Chapter 21

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I heard a knock on my bedroom door and heard dracos small voice saying "I wrote with blaise and he told me that Harry is drunk and that I can leave your side until Harry isn't drunk." "I'm coming draco, give me a second." i replied as i put down my book and made my way to the door. "Lets go downstairs and wait on the couch so i can also keep an eye on harry." "ok. I feel like this is my fault because if i hadn't blurted out that he was anorexic he wouldn't have gone with the man he has been going with since first year." "The boy has been going with Murphy since first year?" I asked because I knew Murphy wouldn't go up to the kids. "Yah or at least that is what Harry told me." "hi sev I found this kid drunk as hell and knew he lived here so i brought him back, ok bye now.'' Murphy said, strolling in holding Harry by the arm so he couldn't get away. "You will be going nowhere, why the fuck have you been giving harry potter vodka since first year?" "well when he first snuck out under the cloak to go with fred and george, man i love those two, he found me and asked me for a muggle pick me up so not thinking i got roped in and started bringing him vodka in return that he shows me that he is doing well in school and that after the summer ends he shows me what the dursleys have done  so i can heal him." "Can you stay because I don't want him to hurt Draco and I can't keep my eyes on both please murph?" "You haven't called me since I met you and Lilly on the train."
Lilly, where have i heard that name before. Lilly is a flower oh so is petunia aunt petunia, lilly momma. Before I knew it I started crying. "Harry what's wrong?" Snape asked me. "Momma is going to kill me if she knew i was drunk, please don't tell her." "ok harry i wont tell your mum." snape replied. "Harry, I found your stock of vodka. I am going to take you upstairs leaving Draco with Murphy and you are going to give me everything I won't approve of. Ok" snape said.
"Ok.'' Harry said. "You might want a bag.'' Harry said, slurring his words together. "Ok i will bring a bag" i responded when we got to the boys shared room harry handed me a bag full of lilies. "Flowers." "no lilies." "Why on earth would you think that I wouldn't like lillys?" "because i took them from your room." "you are too drunk to deal with.'' I said, handing Harry a potion. He drank it " the drunkenness should wear off in about 2 minutes.'' I told him.

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