quiet enough that the twins and Snape couldn't hear but Draco and I could. As soon as Draco picks Pansy up she Buries her head in Draco's shoulder and starts to cry. "Hey Pansy don't cry it's ok we can clean you up at the hospital." Draco said walking closer to his dad. "Draco honey, why are you carrying Pansy so she can walk on her own?" Snape said an accusatory tone which made Pansy lift her head and yell "when you have a uterus that cramps up every month and bleeds because you decided not to create life then you can ask why I can't walk right now." Which made both littles and pansy cry more.
~~~~~~~time switch~~~~~~~~~~~~
I was holding Pansy because she was getting really bad cramps and couldn't walk. We arrived at the hospital and I asked the first female nurse if she could help clean Pansy up. Just before I threw up, I put Pansy down and the nurse saw the blood stain and freaked out. "That's my blood, '' Pansy said, running to hide behind Snape. "Hello Luciana, we have set up an appointment for Draco, Pansy needs your assistance, the littles also have an appointment, and we are picking Lucius up." Snape said, hugging the frightened nurse. "Ok everyone follow me.''Luciana said, taking Pansy by the hand. Pansy was helped first and she came out with the same leggings cleaned and she had a big package of chocolate, she also looked happier. The littles were checked out next. They both were fine. "I thought we were splitting up?" Pansy said before taking a bite of chocolate. "We were but then female nature happened." Snape said with a smile. "Draco please stand here." The nurse said, taking out her wand and scanning me. She nodded and handed me the paper which read
Name: Draco Lucius Malfoy-Prince
Diagnosis: Poison
Poison maker: Ronald Buillus Weasley
Side effects time: ends in 5 minutes
"Your ex brother poisoned me," I said before Snape took the paper.
~~~~10minutes later~~~~~~~~~~~~~
The side effects wore off five minutes ago so I was dealing better when the nurse walked In with a little who looked like my father. "Mummy" he screamed when he saw Snape. "Yes baby mummys back." Snape said taking his little and hugging him like he would die if he let go. "Let's floo home." Snape said as he walked down to the fireplace that was in the room. "Prince manor." He yells and then disappears. "Pansy comes with me and the twins and Blaise take the littles."  I instruct taking pansy's hand and yelling "prince manor." A second later we were back home. "Draco can you come here please." Snape said from the kitchen over the cry's of Lucius. km  I walked into the kitchen and took Lucius from him. "It's ok little light your safe here with us and your mummy." I say walking to the cupboard I know his old bottle is in. "Snape, can you get me the milk." I say still walking around with Lucius on my hip. "Here you are '' he said, handing me the milk. "Hey little light I am going to hand you to your daddy while I make you a bottle." I say handing him to snape. I put his bottle in the microwave and heat it up. The microwave beeped sand and I had the bottle to snap. "We're back." The twins annoyingly say. "Took you long enough." Pansy said from the other room. "Draco go take care of your littles" uncle Sevie said as he walked out of the room with Lucius. "FRED AND GEORGE WEASLEY PUT MY CHOCOLATE DOWN RIGHT NOW AND YOU OWE ME ANOTHER BAR OF THE SAME SIZE AND THEY ARE ONLY AVAILABLE AT ST.MUNGOS." Pansy screams causing all the littles to cry. I run into the other room to see a crying pansy holding the last square of her chocolate bar. The twins were covered in chocolate and Blaise was calming down the littles. "Never touch pansy's food." I say this to the shocked twins. "You're on her side?" they ask in sync. "Yah it's really funny when someone tries to touch her food. It happened to me never.'' I say laughing. "Pansy you know, oh never mind." Snape said, walking down the stairs with a crying lucius. "It's really weird having the man who took care of me for most of my life being a little." i say because it is really weird. "Well you can leave if it makes you feel uncomfortable." Snape replies."where did you get the all black clothes?" blaise asks and Pansy nodes. "Let's say Minerva and I had very different styles when we were teens," he replies. "These were yours." pansy asks in a very shocked tone. "You dressed really gay." blaise said flat out. "Blaise we don't do that remember?" I scolded him. "It's ok, blaise you can have some more of my outfits if you want." snape said with a smile. "Really?" Blaise asks, perking up a bit. "Definitely, i'd be happy to give you some of my old clothes." Snape said, turning around to go back to his room.

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