Chapter 48

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Harry had a bottle of vodka since summer. "Draco what happened. "Harry has had vodka up his um well he has had vodka on him since summer." I say and hug pansy. "Really. He's in trouble." she says and hugs me back. Fred comes up behind blaise. "What did Harry do?" Fred asks, wrapping his arms around Blaise's waist.
Fred wraps his arms around my waist and pansy looks at me. I whisper to Fred who has his face on my shoulder. "Pansy knows." and Fred just whispers back. "Yah like that's a problem." pansy gives me another look. "she's going to say something." I whisper. Fred just picks me up. "I'm taking this one away." he says and pansy walks up to me. "Dont do anything that i wouldnt want you to do." "what makes you think that i havnt already." i say and follow fred. "So where do you want to go?" i ask fred. "Maby girls bathroom third floor. I could always kick myrtle out." he says picking me up bridal style. "Merlins beard im happy that we are in a group." i say and he agrees. Is someone watching us?" i ak and fred looks behind us. "No" he says and we push the door open. "Myrtle can you watch the door we need to talk and pansy thinks something else." i say and she nods. "I love fucking with pansy but we have to be carful because she can get aggressive. "Well we will deal with that when the time comes." fred says. "Blaise whats wrong." fred yell asks when he sees my face. "Its my mom." i say because i had gotten notified of her passing. "Come here." fred says wrapping me in a hug. I start to cry into his shoulder. We hear myrtles shrill voice "you cant go in there." she says and pansy starters to scream. That makes me cry harder. "Shh its ok come here." fred says and moves closer to me. I move on to his lap so we can be closer and i get more human warmpth. "Ow blaise i get that you stimm but your hitting me right now." fred says and i didnt relise that i was stimming. I cry for hours than fall asleep.
Blaise found out his mother died and started to cry. So i gave him a hug. Pansy tried to get in and he started to sob. So i say "shh its ok come here." and moove closer. When blaise has an excess of emotions he needs body warmth so he moves to sit on my lap. He starts to stimm and hits my back so i say "ow blaise i get that you stimm but your hitting me." i say. He just crys for hours than falls asleep in my arms. I call for myrtle "hi myrtle is pansy still outside?" i ask and she says "no shes not outside. Blaise fell asleep again?" i nod. "Can you make sure that no one comes in here because i have to wake blaise up so we can talk." i ask and she goes back to the door. "Thanks." i call and sit back down. I shake blaise awake "blaise you have to wake up we need to talk." i say and he just mumbles and wakes up. "What?" "i want to talk to you." i say and he sits up. "What." he says looking at me. "Do you want to go into muggle lendon with me on saturday?" i ask and blaise lights up and starts to flap. "I think that is a yes." i say and he nods and trys to go back to sleep. "Ok blaise sweety if you want to sleep i will carry you on my back ok?" i ask and he crawls on my back. "Ok blaise where do you want to sleep. Do you want to sleep at our house, the littles dorm, where everyone is, gryffindoor room, your slytherin room, with everyone else in the room, or create a new room?" i ask and he says "hmmm here." and i respond by saying "ok but that means that you have to sleep on my lap." i say and he moves to stand up. "Im going to the littles dorm because we still have our room and im going to get all of our pillows and blankets." i say and get up. Blaise puts his hand on my chest. "Wait. pinky." and pansy's 'elf' pops in. "yes." she says. "Can you go into our old little dorm and bring all of the blankets and pillows. If you can bring ones from all empty rooms that will not be occupied tonight. Dont be seen." i say and pinky nods and pops out. "I forgot about that."i say and pinky pops back in. "here you go." she says than leaves. "Welp thats a lot more than i expected." i say and blaise laughs. "Do you mind telling me what happened to your mom?" i ask and blaise hugs me. "Um she contracted dragon pox and yah thats it." than he just hugs me. He starts to cry. "Hey its ok." i say and set him on the floor. I set up the blankets and pillows where myrtle sits  by a window. I had asked myrtle and she said that it was ok. I also put up a shielding spell so we dont fall. "Fred?" blaise asks snapping and shaking his hands. "Yes." "why are you so nice to me after i was so mean?" he asks. "You were never horrible to me. Never directly. You did stand behind draco but you never did anything to me." i say and he starts to bounce up and down. "Blaise can you please try to calm down a little bit so we can get some sleep." i say in my caregiver voice. I didnt think that it would work because blaise seems like a dominant caregiver. Turns out blaise is more submissive. He calms down and i just cuddle him and we fall asleep. Right before we fall asleep blaise says "i hope pansy can sleep because she always sleeps with me." and we are out cold.
