Chapter 47

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Oh my god Blaise did not just call Eli, E. ''um i have to go. Draco detention at eight." he says. Merlin's beard eli is mad at me. "Why." i start "no time for questions Mr.Malfoy." no one has called me that since i moved in with snape. I start to panic. Someone yells "two things, our teacher left and malfoy here is being a baby." that sends me into overdrive. "Ok that's enough. Everyone step back from draco.'' I know it's pansy. I feel her hand on my back. "Draco breath." she is saying but it's fuzzy. I grab my chest trying to open it up because I feel like my lungs are collapsing. I can hear pansy throw my bag. "Someone finds a bright green bag..." then she cuts out and everything goes black.
Eli brings up Malfoy which flares up draco's fear of his mom so he starters to freak out. Someone yells out  "two things, our teacher left and malfoy here is being a baby." that gets to draco so i yell "Ok that's enough. Everyone step back from draco." they do. I put my hand on his back and say "draco breath." he just tries to rip his chest open. "Someone find a bright green bag that's in this and open it then hand it don't throw it and hand it to me." i say as i throw draco's bag anywhere in the room. I see that draco has passed out so  I yell "NOW" I see green next to me. "Thank you to whoever gave this to me." i say as i look through the bag. I go through the list of things I need to cheak. Blood sugar, blood pressure, lung sounds, heart sounds. "Ok someone ow. Up can someone take over for me. SOMEONE GET BLAISE ZABANI." i yell and get up. "Why him? He's too tough to do anything." "Get blaise zabani now or you will feel pain you can't measure." I say and he takes off running. Two minutes later blaise comes in. "thank god, blaise you have to check draco and my back hurts." i say and he takes out the glucose measure. "Turn around." I yell and no one does. "May be fine." i say and go help blaise who is on one knee. "Shit." blaise says. "What." i ask. "I need a lot of glucose. This is going to happen. He hasn't been watching his blood sugar. His blood sugar was 18.5 mg/dL and it should be 90 mg/dL. "I don't know if he has enough glucose in his bag." blaise says handing me his bag. "Shit draco had enough" i say holding up a container. "Did." "yes blaise it is because i gave him some saran wrap for his food and he used it to put his glucose in a container." I say take out a needle. Glucose." i say and blaise hands me the container. "What the hell happened here." Eli says popping back in. "nice of you to show up." i say sticking the needle in draco's arm and depressing the plunger. "This is my classroom and i expect that you tell me what is going on right now or you will all have detention. "Nope." i say as i take the needle out of draco's arm. "Blaise i need his inhaler ready for when he wakes up. Also puff?" i say to the hufflepuff who was looking after draco's vittles when i wasn't. "Um, he's fine and I'm not a hufflepuff. I'm a ravenclaw. My name is Luna Lovegood and Draco is my cousin." I totally didn't recognise luna. "Draco please wake up." luna says in her dreamy voice. "What happened. LUNA? Where have you been?" draco asks waking up. "Hi draco." she says. "Why is pansy sitting on blaise?" he asks. "None of that now dragon use your inhaler." luna says handing draco his inhaler. "Thanks lun." he says as he uses his inhaler. We get up and go blaise holding draco bridal style. "Oh put me down." draco says. "You know you like it." blaise smirks. "We only need one pregnant submissive caregiver." I say gagging. "Ok that's not what we are talking about." draco says. "Draco drink this." luna says walking out of the classroom handig draco a jar filled with yellow liquid. "Thank you so much luna you're a lifesaver." he says taking off the lid and taking a sip. "Here pansy try this." draco says handing me the jar with yellow liquid. (lemon/limeade brake) "you want me to drink something that looks like pee?" i say with a look. Luna comes up behind me and  brings the jar to my mouth tipping it back. It tasted like lemons and limes but not too strong, like it was diluted with water. It was sweet and i liked it. "What is this?" i ask luna handing her the jar. "Lemonaid, but it also has lime juice in it. Its a muggle drink. I usually keep one on me for draco who IS IN A LOT OF TROUBLE WHAT THE FUCK DRACO YOU COULD HAVE DIED." Luna tells which is scary considering that Luna never yells. "What's this about her about Draco almost dying?" Snape says, surprising us all. I hold up the container "minus 90 mg/dL '' I say and Snape looks at Draco who is still in Blaise's arms. "Later" he says and we keep walking. When we got to ROR everyone was in a state of panic. "Um we might have lost harry." remus says. Draco jumps out of Blaise's arms and says "Sirius animagus form sniffed him out. Nekos and doms smell him out or look for a tiny white kitten with big green avada eyes. Now everyone is quiet." he says and everyone does. "Kitten please come to papa." he says and when nothing happened he signaled to Sirius, the nekos, and the doms and they fan out. "Everyone on your beds feet up littles quiet no one in distress." draco says and this happens again. Sirius stops and sits down in front of a tiny hol in the wall. "Ok stay here i'm coming." blaise says and stops by the hole. "I have vodka." he says and the kitten is out of the hole and is scoped up in Blaise's arms. Sirius switches back and asks. "Really, vodka, harry, vodka.'' Harry starters to cry. "Welp harry i need you big right now.'' Remus says and takes Harry from blaise.
