Chapter 25

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time change~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Draco, Wake up." someone was shaking me awake. "Shit Draco wake up." blaise was freaking out not knowing what to do. "I'm going to go get snape." than blaise left. This is like all the other night meres I have had. I'm aware where I am but i dont process anything.
~~~~~~~~~switch pov to snape~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I woke up to someone knocking, not knocking banging on my door. "Professor, Professor," blaise stopped to catch his breath. "It's Draco, I don't know what happened but he needs help." "Go get Professor Mcgonagal and ask her to get Harry Potter and come to the Slytherin dorms.'' I instructed Blaise and he ran. When I reached the dorm, Draco and Blaise shared and he found the blond boy curled up in a ball screaming. "Draco you're safe, you're at Hogwarts. Draco she isn't here.
/professor M/
"PROFESSOR MCGONAGAL, Snape told me to ask you to get Harry because something happened to Draco." "thank you Mr.Zabani lets go get Harry." harry/
"Harry get up." I heard a voice say. "Why the fuck do you are you waking me up mione." "Mr.Potter if you would open your eyes you would see that i am in fact your professor and not your friend." "Well I'm up, what do you want?'' I asked. "It's draco it seems that he needs your help." "Is he alone because if he is, ima beat someone's ass." "no professor snape is with him." blaise said like he was scared. "Ok fuck it let's go." I said. "Mr Potter please watch your mouth, and why would you say it about someone who needs help?" "well you would fine that 12 bottles of vodka went "missing" from a spot only draco and I knew about and now I have no fucking vodka. But i will still help so let's go." I practically yelled. "Watch your mouth," Mcgonagal said. "Sorry i mumbled.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~time switch~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I felt the familiar embrace of Harry wrap my torso and heard the soft whisper "Draco it's ok you're at Hogwarts and she isn't here you're ok." like i always do not think i wrapped my arms around harry's torso and started to drift off to sleep.

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