Blaise and fred never came back. I cant sleep without being near blaise. So i say up walking around with a sleeping harry. At midnight again draco wakes up. "Pansy have you slept at all." "no draco you know that i cant sleep when blaise isnt here." i say freaking out. "Ok pansy give harry to me before you drop him and go to snape to get a calming draught." he says taking harry. "Ok draco i never knew that i depended on blaise so much." i say feeling bad. "I put too much stress on him draco what do i do?" i say and shrink to the floor. "Dose anyone have a calming drought?" draco asks and a second later he hands me a vile and i drink it. I instantly calm down and draco asks me "why cant you sleep with out being near blaise?" "really draco you know the answer its the same reason that im living in hogwarts." i say because draco has some nerve right now. "Oh" he says and than wakes harry up. "Its around midnight and we have to go get ready." draco says and we all leave. I gave draco the device i carry harry in and he puts harry in it. Than because of how weak i was i collapsed and draco carried me. Blaise and fred ran into us on the way. Fred was carrying a sleeping blaise. "Hey is that my blanket?" i say because it looks like my green blanket. "Shhh" he says in a quiet but deadly voice. I whisper to draco "thats new he usually acts like a pranker because he is one." draco whispers back "he knows something about blaise that we don't. Blaise doesn't let anyone except for his mother hold him. And maybe you." something in my mind clicks. "Something is wrong with blaise's mother." i whisper. "Sorry pansy i did take your blanket, yours too draco, and mine, lee's, george's, blaise's, and people who weren't using theres. Blaise really has an attachment to you pansy." fred whispers as we near the potions room. I opened the room portal thing. Fred just sat on one of the desks still holding blaise. "Aren't you coming?" i whisper ask fred. He just shakes his head and nods towards the door. "No your coming with us so we know your safe you and blaise were gone all last night and i cant sleep with blaise. Horrible things happened to me but he fixed me he has held me together he taught me the spell Epoximise." she says and blaise starts to stir. Fred stands up and starts to walk. "Well i dont want him to wake up and movement helps him sleep so go tell snape whats happening and make sure lucius is quiet blaise can't cant wake up he needs the sleep." and nods draco ahead. Draco who had put me down on snapes desk and goes in. "whats wrong with his mom?" i ask. "Why do you ask nothings wrong." fred says quickly and forced. "Yah i don't believe you." i say nodding my head at the still sleeping teen. "Why don't you believe me?" he says still walking around. "Blaise doesn't let people carry him unless its his mom. He let draco carry him once before he freaked out. Something happened with his mom for him to trust someone enough." i say and draco  comes back "all good. You can come now." and holds the door open. We all go through starting with fred and blaise. Right before the door closes george runs in "WAIT DON'T CLOSE THE DOOR." that did it and blaise woke up. Blaise waking up set fred off who stormed inside still holding blaise. I tell draco and george to stay with harry and lee and not to follow us. I run in after fred and close the door. Snape is holding a screaming lucius and is looking worried. "Whats wrong with fred and what happened to blaise's mother?" "apparently nothing is wrong with his mother and fred is getting over protective of blaise and george woke him up. Which room is fred in?" i ask and he points me in the direction of the empty room so i go there. I try to get in but the door is spell locked. "Fred open the door right now." i say and all i hear is crying. "Alohamora." he says so i try alohamora and the door opens. Blaise is crying and has a death grip on fred. "Blaise whats wrong?" i ask lying down in front of him on my stomach hands on my back. This is how blaise found me and brought me to st. mungos. It triggers a memory of vulnerability that no one has seen but him. "Pansy get up." fred says when blaise stops crying. "Put blaise down and do exactly what im doing." i say and fred obeys. This brings blaise out of his panic he leans down next to me and taps my back three times then picks me up. "Whats wrong blaise whats wrong?" i say when he hugs me. "Mum got dragonpox. She died." he says hugging me. "Im so sorry." i say. "Its fine i have fred. And between the three of us probably fred's mom is on my side." "can fred get up now?" i ask blaise nods. "Fred get up."i say and he dose. "Lets get dressed." i say and we leave the room. "Blaise go sit with sev for a second." i say when sev comes into view. "Sev dont leave him alone also don't let the others in." i say and sev nods "sit down on the couch." sev says and liaise dose. "Im going to come get you when were done." i say and blaise nods. "Blaise is more like a little. Hes really dependent on us." i say closing the door nearest to us. "Yah he depends a lot on his mom and fred so help me if you hurt him i will hurt you." i sa and fred's demeanor changes "what do you mean?" "fred hes grown attached to you your his new parental figure he needs you. Unlike draco he doesn't take meds. He shouldn't be left alone at all. If he starts to panic get me of do what i was doing he reacts to it. If you need anything come to me." i say and fred looks at me like im kidding. "Im not kidding he has an emotional attachment to you." i say and fred nods. "Lets go." i say opening the door and leaving. Fred follows me. Blaise sees fred and bolts over wrapping his arms around fred's waist. "See" i say smirking. "Ok fine." he says hugging blaise. "Go get the other kids please were working with blaise." i say to snape who nods and leaves to the door. "Come on blaise we have to get ready." i say putting my hand an inch away from his back. Blaise nods and i put my hand on his back. When we get to the room i spell on our robes so we can just go. Blaise spells my hair up with little snakes that tie it up and move. "Lets just go get food and the others." fred says and picks blaise up. "That was really long we have like 45 minutes to get ready." draco complains. "Blaise cant do your hair right now." i say and draco's face falls. "I need my hair done." "zip it blaise needs mental help and doing hair is bad for him." i say and draco nods. "Gp get dressed blaise isn't going to class right now im also staying with fred." i say sending the boys off to change into their robes. "Blaise what do you want for breakfast?" i ask the boy who was clinging on to fred. "Great hall with everyone else." he mumbles. "Speak up." i say and blaise grumbles. "Dont grumble at me." i say dead serious knowing that blaise will change his behavior. "Sorry i will have what ever is in the great hall though preferably with fred." he says then puts his head back in fred's shoulder. "Kay boys and pansy lets go." draco says holding lee and harry. "Lets go." i say taking lee from draco. "But." draco starts and i interrupt "shes going to find out at some point. And why not because im holding my little that was bonded to me through lady magic herself." and draco just nods. "Snape were going can we take lucius with us. Make sure aunty minnie is there." draco says and snape nods. "Im keeping lucius with me and i will send my patronus to minerva run along now." he says and sends us off. We walk and are met by the others. "We had a male with an unborn child wake us up where was harry" a woman says looking at me. She then looks at blaise "what is wrong with that kid?" blaise gets scared and hides behind blaise. Before i can respond harry comes up behind me. "You will not speak to one of my familiars like that especially not my third. You are now in the position of watching all of the submissives all doms will go to class with out their sub and you ms are now responsible for what ever damage the doms or subs do. You are also not protected from what ever the doms or subs do. DOMS please lighten the rules on your subs if you feal up to it. You know what i mean. Subs have fun. Also doms i would like for you