Chapter 41

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"You have magic callers?"  I ask the adults. "Yes they are made to match whatever outfit the person wearing it best." my dad explains as he walks to the bathroom to change. "Kids turn around." aunty minnie said handing usually magic blindfolds. "Ok." blaise said as we put them on and turned around. "Oh My God yessss." I heard a high pitched squeal probably from madam hooch. Both women had their hair in badass hairstyles. And looked totally different. "Woah can you put my hair in that style?" pansy asks with a glint in her eyes. " of course pansy." madam hooch said followed by "call me aunty rolanda." pansy was quick to hug the hawk eyed woman. "Here you go sweetie. You two boys can also call me aunty rolanda." our new found aunt said fixing pansies hair. "Minnie, please help me with the caller. I swear to merlin these callers are like corsets in the way you put them on." "sure but next time don't swear to merlin, actually you are right they are like corsets." aunty minnie said, lacing up the back of the caller for aunty rolanda. "Im here, Draco is a queer, and Harry's dads a deer." Snape said, making an even more dramatic entrance, his hair was washed, in a man bun, and the sides were shaved. "Oh my god papa you look amazing." I say as my dad  twirls around. "Ok everyone quiet," aunty minnie says, putting her wand to her throat. "All students are required to wear their school robes to dinner at nights to maximize the safety of all students." aunty minnie said as aunty rolanda and pappa sevie cover their mouths to stop laughing. "Ok that should do it everyone." aunty hooch says helping papa sevie with his caller. "Students, it is time for dinner, and make sure to wear your robes for maximum safety." Dumbledor said with his wand magnifying his voice "you got him on board?" pansy asks. "No, I just said what would make him feel like it was well thought through and it was good for safety." aunty minnie explains. "Well let's go make an entrance." papa sevie said walking out of the room. We got to the doors of the great hall and everyone was in the great hall so great. "Stand in the formation you usually stand in." aunty minnie said walking to the the front of the adults aunty hooch too her left and papa sevie to her right. Pansy was in the front of everyone blaise to her left and i was on her right. "We'r here,draco is a queer, And harry's dads a deer." we all yell slamming the door. All the students and teachers look at us and Dumbledore yells "MINERVA NOT AGAIN I HAD ENOUGH OF THIS WHEN YOU WERE STUDENTS." "hi albie." aunty hook said with a twinkle in her eyes. "Rolanda what did we talk about when you three wher 13. Merlin you have corrupted some kids." dumbledore said annoyed. "To be honest we were the ones who gave them the idea." pansy states. "Please tell me.-" dumbledore started but was interrupted by someone running into the great hall. She got out. She's after me and draco please help me." it was blair/brooklyn and her hands were covered in blood. "That's not my blood if you're wondering."
"Crucio.'' Harry's screams could be heard from the gryffindor table. "Mother ow that's just immature.'' Draco said distracting her as pansy and I ran to Harry, the twins and Lucius who was crying along with harry. "You want more you little bitch fine. CRUCIO.'' Everyone expected Draco to scream and fall to the floor. "You my son are interesting-" Narcissa was cut off by dracos yelling. "YOU, YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO CALL ME YOUR SON I THOUGHT WE TALKED ABOUT THIS NO ONE WHO USES THE CRUCIATUS ON A KID CAN BE CALLED THEIR MOTHER EVER AGAIN. NO ONE WHO TORTURES LITTLES CAN BE CALLED A CAREGIVER. YOU CAN''T BE CALLED A WITCH OR A HUMAN. YOU ARE JUST THAT  BITCH. YOU TOOK MY SENSE OF SECURITY WHEN YOU THETEND A MEMBER OF THE BURK FAMILY."  That was enough for Draco to lose his concentration and he fell screaming in agony. "NARCISSA YOU HAVE CAUSED TO MUCH GREAF ON THE MALFOYS, THE BLACKS, THE BURKS, AND THE PRINCES FOR TO LONG FOR 13 YEARS I WAS MISSING MY LITTLE BECAUSE YOU TOOK HIM YOU STOOL HIM FROM ME AND YOU TOOK MY SON. DRACO LUCIUS IS NOT A MALFOY BUT A PRINCE.'' Snape yelled, picking Draco up. Suddenly Harry screamed in my ear. Narcissaa was holding her wand up and I put two and two together. Before I could do anything 15 knives hit Narcissa's body. "You bitch, i dare you to mess with my family one more time.'' She put Blair under the cruciatus curse. That summons the rest of the burk family they stand around their child. "Now can we not do this here."  dumbledor said walking towards the group. Everyone from the burke family had to leave because they were kicked out and they took Narcissa with them. "Kids stay here.'' Dumbledor said, putting a small oblivious curse on all students except for the ones who were littles and caregivers. "Everyone who feels pain or sickness goes to the hospital wing immediately." dumbledor said and a surprising amount of kids stood up. "Lets go." aunty rolanda said picking blair/brooklyn up. Harry was still crying because he was in a lot of pain. "Hey kitten, you're ok." I say take him from george. We were the front of the line of kids. Draco was crying into uncle sevie. Aunty Rolanda was holding an unconscious blair/brooklyn. I was holding Harry who was still crying. "Ok I will look at you first. Where is your little?" Poppy said, taking Harry from me.