/special pov//remus/
I take harry from blaise and motion for sirius to follow me. "Im taking my godson for a second to talk to 'big' him" i say and realize that the kids didn't know that siri and i are engaged. "Ok." draco says. "Siri baby come with me." i say and he dose. When we are in the hall we rush down to what we call the white room. We used the white room to strip search sirius when he was using. "Really he white room." sirius asks. "Yes now help calm harry down so i don't get anymore scars." i say and put harry down. "Harry BIG." i say and he dose. "Stand still" i order and he dose. "Siri help." i say and he lifts harry's arms up. "What are you." harry starts i cut him off "silence." and he dose. "This is what's called a strip search, sirius will explain why to you because he had to do the same." i explain. Harry started to look at Sirius and then stopped releasing that it was a mistake. "I don't have vodka on me." Harry says and then struggles to get away. "Harry please stop struggling." i say and take off the jacket siri used to wear. "Ok please stop and explain what you are doing." he says pushing us away. "This is what we call the white room. Sirius used to have uh problems, and we used to come to this room to uh. We used to strip search sirius." i explain and walk towards harry. "Yah not the point, why does this room smell like.." Harry starts and Sirius cuts him off. "Because." he says and walks towards harry. "Oh no." he says backing up. Harry is fast but my wolf is faster so i snatch him up. "More you cooperate less trouble you will be in." sirius says and takes harry's shirt off and harry is extremely thin. Sirius pauses and nods to me and we start to sniff harry. "Um siri." i say stepping back. "What" he says stepping back. "Um you might want to get draco in here." i say and harry's face falls. "Harry call your male caregivers." I say bring my wolf forward. Harry, Snape and Draco, Blaise, Fred, and George appear. "Hi can i talk to the four of you." I say and make it so Harry can't hear. "Um harry has a bottle of vodka in his um. How do i explain this." i say and blaise's face falls. "No. How long?" he says and asks. "By the smell of it the same  amount of time the vodka in his system has been in there." i say and draco's face falls "that long?" he asks and i nod. "He is in so much trouble." the twins say and then i turn to the boys including sirius "so who's getting it im not." i say than siri says "same here. It ended up being that I had to get it because Harry sent the kids away and Sirius isn't doing this because he has to talk with harry. "Harry you know what we have to do." i say smirking and harry runs to sirius. "No he's not doing that. Only you can. Im not letting anyone else do it. No" he says freaking out. "Harry what's wrong?" "vernon." he says and we both blow up. "What did that man do to you." sirius says. "Ok i will make this easy this is now your punishment. Accio vodka." Sirius says and then a bottle is in his hands. "Yah that's disgusting." sirius says, looking at me. "Ok Harry, go back to Sirius and I need to talk." I say and shoo him away. "On second thought call someone to take you back." sirius says. Harry thinks for a minute and yells. "ELI" and a young looking man pops in. "Ok this has to be important or Harry wouldn't be calling me." the man says. "Your eli?" I ask. "Yes, what happened?" he asks. I hold up the bottle of vodka. "This was um. Just take Harry to his caregivers." i say and they leave. "That was oh god remus." serious starters and then starts to cry. "Hey siri come here." I say and wrap him in a hug. "What's wrong." I say. "I dont know its just he's so young and a little. And vernon." he says crying. "We have to talk to severus." I say and Sirius's face falls even more. "Lets go get our little." I say and pick Sirius up. "You still need to gain some weight." I say and exit the room. "You want vodka." I say. "No i do not not out of that bottle," he says and picks up the bottle. "Scourgify." Sirius says to clean the bottle. "That's just gotta be uncomfortable." I said and we reached the room. "Fleur. Can we have our little.'' I say walking to the fleur. "Sure. um why is harry crying and why are his caregivers fuming?" Fleur asks. I hold up the bottle of vodka and point to where it was. "Really." Fleur says and I nod.
I felt something was wrong with Draco and when Blaise left I freaked out, turning to my kitten animagus and hid in  a hole in the wall that the room provided. Everyone freaked out looking for me. When draco, blaise, and pansy get back. "Um, we might have lost harry." Remus says and Draco says "Sirius animagus form sniffed him out. Nekos and doms smell him out or look for a tiny white kitten with big green avada eyes. Now everyone is quiet." he says and everyone does. "Kitten please come to papa." draco says and i stay where i am nothing i hear sirius, the nekos, and the doms and they fan out. "Everyone on your beds feet up littles quiet no one in distress." draco says and this happens again. Sirius stops and sits down by my hole in the wall. "Ok stay here i'm coming." blaise says and stops by my hole. "I have vodka." he says and I fall for it and crawl out just to be scooped up. Sirius switches back and asks. "Really, vodka, Harry, vodka." and I start to cry. "Welp Harry, I need you big right now." remus says and takes me from blaise.

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