to stay in class as long as possible.Lets go." he says and the womans face falls. All of the subs and doms break away from the group and start talking. I whisper to harry "whats the order?" "oh um well draco is my firs for obvious reasons, your my second not to be sexist but your the only female figure who is an understanding parental figure i can remember, blaise is my third he was my second but you came in, blaise saved my life two times. The twins alternate between fourth and fifth, they replace my godfathers because of everything they hade done for me." he says than goes back to draco. "Blaise come here." i say gesturing with my head. He looks at fred. Fred nods pushing him to me. "Feelings?" i question. He gets it right away. "Hurt feelings." he says looking down. "She got rule free sub with no dom duty. This is going to be fun." i say and blaise laughs. "Go to sirius." i say and blaise dose. "Fred, come here." i say and fred looks confused but comes over to me. " We are going to leave blaise and lee in a room with a neutralizing potion and let it wear off." i say then tell him to pass the message on to everyone in our group but blaise and lee. He dose and draco gives me a concerned look. "No one is stopping me." i say and draco nods. "When?" george asks. "After breakfast." i say taking lee back. "Why?" harry asks. "You will see why later." i say starting to walk to the great hall. When we enter all of the teachers are there and i smile still holding lee. I see snape smile at me. I look right in his eyes so i can read his mind. He taught me liginamens but what he did not know is that the first time he let me practice he underestimated me and after his wall of stones he had a memory of how to make sure that when performing liginamens you can go undetected. I saw it threw one of the holes. I saw that he almost told my mom but didnt, he gave harry the idea of sub no dom duty, and something that gave me leverage over draco. I exit his mind and relise that he wanted me to see this. I know this because he winks and mouths twedle dee and twedle dum. I had no idea that one draco watches muggle tv and that two draco owned two muggle pets. Hamsters to be exact. They matched his hair and would ride around on his head. What draco doesn't know is that they are still alive and that they follow harry around under protective charms, invisibility charms, and location charms. I turn around because lee was snatched out of my hands and a stern clearing of the throat was herd behind me. "Yes minnie." i say knowing perfectly well what she would say. "Don't hold someone that could at any moment weigh more than you pansy. I thought i tought you well." she says witch catches me off guard. "You tought me well its just that i want to hold him for what could possibly be the last time." i say and she looks at me confused. "Testing a harmless theory. Same with baise." i say and she hands lee to draco who is standing near me. She walks up to snape and says something and he nods. "Whats that about?" draco asks i shake my head. "Harry come here" i say and he dose. I lean down and pat the floor. Harry shakes his head and moves his left foot in a small circle i nod and get up. We all eat breakfast and leave like normal. Until ron and cormac come up to us. Now is the best time to pull plan draco's hamsters. "Well if it isn't tweedle dee and tweedle dum." i say and harry, draco, sirius, and remus bust out laughing. "What is wrong with you." both boys say. "Its a muggle thing." draco says earning a look and "how would you know?" from both boys. "Like you would know." draco replies. Both lion boys huff and leave us alone. When we get back to the ror i pull harry aside after he dismisses everyone to finnish getting ready. "Can i  please return the boys to draco he absolutely loved them." i say and harry agrees. I find the two boys on the ground and harry lifts the spells on them. They are cuter then i could have ever imagined. They immediately crawl on top of my head. "So is or whole group staying?" i ask and harry nods. "We are all taking the potion except for you and i." he says i nod. "I know that lee and blaise are the only ones who this might affect but they need people in there with them and i need to stay here and i also need a caregiver so i picked you because the potion could do things." he says and i nod. We go to sit down on draco's cot who is currently getting lee dressed so he dosnt pay attention to the two platinum blond hamsters on my head. He turns to face me smiling. I relise that he got lee into a suit. "No." i say then he nods. ""He will be wearing all white." i say so draco sighs and puts lee down next to me. He turns around to find lee a comfortable outfit that is all white and will grow and shrink to fit him. He pauses. "What" i say and draco rubs his eyes momentarily. "Why are my hamsters on your head." he says in a deadly tone. "Take em they are yours after all." i say and draco puts his arm next to my head. The Two hamsters squeak overjoyed that they are with draco again and run up and rest on his head. Blaise and fred come over and blaise is quietly singing "draco likes hamsters, draco likes honey, draco likes toothpaste, ch ch ch ch ch ch." "blais ei told you not to sing that song." draco says jumping up to silence the singing boy. Harry stands up. "Um everyone will have a pair of clothes to change into when you get to the room." draco goes to protest but stops when he relises why. "Go meet snape he knows whats going on. They all leave. "Well  kitten it just you and me." i say and harry nods. I relise that draco left his hamsters who walked up to me and climbed up my leg and setled in my hair. "Everyone get to class now." harry yells and everyone dose. A soft looking man comes up to me. "Um my sub isnt used to being away from me and its really early in our relationship and i can't lift the rules because then well um rules will be broken in the future and i dont want that." he says looking really shy. "I know that your a dom but i need you too use words." i say. Funny thing littles and caregivers are really strong. Caregivers are the strongest. "Oh sorry. Im not fully a dom. Im more dominant than our full submissive but less than our dominant." he says. "What do you want me to do." i say not in a question. "I need you to stay with and watch our sub." he says. "Show me your sub." i say he nods. "Um can i hold one of the hamsters?" "sure. Put your arm near my head." i say and he dose. Dee goes to investigate. Dee ends up scurrying into the boys hands. Here you go. I like hamsters." he says. I realise that he is like blaise. "Um this is our sub." he says pointing me to a boy with blue hair holding someone who was clearly gender fluid. "Who is you sub?" i ask the blue haired who turns around. "No way." i say going up to hug him. "Hey baby girl." he says putting his sub down. "Is what they say true?" "yes. Im assuming that you had an early inheritance." i say and he nods. "Um iah, whats going on?" the boy who came up to me asked. "Zach. remember when i told you that there was a possibility that during the summer i could have." the boy looks him dead in the eye "yes i do." "none of that. This is pansy." "i just asked pansy like pansy to watch our sub." "yes you did i asked you to ask someone close to harry apparently pansy was the only one there." he says the boy nods. "How are you?" i ask and uriah sits me down. "Will you watch willow for us? Today she is she. Don't let her break any rules. "Don't go easy. She will try to worm out of the rules." he says taking something out of a box. "What are you doing?" i start and then uriah holds up a box. "You found it" i say. 'Whats going on uriah?" willow asks as zach picked her up. "This is pansy and we are really good friends and i may or may not have given her a child." willow looks terrified. "Pansy as in the pansy who." "let it be wills. She was in a really place and the only way she knew as a way to express her feelings even if it was happy." uriah says handing me the box. "How can i forgive what she did to me?" willow says and it clicks. Two months before i met uriah i was given a choice and my smart decided to worm out of it witch go me the beating of a life time. Instead of looking for help i ran out and did unspeakable things to willow who was only trying to help me. "What i did to you is and was unexcuse able. Yould you feal better if i explained why? Not to justify or say that its ok i just want to know." willow nods. "Whats in the box?" zach asks. "Um well thats another story for another time." i say and harry comes by. "No way." he says running up to uriah. Harry stands up on the cot closest to uriah and slaps him in the face. "Harry james get here right now." i say going to pick him up. "No i deserved that." uriah says. "We are talking about  this after school. Dismiss everyone." i say taking harry off the bed. "DISMISSED." harry says and everyone goes to their respected place. "Willow sit." i say and she dose. "Can i give you a hug?" i ask and she looks taken aback. "What i did you have the right to be scared of me i would be surprised if the fact that i almost killed you isnt running through your mind. I want to start by asking if i can show you that i want to start making this right." i say and willow moves closer to me. "I am about to be really strict but thats because i am about to say something about your rules." i say and she nods. "You know your rules follow them." i say and willow nods. "Im sorry for that. Lets start. When you found me i was wearing a ton of glamorous. I was given a choice by my parents and i made a really bad decision to worm my way out of it." she stops me. "I know that part. I want to know why you didnt take my help." that surprised me. "Before i only trusted two people. Never female. I felt like i was in danger." i said and i started to cry. "Thats all i wanted to know. Thank you." she says. "Im sorry." i say and she just shakes her head. "Its not ok." "pansy its not ok. But i forgive you." "lets go." i say standing up. "Thank you." she says. I pick up the box and open it. "Son of a.." "im not allowed to say that." willow says trying to look over my shoulder. I close the box before she can. "You know that was my idea." "willow." i say she just smiles. "I have to talk to harry come with me." i say and willow dose. "Harry whats going on?" "it went faster than expected." "come with me." i say. "You to willow." we walk to the neutralizing room. "Everyone out. Lee, blaise, fred, harry, and willow stay." everyone except for lee, blaise, harry, willow, and i stay. "REGRESS." i say and blaise shrinks. "Knew it." i say and pick blaise up. "You little one somehow swapped places with lee." "how is this possible." "blaise protected harry and became his caregiver but he really is a little. Fred and george babied lee so the same thing happened." "so you mean to tell me that lee and blaise swapped places?" draco asks. "Yes now we have to go we have to get blaise to the hospital wing." i say handing blaise to fred. "Papa" he says putting fred's shirt in his mouth. "Don't let him do that." i say. "Why? Its just for a few minutes." "get your shirt out of his mouth right now." i say and fred tries to take his shirt out of blaise's mouth. Blaise doesn't like this and starts crying. "Give him to me." i say putting my hands out. Reluctantly fred obeys. "Blaise baby,you can't put other peoples things in your mouth." i say and he puts his own shirt in his mouth. "No. only dummies, food, and bottles can go in your mouth." i say. I sense someones presence shrinking only to have harry try to climb on my back. "Harry kitten i can't carry two of you at once." i say and harry dead looks me in the eye and i realize what he is about to do. "Harry james do not do it." i say and harry sticks his tongue out and just lets go. Willow who is a neko and has fast reflexes catches harry with her tail. "Lets go back." i say and everyone follows. "What the hell happened in there?" draco asks. "Well harry is in a ton of trouble after what he just did." i say. "Did he do a death fall." "exactly. Im not punnishing him because my focus is on blaise." i say and motion for willow to had harry to draco she dose. "I think its time to see how well his godfathers can handle punishment because i have a fealing that they are going to room with us for aa bit." he says and we start to move. "Whats a death fall?" george asks. "Its when harry is told that he can't be climbing on something or someone so he just lets go completely." i explain and george laughs. "You know you could just let him fall. He used to do the same to bill and charlie all of the time. His magic catches him. He did it to percy once and well percy got mad." george explains. "Wait there's more of you." draco says. "No draco bill is william he just goes by bill." i explain. "Yup i kew that." he says. "Up pansy." i hear willows small voice and feel her tugging on my shirt. "Yes." she looks guilty. "Take blaise." i say handing him to fred. I pull willow into an empty room ''what did you do?" i ask her. "Um one of my rules if they put something in me it stays in until they take it out" "how the hell did you find time too." she holds up her wand. "Sorry." i say and send out my patronus. "Go get willow's doms." i say and my parrot flies away. "Lets catch up to everyone." i say and willow shakes her head. "Can we stay here?" she asks. "If we stay here i cant leave here till i have a partner." i say and willow nods. After a calling a sub can't be left alone. We hear a knock on the door. "Come in." i say as uriah and zach enter the room. "Whats the charge?" uriah asks. "Removing whats not supposed to be removed." i say and zach smirks. "A third offence." he says. "Third. Dang willow" i say and uriah walks up behind me. "Do you have someone to walk you back to the room sweetheart?" i shake my head. "Stay here. We have a lot to catch up on anyways." he says patting me on the head. "The boys are really over protective of me." i say and uriah nods. "Pansy." zach says after sharing a look with uriah. "Um am i going to like this?" "lets play a game. Its called pick a punishment." my face falls. "Ummm no intercorse for three weeks?" i say sounding confused even though i know what im doing. Before they think about it both uriah and zach nod and uriah says "thank you sugar." "welcome lightning." i say smirking. They make the vow "willow's punishment is now no intercorse three weeks so mote it be." the magic flares white as the vow settles. "Hey zach. You don't get to dom for a week." i say and zach says says colorful words. "Same for zach so mote it be." uriah says before thinking. "Dam it." he yells scaring all three of us. Being the only female in my immediate group i am basically a motherly submissive. "Sorry pans come here." uriah says coming over and hugging me. Hes to late and I go into a vision based panic attack. Its a magic panic attack where I relive the moments leading up to uriah finding me but uriah never finds me. Shit im running i see uriah in the distance and he sees me and turns around. "Shes over here lord and lady parkinson." he says and I fall. After the vision ends i fall into uriah's safe grip. I vaguely here uriah say to zach "send your patronus to draco lucius malfoy tell him that pansy parkinson had a panic attack and to meet us in the room where she was last seen at." and a bright white light appears. "Leave please get out of the room now." uriah says and willow stops to ask why. That pushes me over because a male and female started to argue (zach, willow) that reminds me of my parents yelling at me paired with uriah's strong hold on me( usually calms me down.) i worm out of his hold and transform into my creature. I fly up as high as i can witch is really high. I have enough energy that only someone as close to the leader as i am has. I flatten my self on the ceiling sticking my wings to the ceiling. I zone out and make sure that i will be able to sense exactly who is coming near me and where they are. "Pansy get down here right now." someone yells at me. I do nothing i just tighten my grip. "You two need to run as fast as you can get draco and um ummmmm. Luna lovegood. NOW." the door slams. Uriah is 15 feet below me full veela. 15 seconds later his left wing is over me telling me to let go. I shake my head only to feel the entirety of hid body warmth over me. "Only if we can stay up here." i complain. "Ok sweet girl." he says. To anyone else it would seam like we are together or flirting but at this point were at the stage where we had a really good brake up totally neutral and we are in the close as siblings stage. "Pansy your ok your parents aren't here its just me. Pansy put your wings away they are uncomfortably hot." "sorry its a reflex itl stop soon." i say and turn into his chest moving so hes supporting both of us. "Whats wrong. What happened? What started this?" he asks. "You yelled than willow and zach started fighting." i say curling up on his chest. "Its been so long since I was able to do this." i say as he wraps his arms around me. "I know pancake. I know." he says wrapping his hands around me. "If its ok can we stay up here for a while. I like it. I miss you." i say and start to cry. "If we stay up here we need blankets." uriah says. "Nuhuh." i say and uriah releases what i mean. "Willow would kill me. I mean she is part..." "yah i know part werewolf. She has my cent because i fucked her life up." with uriah i don't need to know if anyone is coming so i get scared when i hear wings flapping. "Who are you?" i hear draco ask. "Pansycake its draco im going to talk to talk to him i think he has some stuff for you." uriah says and i burrow farther into his chest. "Im uriah pansy and i are really close." he says. "What are you doing up here?" "not my story to tell." i really love how uriah answers questions. "When are you coming down. "Whenever pansy is ok with it." "do you need someone to watch your subs?" that i wasn't expecting. "Yes please, um the only rule right now is no intercorse. Um tell zach to replace it, he will know what it is. And um tell my uncle that i won't be meeting him for tea today." i realize that i never knew the last name of my kid because its going to be uriah's last name. "Who's your uncle." "the one your uncle remmy wished hed never wronged." well dam that could be most people. "You could be related to one of the most annoying gryffindors ever." he chuckles. "Draco when its time can you bring meals? Tell uncle s not to come find me. He wont be happy. He cares a lot and if he finds out that well you know the whole story my fathers die i live with my uncle who will kill me if he finds out i gave a girl an unborn. Also apologize for calling him a..." then he cover my ears so i cant hear. When he uncovers my ears i hear draco ask "can i see her?" "pansy im putting one of my wings down." "NO" i scream unable to control myself. "Sorry dray thats a no." "when did you start calling draco dray?" i ask because that takes a long time to reach." "when i told him that i was the father." he says hugging me tighter. "Whats your full name?" i ask remembering that i only knew his first name. "Matais uriah." he says smiling. "So your last name is uriah?"  i ask before realising something. "No one is named matais uriah. Although once when i was staying at papa reg's house he was talking about someone named mattie." i say knowing exactly what i was doing. "Regulus black is your father?" he asks. "Something like that i mean its not everyday you meet a kid your age named black obsidian but wears a Black Tourmaline?" i ask because i just remembered that he knows about me. "Your the girl that my dad was the sworn protector of." i nod and start to cry. "Well shit pads is going to kill me." "pads as in padfoot, as in SIRIUS BLACK THE ONE WHO IS NOW LIVING WITH ME." "geeze pancake calm down or were going down." that scares me so i do what i always did. "Draco please leave." uriah says putting his wing back on the ceiling after he realizes what im doing " fine im going but im going to get sirius and hes going to talk to you both of you. And harry is going to give him the gift of wings. And you three are going to talk." draco says and i ont like that. "No thank you." i mumble into uriah's chest. "Ok then you will talk tomorrow." draco says.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~time skip. Night pansy pov~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Pansycake please eat. You need to eat just come down here no one else is in here." uriah pleads. "Fine." i say tapping him on the shoulder. "How do you do that?" he says jumping. Its all in the wings." i say smirking. "How the hell are you an angel." uriah says. "I don't know." i say laughing. "We have a lot to catch up on." i say still laughing. "Pansy are you..." he starts but i know what hes about to say. "About that." i say smiling. "God pans you got to stop doing that." he says taking off the heating spell. "I know I just haven't pulled that in forever." i say laughing. "Whats for dinner?" i ask. "Um. merlins beard willow." he says. I laugh realizing what he means.
"Willow is a dumbass." he says throwing his plate. "What its not like she gave you." i start laughing, "she gave you." i say but i can't finnish because im laughing too hard. "Welp now you have no food." i say "i wouldn't have been able to eat it. Willow knows that i can't, why?" "hey calm down. Willo doesn't deliver food. And i know who made the food. Dang it. Draco. Come on were sharing." i say and hand him a set of utensils. "How come i never actually met black obsidian?" he asks. "Oh no one saw me except for papa reg, and one time uncle siri." i say putting food in my mouth. "After that when i was well after first year i had to go back to them. This summer you came and i hurt willow bad." i say and put more food in my mouth. "Any ways i had to hide the box because kreture kept on giving it away." "hey why did willow add." "what did willow add to the box?" "she said that you said it was ok. She put in." he stops me there. "If you are talking about the clothing then that was passed by me." he says. "I told you to keep those." i say. "Yah i told you that im not keeping them. You literally had a fight with a house elf so that you could make them. And honestly that was the funniest thing ever." he says laughing. "Um can we go back i think im ready to leave plus we have something to tell you." i say knowing that hes going to be mad. "Only if we can  fly." he says and i nod. "You go ahead i have to enter another another room in the ROR." i say as we stop at the door. "See you in a few. Tell the boys im ok and tell siri to come along." i say as the door closes. I walk by the tapestry three times thinking living space of regulus black, living space of regulus black, living space of regulus black. The door opens. I walk in and close the door. Before i can do anything i see a figure dash towards me. "Hey pup." the person says swapping me up. "FENNY." i shout hogging fen. "Hey pet come here look whose back." and i hear from the other room "one sec fen you know, is that pup?" he says coming into the main room. "Hi papa." i say breaking away from fenny's grip. "Um we have to talk." i say sitting down. "We know." fenny says looking me in the eye. "Um fen what do we know?" "oh come on weve talked about this. Pansy is clearly a caregiver." "thats not what i mean. Never mind. Get dressed now we have to go see someone." i say walking back to fenny. After papa reg goes back to put a shirt on fenny whispered in my ear "i know you have an unborn. I also know who the other is. What i also know is that regulus will freak out so im helping you." "ok but can you let go bill is still really mad at you. Um fenny?" i say turning around into his chest and breathing in his scent. "What is pup?" "um you know uriah's new fully sub?" i ask because i havn't come to see them after last year. "Yah willow she needs to learn self control." "um she doesn't need to learn self control, she needs to learn confidence, trust, and the feeling of safety around her doms." i say starting to cry. "Fenny i did some terrible things this summer. Fenny i hurt some people." i say crying. "Pup what did you do?" he asks knowing that i don't cry often. "Um i almost.. Uum i really hurt willow to the extent where she could have died. Fenny i almost killed someone." i say sobbing. "Pup you didn't have a choice. Did you?" he asks. I shake my head. "Ok um. What do you want to do?" he asks. "Um can we talk to papa?" i ask and fenny nods. "Thats a good idea pup." he says as papa reg walks into the room. "Whats wrong pup? Why is fen holding on to you like that?" "um i did some really messed up things that could have killed someone." i say crying. "Is the person alive?" papa reg asks i just nod. "Ok im assuming that you apologised so dry your tears. I want to see my brother and child." he says handing me a handkerchief. "Thanks papa." i say wiping my eyes. "Um also fenny." i say knowing that he never knew that I was black obsidian. "Yes pup?" i look at papa reg and he nods. "Black obsidian is back." i say and fenny's face lights up. "Really." "yup." i turn to papa reg and nod. "Clear the area" i say because as black obsidian my outfits are always overboard. "Stand back." i say and start to spin. For the full effect i have to be spinning at top speed. When i reach that speed i hear papa reg cast the glamour spell. My hair grows and flows around me. A flower crown of fresh black fowers grow and flowers twist into my hair. A long black flowy skirt forms and swirls like my hair. My top consists of a silk black cloth that is held together by a black corset decorated with black obsidian. Makeup was finished before the hair started. My makeup consists of silver and black. Black lipstick silver blush, contour, highlighter. Black eyeshadow, silver eyeliner. My eyes are the darkest possible black. The finishing touch is my black Tourmaline pendant necklace. "Im baaaack." i say in a singsong voice. "Your black obsidian?" fenny asks shocked. "Yes i am. Black obsidian was papa's idea so no one would notice me." i say and fenny nods. "So can i go like this?" i ask and papa shrugs. "Why not. A lot of people know about black obsidian. Can we just go i need to see my child and brother." he says and fenny gets up. "Stay here." i say as we go out. I walk by the tapestry three times and think creature room. "The door opens a little bit but not enough for people to notice. "Lets go." i say and open the door and we stand for a minuet before two figures run at us. One screaming "REG" and the other "PAPA." soon all of us are wrapped in a hug. Before sirius hugs papa reg he stops. "Why in the grimmauld place are you here." he says fuming. He looks papa reg up and down. "What did lady black catch you doing the night jamie and i came to get our stuff?" "ok you and i both know that im not going to answer that." he says laughing. "Yop your real." he says before hugging him. "Hi siri." i say laughing. "Your really back." he says hugging me. "Yes i am." "so reg who is incharge of uriah now i hear he." uriah puts his hands over sirius's mouth. "He dosen't know at this point. Its bad enough that fenny knows and that you know. You already blabbed to lady black's portrait." he says complaining. "Oh i know and both of you are in trouble." papa reg says. "Also where is my godson?" "regulus you little piece of.." "don't finish that sentence im already telling." he says and i smirk. "Oh like you know what its to be in trouble with your parents." he sneers at me not knowing who i am. "Well my little dragon i think i now a little more than you." i say knowing that im the only one who calls him dragon. "Oh im so sorry please." "oh come on you really think that.." "nice to finally meet you." "same here." i say. "YOU." some one yells charging at fenny. "BILL NO HES FINE. FENNY RUN." i yell and bill comes to a stop in fenny's arms. "Bill que faites-vous. tu aurais pu être blessé. tu pourrais avoir ugh. Bill mais qu'est-ce que tu avais en tête." fleur is now ranting in french. "Fleur calme toi il va bien." i say hugging her. "You know french?" she asks. "Yah omg now we can renverser le thé et les garçons ne le sauront pas." "true." i say and some people start laughing. I yell "cercle de thé à vingt et un tous les soirs pendant que nous sommes ici." and i start hearing D'accord, où and quand. "nous serons dans une autre salle de la salle des exigences." i say in french so only people who understand french know where to meet. "Where's blaise" i ask draco who is standing in shock. "Oh hes with fred. And we need help finding harry." "you lost my kitten again." i say walking to the corner he was in last time. "Harry kitten can you come out please? You can hide in my skirt if you want to." i say and the kitten crawls out and sits under my skirt. "Got him." i say and draco hugs me. "Don't touch." i say and draco backs up. "Sorry." "its ok just stay off." i say and papa reg laughs. "You knew that he was alive and didn't tell me." uriah starts but when i feel harry move i sush him. "Quiet down i don't want him to hide again." i say leaning down and picking the kitten up and putting him on my skirt. "Where is papa reg?" i ask because i can't see him. "He is with siri. And fenny is fighting with bill." i pick harry up off of my skirt and rush over to were fenny and bill are yelling at each other. "Break it up." i say and both look at me. "Still got it." i say smiling. "How do you do that?" bill asks. "A lot of time with lady black's portrait." i say smirking. "Yah she'd do that to ya." siri says laughing. "Soooo brother who gets to lecture the kids this time." "well my brother lets both yell at them." papa reg says laughing. "This is bad." uriah and i both say looking at each other. "Your right it is bad." fenny says. "As long as we are back before 2100." i say and both men nod. "Lets go." they say and i try to put harry down. He disagrees so we just take him. Once we reach the living room and uriah and i are sitting, harry's ears covered of course, both men start ranting. "What both of you did was un excusable and unexceptable." papa reg starts and at the same time siri is ranting "what you two did could have been prevented but at least you should have told me because." "WOAH WOAH WOAH HOLD UP ONE AT A TIME. THIS IS CONFUSING AND I KNOW THAT WE ARE IN TROUBLE BUT PLEASE ONE AT A TIME. I CAN'T BE UNDER TO MUCH STRESS." i yell and all three boys are shocked. "Where did you get such a loud voice?" sirius asks me. "Mainly screaming for help and from life." i say in a false confusing voice that always gets us out of trouble. "Im sorry you know what its a freebie this time." sirius says before papa reg or fenny can protest. "Can we go now i have to drop harry off and je veux commencer le cercle tôt." i say knowing that none of them know french. Sirius responds "bonne idée. Allons-y. J'ai une tonne de saleté sur la plupart des hommes ici." "Où as-tu appris le français?" i ask him he just laughs and says "j'ai passé beaucoup de temps en france c'est comme l'anglais pour moi." he says and i nod. "Lets go." i say and siri and i leave. We get into the main room siri and i yell "mise à jour nous allons maintenant permet de se rencontrer à l'extérieur maintenant." and everyone who understands walks up to us. "Allons-y" i say and we all go outside. "quand nous entrons, tout le monde s'assoit en cercle et attend nos instructions." i say and everyone nods. Once we get in everyone but one person follows our instructions. "viens ici petit. Qui êtes vous?" i ask because they are clearly a young kid. "mon nom est Sophie. je ne parle que du français. et tout ce que je sais, c'est que j'ai deux dents et ailes pointues." she says and looks sad. "ben sophie, pourquoi ne viens-tu pas t'asseoir sur mes genoux et on peut te trouver quelqu'un avec qui rester. Est-ce que ça va?" i ask and she nods. "quel âge avez-vous?" "j'ai cinq ans." "ok sophie let's sit." i say before i realize that sophie doesn't understand english. "ok sophie laisse s'asseoir" i say and she nods then sits in my lap. "Nous allons donc en cercle. et répandre un fait sur quelqu'un. Si vous ne comprenez pas, criez. Répéter. Qui veut commencer?" I say. And only one hand goes up. And of corse its siri's hand. "Called it." i mutter in english than say "Oui." "Donc mon frère va probablement être en colère contre moi, mais quand Jamie et moi sommes retournés chercher mes affaires, lady Black l'a attrapé avec un lecteur de musique moldu et des écouteurs. et il écoutait une chanson intitulée The village par quelqu'un appelé Wrable. il a utilisé un retourneur de temps pour l'obtenir. C'est tout." half of the room bursts out laughing.
