Chapter 27

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"Kitten you need sleep" "i could say the same for you bunny." "Draco you're the only one who actually slept so wake us up when we have to go EAT."
"Silencio  imortamo" I whispered , putting the silencing bubble up so my draco doesn't wake up. Because he needs sleep. "Bubble down kitten. We talked about this." blaise said. "Silencio removio." "Why, you need sleep and if I have a night terror you wake up." "Just go to sleep, kitten." "will you stop calling me kitten." "as long as you stop calling me bunny" "not going to happen bunny." "Ok go to sleep and nestling will wake us up." "Oh my merlin's beard blaise you are the best." I yelled. "What did i do?" blaise asked. "You gave draco a nickname."  draco/
A doe came in and said in a whisper wake the boys up yall need to come to dinner and tell harry that he can use a glamour to alter his look and sit at the slytherin table. "Harry, Blaise time to wake up we have to go to dinner." "oh and harry." harry stickers out his tongue "ptsssssssss" "hey nestling is it just me or is kitten shrinking" "bunnyyyyy.'' Harry waild at the top of his lungs. "BUNNNNNY." "Draco go get snape." blaise said in a concerned tone. "Why me?'' I asked Blaise who was picking up harry. "I have a tiny harry potter in my hands and you want to ask me to go. Now leave and make sure pansy doesn't come up here." blaise scolded me. "Too late."
"Pansy what are you doing here?'' I ask, still trying to keep the boy in my arms quiet. "I came in here after i heard someone screeching BUNNY." "well can you take harry because i have to clean up." as i hand harry to pansy he starts to screech. "BUNNY don't leave me no leave me no wan pany wan bunny." "merlin's beard shut him up." Pansy said, handing Harry back to me. "Hey kitten it's ok, it's ok, shh,shh, it's ok." "blaise is a daddy."  "pansy no im not." "Say that to the sleeping boy in your hands' 'Snape said. "Bloody hell snape when did you get here?" I asked a star like harry. "I just got here Mr.Zabani." snape sais. "What is happening to harry?" pansy asks. "As you may or may not know during sixth year something called classification happens. 94 percent of people are neutral or just witches, wizards, or wix. 1 percent of the time some one is classified as a little. Another 1% are caregivers or mommys, daddys, or parents. The others are as follows. 1% alphas, 1%betas, 1%omegas, 1% switch between little and caregiver." snape explains. "I can tell that harry is a little and you three will have to care for him, i want aloof you to take this potion that will confirm my suspicions.'' Snape said, handing us each a potion and one in a small bottle for harry. Two minutes later two light blue lines connected Harry  to me and draco and a light pink one connected Harry to pansy. "Just as i thought." snape said. "I will contact Mr and Ms Zabani as well as Mr and Ms parkinson to alert them that you two will be staying at hogwarts with the sixth year slytherins who have been classified as littles and caretakers i will also alert your teachers of the change you three best be heading to the hospital wing where you will meet the weasley twins and their little. You will be meeting them because Harry will feel safe with them." "holy shit that was a lot to take in." pansy said

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