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~tme switch blaise pov~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Everyone was fixed up except for emotionally. "Ok you can go back to your house.'' Poppy said, giving pansy her favorite chocolate. "Ok we are wearing these outfits everyday" the three adults wearing callers say. "Red velvet ally." aunty hooch shrieks. "What is it with females and shrieking?'' I ask. "Can we go to the red velvet alley now because I want to get something?" draco whispers. "Of course let's go now we need more outfits ourselves." aunty minnie said closing the curtains and giving harry to the kids. We apperated to the clothing store we were at originally. Ok kids can you go with." severus pauses looking at blair/brooklyn "for the first time in a long time brooklyn.'' Brooklyn says, smiling. "Where do you want to go?'' Brooklyn asked us as soon as we were out of the store. "I want to get ten survivor callers." draco responds. "ten?" brooklyn questions. "One for everyone. The twins, Harry, Lee, Pansy,Blaise, Snape, Lucius, me, and you." he responds. "Ok lets go.'' Brooklyn said, leaving us to the caller shop. When we walked in Brooklyn he said "hi maggie may we please have ten magic survivor callers?" "of course one second." maggy replies. She comes out with ten survivor callers. "God I am so sorry this is the biggest amount of people who needed survivor callers at once. These will be on the house. Put them on now and you will be able to get free things. Also one second. Leginimens.'' Maggy cheeks to see if we are telling the truth and then hands them to us. "Ok before you put them on you need to know that you can't take them off." maggy warns. "We know." we all say as we help each other put them on. We leave the stores. "How did you pay for all of these?'' Snape asks as he bends down and I put him on. "We got one for lucius too." i say handing it to uncle sevie. "Ok kids lets go." aunty minnie said, grabbing everyone's hands. We all apperated to Snape's room at Spinner's end and aunty Rolanda said "oh my gosh sevie remember" she was cut off by uncle sevie who said "don't give the kids any ideas. And yes i do remember and it was one of the best nights in my life." "if you're in trouble just tell me i bet you that sevie has done worse." aunty rolanda says dragging the kids and aunty minnie to the kids nursery. When we get to the door and close the door draco asks. "What did you two do?" aunty minie said with a sly grin. "Lets just say it was the three of us and that it may have involved a lot of embarrassment." "oh god no" i yell covering my ears looking at aunty rolanda who nodded. "Yall did drugs." I yell. "We may have had vodka as well." she confirmed. "And Harry has been in trouble for drinking since 1st year." draco mumbled. "Harry sweety come here." I say holding out the callers to the twins. "For us?" they ask. "Yah you know what you went through." I say put harrys on. "Thanks." they say. "Let's eat food now." aunty hooch says leading us all downstairs. "Sevie we are crashing today." aunty minnie said in a really parentel way. "Did you even ask me? And you are staying." uncle sevie said in a dominant than defeated tone. "Whats for dinner?" aunty rolanda says, putting her feet on the table. "Feet of the table." uncle sevie says. "I heard a certain someone got in trouble for vodka." "rolanda you know very well that I told you not to tell them that story." "well you know that i don't listen to rules."  aunty rolanda says, taking her shoes off. "Ok kids you have to go to bed soon because it's a school day tomorrow and the  third years are going to school tomorrow." Snape said, putting food in front of everyone. "Also I have to take Lucius to class tomorrow." Snape said, putting a bottle in Lucius's mouth. "Wow sevie is a papa again." aunty minerva said teasing uncle sevie who was feeding lucius. "Yes minerva i am a caregiver and now that i have my little my fatherly instincts are kicking in." uncle sevie said as he took the bottle from Lucius's mouth. "Kids finnish up, it's almost time for bed." aunty hooch says which surprised me.

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