"Alors je m'appelle Angie et le thé que j'ai est allumé. Attends, est-ce que ça peut être sur quelqu'un dans la pièce?" angie asks. I respond "juste ne nommez pas la personne et dites pardon après que les mots aient utilisé la voix magnifire et que tout le monde sauf moi va mettre sa tête dans ses genoux pour que nous ne sachions pas qui c'est." i say. As everyone puts their head in their knees sophie tugs on my skirt. "Euh Pansy, peux-tu me ramener, je dois me préparer pour le lit?" " Oui une seconde. De jeunes enfants sans personne pour s'en soucier viennent avec moi à l'heure du coucher." i say and a few kids stand up. "Combien d'entre vous peuvent comprendre et parler le français?" i ask and all but sophie raise their hands. "Sophie Je vais donner quelques instructions en anglais que de le répéter en français pour vous." i say and sophie nods. "Come with me are you sure that none of you have anyone looking after you?" "we all look after each other non of our mates are old enough. Um a few of us are staying together to group up so we can all be together forever." one of the girls say taking the hands of the others. "Ok well do you know what creatures you are?" i ask and one of the other girls say "um we are al half vampires half, halfway veela's like sophie." "you all have at least one mate?" i ask and they all look at each other and look at sophie. I quickly close my eyes and ask the room to show me the mate bonds of the young ones. To my supprise all of the kids are bonded together their plan worked. "Thank you." i say to the room and she tells me to check my pocket when im all alone. "Kids come with  me." i say picking sophie up. "Your plan sort of worked. Every single one of you are mates like all of you your whole group even sophie." i say and they all hug each other. "Sophie étaient tous des potes." the girl says taking sophie from my arms. "Lets go now." i say taking one of the girls hands. "Do you need somewhere to stay after everyone goes?" i ask the oldest. "Yes can you tell us of a place?" they ask. "Oh i was assuming that you could live with me and my family we have plenty non little adults and people with adult instincts to watch all of you." i say and they light up. "Really?" "i have to ask a few people but i have a lot of power being the only girl well now one of the only two girls and he scariest one." i say and a few of the kids laugh. "Lets go introduce you to a few people. Sirius viens ici maintenant tu viens avec nous." i say and sirius stands up looking scared. "Ok im coming. Before you ask I'm on your side i dont want to get on your bad side like ever. Getting beat up by a five year old is enough." he says carefully walking around me. "Good choice siri good choice." i say and one of the kids taps me. "Did you really beat sirius up when you were five?" they ask and i nod. "Probably i think that i may have wanted him to be a dog and he wouldn't so i think i beat him up." i say and sirius nods. "That sounds about right." he says and i look at him. "I could always do it again but i have claws and pointed teeth." i say and and smile revealing my new addition. "Woah kids here and im fine i think the staff at st. Mungos have already healed wounds inflicted by you."  sirius says and i bite down on the air a move i use to get him to shut up. I bit hes ear when i beat him up and he gets scared every time. "How do you have this much power over most adults?" "i had a really violent past so i learned a lot about self defence and fighting so i know how to kill." i say and one of the kids start to cry. "No no i have never killed anyone and i don't hurt unless i have to. This is just an ongoing juke between siri and i because of stuff that i cant explain yet." i say picking up the crying kid. "I wont hurt you. The only people on my list are people who try and hurt someone under my protection and now you are all under my protection." i say and the kid starts sniffling. "Um lets go surprise draco." i say and fleur comes up behind me. "Hi pansy can i come with you i feel something is wrong with bill." "you don't need to ask." i say and she smiles. We go to the potions classroom and i tell everyone to wait for a second. They do. "Um stay here i have to go check on something." i say and go in.SEV, LUC GET YOUR CLOTHES ON WE HAVE A GROUP OF KIDS COMING." i say and i hear someone yell "PANSY I KNOW THAT WE ARE ADULTS BUT THAT DOESN'T MEAN THAT WE ARE ALWAYS DAMIT LUC IM TRYING TO PROVE A POINT AND I CANT DO THAT WITH YOU..." "I CAN HERE YOU." i say and then i hear them rustling around. "You know sev im glad i get to call you." "NOPE NO NOPE THE KIDS ARE COMING IN SOON AND SEV I WILL  NEVER BE ABLE TO PASS MY CLASSES IF I SEE YOU." i start then i hear a new voice. "So whos here." "OH MY GOD SEV WHAT THE HELL OH NO LUCIUS MALFOY PRINCE SNAPE YOU ARE IN SO MUTCH TROUBLE." i say and start to go upstairs. Before i can make it far i feel strong arms wrap around me before i smell who it is i sink my teeth in the arm and then i smell wet dog. I spit and say "oh my god sirius i am so sorry sorry sorry sorry." "i get pans i was expecting that to happen i though of the risks first i just don't want you to do something that you will regret. "I did that along time ago. What am i going to do i can never look at severus the same way." i say uncle sevie, little light, and evan rosier. "EVAN What the actual hell i told you that the next time i see you would be the last time you see." i say and bite sirius again. He lets go "pansy what the hell was that?" he asks putting his other arm over the puncture wounds. There are a lot considering that every single one of my teeth are pointed. "Woah pansy hey i didn't do anything." he says and i don't care if i get in trouble. "You stay quiet i just told you the last time you pulled this shit that you wouldn't be able to see again." i say letting my claws grow "pansy thats enough you are not going going to hurt evie. And if you do you wil regret it." uncle sevie says. "Name one thing that hasn't  caused me to regret it in the long run." i say putting on