Chapter 28

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not a chapter/
Harry's pov will show up less because there will be more povs including pansy and the twins. The title is because the snakes are pansy, blaise and draco.
"Is this payback for me calling you a daddy?" I ask blaise. "This will be fun." Blaise says to me and Draco who is trying to feed harry. "No wan food no wan nik wan bunny wan bunny." "well nestlike hand kitten over." blaise says in an amused tone. "Fuck you blaise you think this is fun i have gotten kicked in the face by a little who is surprisingly strong." draco says in a really annoyed tone. "Don't curse in front of Harry, he might repeat what you say." I say teasing draco. "Well we are here" Blaise says trying to defuse the situation.
"That you"
"But you"
"Are stuck"
"Us" the twins say us together.
"Will you please just talk normally for once we have a little some of us have gotten kicked in the face and others cough pansy cough want to know if they will still want to fuck people." I say. "Well Cough pansy cough while you will not desire to have an intimate relationship you still can, but your options are the two young men who will be taking care of your little baby." one of the twins told pansy. "Oh." pansy said, looking defeated. "Hi boys, twins, pansy." madam pomfrey said. "You will have to wake Harry up for this." the medi wich said. "Hey kitten it's time to wake up now." blaise said as harry started to rub his eyes."if you would put him on the bed i would very much appreciate that." "um is it ok if i have him in my lap because he is quite clingy." blaise said. "Sure, how old do you think he is?" "by his size i would say 6 months old because that's when i started talking." I said. "Ok, one second. Ageo revelio." the medi witc said and a light blue 1½ floated above Harry's head. "Oh my he is quite small for his age, Mr.Zabani if you would lift up his shirt please." the medi witch said as Blaise started to lift up Harry's shirt the boy started to scream. "No." "Harry James Potter, you do not speak to us in that tone." pansy said, fed up by this whole show. "Come on kitten, lift your arms up." Blaise says as he lifts Harry's shirt up. "Who did this to you?" "Uncle Vernon wants Petunia and duddy." "your family did this to you?" "is that bad?" "Yes, Harry, that is bad." "Come on you four the twins can come with us.
"Pawwot. Bunny, I wanna go to pawwot. "Kitten who is parrot?" blaise asked the little in his arms. "Pawwot." harry says reaching towards me. "Blaise sweety i think im parrot." "did you just call blaise sweety." draco asks me. "Yes honey i did call blaise sweety." "pawwot pawwot pawwot." "yes kitten." "wook at the woom wook at the woom."  i look up to see what harry was looking at. I see what he wants me to see. One of the walls is lined with stuffies, another wall is has bottles with matching dummies, the third wall had blankets, the wall with the door had diaper bags. "pawwot what do i do?" harry asks. "You may pick one thing from each wall, and pansy, draco, and blaise you three agree on a diaper bag." "aww i like the bag with unicorns on it." "no we are not getting that one we are getting one to match what kitten is getting." draco says. "pawwot can u help me.'' "was that a question kitten?" "yes" "can u get the green blanket." "yes kitten." i notice that it has the slytherin crest. "Are you sure you want this one?" "yes" as we walk to the third wall he points to a green and black bottle with a matching dummy that had the same slytherin snake as the blanket, he also chose a snake stuffy. "Well sweety and honey we are getting the slytherin bag." "I can't get over the fact that you are calling us honey and sweety." "well honey get over it." i say giving draco a big kiss on the cheek. "Oh my gosh pansy did you just kiss me?" draco says embarrassed. "Well i gotta even the score." i said kissing blaise on the cheek. "Hey cutie i think we need to clean kitten up." blaise said picking up harry. "I'm not changing him." draco and blaise say at the same time. "Fine i guess i have to clean him up come here kitten." i pick harry up and he is soaking wet. "Follow us we will show you the little and caregiver room we also want you to fully meet our little you like to call him Lee Jordan but we call him our little lion." "Can we please hurry, the little in MY arms is fussy and soaking wet." "give him his dummy."  one of the twins said. "Thank you so much he hasn't stopped complaining." "it's no biggie Lee wouldn't stop crying after he wet himself the first time. Nappies are in the second biggest compartment."  "ok this is really confusing how can we tell you two apart?" draco asks. "Im taller." "and i have hair that will be shorter because i hold lee more." "ok can you say your names and say what your are." "I'm Fred and I'm taller." "ok now wear this." I say handing Fred a red pin of the letter F and handing George one of the letters G. "We can't wear these; they are two sharp. If you have a little you can't have anything sharp when your little is in little space." "we have told everyone in our living space and we have set up a living space for you and it has changed to match what harry chose so it is a slytherin theme room it has beds for the three of you and a crib for harry that will transform as he changes from big to little. Punishments in the little dorm will consist of verbal punishments and time outs. We do not allow physical punishments because most of the littles have been abused at one point." "Sometimes I have night terrors and Harry is the only one who can stop them. What do I do?" draco asks the twins. "The password is whatever you call your little now or what your little called you before they were classified as a little." Fred said. "Do you want to try?" George asks. "Kitten." I say in a rush to change little Harry who started fidgeting. "Pawwot whe are we?" "we are in our new house with the twins and a few other people."
"Hey cutie can i change him this time?" "why do you want to change him so much after you two dumb fucks told me to do it?" "because if you had to change him you would carry him making sure my robes are clean and if i change him i get a free pass." "dub fucs." "HARRY James potter?" "Are we calling him Potter, or can we call him Harry James parkinson?" "no." "also harry you do not say curse words." blaise scolded harry.  "Sowwy sowwy sowwy." Harry cried as he bit pansy and ran away. "Draco why did he bite me?" "Harry thinks that either you or Blaise is going to hurt him. I will explain when we are alone and he is asleep." "Harry sweety come here, we won't hurt you." Pansy said, walking to Harry and crouching down to match Harry's size. "Pwomise you won hut hawaii." Harry said on the edge of crying. "Of course not kittens, we would never hurt you." Pansy said, picking Harry up. "pwomise ." "I promise Harry we will never hurt you." "Fred, George, can you show me our room because Harry is really wet." "yes you four are right down here next to our room and when you are done come back here and everyone will explain everything to yall." "Thank you so much, where are the diapers again?" "the second largest pocket." "thank you so much i am so sorry for how rude we were to you and your family i know that sorry doesn't fix everything but it's what i can do right now if you ever need anything just come to me." pansy says to the twins. "You can also come to me and maby draco." I replied. "Thank you, we won't ask for anything until you are settled down and have sorted anything out." Fred says as George calls Lee Jordan. "Harry you need to stay still so i can put your nappy on." pansy says. "Can we leave because we aren't changing harry and it's kind of weird." I say. "No you are staying here so you know how to change a nappy when it's your turn." "fine." "kitten sweety please stay still." pansy said, struggling to keep the little still.

Little snakes (harry potter fanfic)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin