Chapter 34

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As we walked back to the castle Harry started to grow meaning he was going into a big headspace. "Harry is a really light guy. I'm really worried about his weight." I said handing him to Blaise. "Yah he is almost always really underweight." Blaise said unfazed. "How are you not reacting?" I was shocked. "I've carried Harry before. I mean I kinda knew that he was a little because at night when everyone else was sleeping I would sneak out and meet Harry in the ROR and we would talk which would usually result in me holding Harry and walking back and forth or rocking him to sleep." Blaise said as he wrapped his robes around Harry who was asleep. We were back in our common room and the twins met us. "You are back early is everything ok?"  Fred asked as he pointed to Harry. "There was some yelling and Harry threw up all over me." Blaise explained. "Oh well if y'all would like us to take Harry now we can put him down with lee." George said so blaise handed Harry to him.
"Thank you for understanding." I say to the twins. "No problem we have all had one of these days." Fred explained as he pulled me into a hug. Unable to stop myself I started to cry under the older boy's embrace. "Hey it's ok you don't have to cry." Fred said as he patted my back. "What's wrong little one?" He asked in a gentle way that made me deal safe for the first time since the night Snape rescued me. "I went to azkaban to see Narcisa and we got into a fight that ended with me yelling at her well it's a good thing that you are not my mother. And it's true she tortured my dad for years and held me under the cruciatus curse till the point of unconsciousness for letting Dobby break a free vase that she absolutely hated." I cried. "I know that you aren't a little but everyone needs a mom so I can be a mother figure for you." Fred said which surprised me. "You would do that for me after I bullied you for two years?" I said. "It wouldn't be Weasley of me not to and of course Draco you need a mother figure and I can be that for you." Fred said hugging me tighter. "Thank you Fred." I said.
"I'm baaack." Draco said walking into the room. "Muffleo dictido." He muttered putting up a spell where we couldn't be heard but if someone needed us they would come in and see us talking in pansy's bed. "Pansy it's time to prove a point." I said pushing Draco on the bed and straddling him. "Not if I can't join" Pansy said in an attempt to stop us. "Well what are you waiting for." I smirked. "Are you serious." She shrieked. "Of course, now come here." Draco said pushing me off of his lap pushing Pansy against the wall. "Well if you insists." Pandy said kissing Draco. "Dam I thought that the point was between us." I say frowning. "Right." Draco said coming towards me with pansy. "Oh my god." "fuck draco marcus flint is right behind us with harry and a big wet spot on his robes." i whisper in draco's ear. "Really." draco said. "You sure your not teasing me." "Draco Zabani get up right now and come get your little." marcus said. "Fuck he really is behind us well that's embarrassing he thought i was straight."

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