my scared girl act. "Ok your getting off this time just dont ever hurt evie or you will seriously regret it." luc says i have had enough of everyones bullshit so i walk over to the three adults and bite lucius. He immediately shrinks and crys. "Pansy what the heck thats it your grounded." and i almost blow up. "Pansy thats it go get the kids evan what the hell are you and why are you in our house?" i ask and he says "im a rare submissive caregiver." "we are exactly the same im a submissive caregiver how do you explain this." i say and evan looks me up and down. "Really. Ha that means that your little is more dominant than you." "oh i wouldn't bet that i am really dominant just not in that way." i say and sev looks at me with such a disgusted look i laugh. "Oh its not that bad i literally caught you with two other people one of whom i threatened the other being my best friends father." i say and sev goes red. "Yah um i have to tell the kids to come in um do any of you know some one named sophie she only speaks and understands french." i say and evans face falls. "Is my daughter ok?"  "sophie is your kid. I ask looking around. "What the actual hell man you forced her into an early inheritance." "she went into an early inheritance that son of a- he hurt her he hurt my baby. Where is she i want to see her now." as if on cue fleur, bill, the twins, kids, and everyone else came in. papa c'est vraiment toi" sophie asks looking at evan. "Bébé est-ce que tu vas bien ce qui s'est passé? vous a-t-il fait trop de mal? es-tu un veelapire comme moi?" sophie replies "Papa va doucement. je suis un veelapire et j'ai beaucoup de potes. um où es-tu allé, pourquoi m'as-tu laissé? et quelles que soient les raisons de la pensée de vouloir vous aveugler, je suis de son côté." damn i like sophie a lot more. "Come on kids lets go upstairs what do you sleep in. just tell me and we can arrange it for you." i say  and take the kids upstairs. "First introductions. Say your name, age, uh sleepwear?" i say and they all look at eachother. "Um my name is johnny. Im around five and an half. I sleep with my stuffies." "good start but more like do you sleep in a big kid bed or with side bars, or even a crib. Do you wear pull ups, dippers, or underwear. I just want to know so we can arrange the proper things that you need." i say and they all nod. "Oh i wear pull ups and i sleep with small bars on the side of my bed. Same with sophie. The four year olds wear diapers and sleep with the ones who have bars. Um the older ones will speak by them selves." and goes to sophie. "Ok. next." i say and the girl who came up to me earlier says "hi, my name is rose. Im the oldest. Im six. I sleep in a big kid bed with a few others, um most of us wear pull ups." "i have an idea can the ones who wear pull ups stand over here, the ones who wear diapers over here." i say pointing to the bed. There were three kids on the bed and the rest were in the little group standing in the pull ups pile. "Ok do you mind niffler pull ups because thats what we have?" i ask and the kids nod. "Ok do you want pajamas?" i ask and the kids nod. "Ok how many beds do you need?" i ask and they all start talking. "Um one or two." the girl says. "Its ok if you want one bed. I still sleep with blaise zabini at night." i say and the kids look at me. "Really." "yes really. And its not a bad thing we have helped each other for a long time. Its ok to sleep in the same bed th friends if it helps you sleep." i say and they all nod. "Lets get you changed. Do you want to take baths before bed we all know a two minuet shower isnt enough especially when you only have dracos body wash available. Merlin knows you can't wash your hair with that stuff." i say and the girls laugh. "Merlin knows right." rose says. "How do you manage sharing a bathroom with the boys?" rose asks and i laugh. I pick all of them up somehow and open my bathroom. "I don't. This is my bathroom. Well i share it with the littles and blaise. Well now just the littles. And now you." i say and shoo the kids in one by one. "Who needs help bathing?" i ask and they all raise their hands some more shy than others. "Its ok to still want help. Y'all still want the childhood you never had." i say and they all nod. "Draco's shampoo was not meant for my hair." i say and rose laughs. "I wish i brought my shampoo, and conditioner, and body wash, face wash, pjs." "i happen to have a special drawer and someone who is great with hair." i say and they all look at me. I hear a nock on the door and hear fred say "pansy can you open the door blaise is complaining, and he wants you." "not right noy freddie bear im busy um can you get me the package of niffler pull ups and the night time dippers?" i say and he groans. "Fine but if i get in trouble for going into snapes room because we are all out in here im blaming you." "you cant blame me freddie bear. I already have leverage over them." i say and he yells. "For merlin's fucks sake how is this possible." "Ok thats it fred gidion weasley there are kids in here you are holding a little, and i have more control over you now. Go do what i say." i say and he squeeks. . 'Sorry madam." "no you will not take that tone with me." i say trying not to laugh. I warn the kids that george was about to yell and they all nod. "WELL IM SORRY THA..." and on que all of the kids start to wail. "Im so sorry what do you all want im so sorry pansy oh no blaise please dont start to cry. Oh no pansy will literally kill me. No she wont blaise please stop crying." he says and i feal bad. Until i remember why we are in this situation. "We need the niffler nappies and the night time diapers." i say and the kids 'calm down'. "Who takes baths and who showers?" I ask and they all look at eachother. "Um we all take baths." "Ok how many tubs do you want?" "The little ones are two to a bath the rest of us are one to a tub. But we usually help each other." "Thats fine." i say asking the bathroom for the extra bathtubs. 

Little snakes (harry potter fanfic)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara