Chapter 44

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"DAKOOOOOOOOOOOOO" I woke up to Harry creaming my name. I ran downstairs forgetting that I had no shirt on. "Come here little love." I say as I take Harry. As soon as he is in my arm Harry curls up crying and won't let go of by back. "Blaise what happened?" I ask wincing because upon hearing Blaise's name he started to claw at my back. Blaise explains the whole story to me but by then my thumb was in Harry's mouth and he was sleeping. "Merlin's beard Blaise he really needs a dummy." I say carefully holding up my hand. I assume that I'm taking Harry with me to class because he won't let go. He won't even let me put a shirt on. "Harry is it ok if I put a hoodie on over you?" I ask holding up the hoodie that he always stole from me. He nods yes then spits out his dummy and puts MY thumb in his mouth. "Breakfast in the great hall except the twins and lee because they are staying here." Snape calls up when everyone is ready. Today we are all wearing green slytherin hoodies and gory black skirts under our robes. In the great hall we sit at the slytherin table when asie, Millie, and daffanie all walk up with wild hair glaring at Blaise. "What happened here." I say knowing the answer. "We just failed our task to bring Harry to the dark lord that's what happened." Millie says pointing to Blaise. "THAT'S IT." Blaise yells slamming his hands on the table. "Get up on that table now." He says pulling Pansy and me up so we were standing on the table "I KNOW THAT A FEW OF US HAVE HAD AN EARLY CLASSIFICATION, AND THAT AT ONE POINT OUR PARENTS WERE FOLLOWERS OF THE DARK LORD. BUT IF ANYONE AND I MEAN ANYONE TRIES SOMETHING WITH OUR LITTLE I WON'T HESITATE TO HIDE PANSY ALL IF THE KNIVES IN REACH." Blaise yells I can tell that he is losing his voice so I pipe up. "AND IF YOU DIDN'T ALREADY KNOW THIS IS MY LITTLE" i Yelp as I take off my hoodie to reveal Harry who at the moment was trying to hide in my chest. There were a few gasps and a ton of aws and I swear someone even said "50 galliens each" Harry starts to lick me and then he grabs my thumb so I think he was telling me that he wants his dummy. "Ok we can sit down now." Blaise says, pulling us down. "Why are none of the littles crying?" Pandy asks looking around. "Oh the littles don't hear it when we get over protective of a little." Blaise explains handing me my hoodie. "Hey look away I know you 're talking before so start talking and don't look at us."Pansy says snapping. Everything goes back to normal except for Snape who was walking fords us. Blaise looks at Snape who nods. Blaise gets up on the table and yells "all of the slytherin girls except Pansy don't know how to do their own hair and I'm the one who does their hair so from now on please comment on their hair because I want them to feel good for doing their own hair." Blaise gets down and Snape continues "all slytherin girls who have not been classified as little or caregiver now have to attend every class and if they feel unable to talk to me."in my mind I say justice is served and Harry starts to laugh. When we go to flying lessons Aunty rolanda comes up to me and asks "do you want me to take Harry so you can fly?" Harry hears her and screams "aunty yolanda" reaching his little arms out for her to take him. "I guess that's a yes" she says and takes Harry from me. "One thing he might grab..." I start to say but Harry already had his dummy in his mouth. "Is it just me if you do that to the kitten?" I ask and he nods. "You awe the only one who les mee." He says around his dummy. "Well damn." I say walking away from Harry and aunty rolanda. "Well that's a first." Pansy says looking at Harry who was happily chattering nonsense and aunty rolanda who was pretending to understand him. "Everyone get your brooms and mount them" aunty rolanda says putting Harry in her hip. "Let's hope the girls aren't too mad." Blaise says mounting his broom. One of the gryffindors yells "Nice hair" and everyone turns to a millicent bulstrode who has attempted to do a bun but you could tell she used magic because her hair was bright neon yellow. "Fuck off." Millicent says obviously pissed off. "We will not be making fun of the slytherin girl's hair when I can hear so you have five miunets where I am going to cover my ears." Aunty Rolanda says, covering her ears. One minute and twenty nine seconds go by before someone throws a punch and aunty rolanda has to break up a fight. "Ok everyone on your brooms if anyone i mean anyone tries something in the air everyone will be in detention for three months unless you have a little than that is impossible." She says lining everyone up. "On my count. ONE, TWO, TWEEEET." And everyone is in the air. "We are doing drills so get in a group and start on your drills." Aunty Rolanda says turning back to Harry who had wiggled out of her grasp. "Ok everyone down you know the rules from first year. Neville darling why don't you come with me." Neville agrees and follows aunty rolanda. Out of my eye I see some of the slytherin girls pick Harry up and start to run. Pansy and Blaise see it too. Without skipping a beat we take off running past our aunt and circle the girls. "Why the fuck are your eyes glowing." Daph says trying to give Harry to asie who was looking at Pansy in a silent conversation. Asie hands Harry to Pansy who nods and the four of us including asie Tun back to aunty rolanda. "Nope go just go you won't get in trouble." She says noticing our eyes and taking Harry. We silently walk and circle the girls who were throwing tantrums. "I see you didn't take our warning." Pansy sneers as she comes into her inheritance which was early and forced. "Oh shit." Blaise says when Pansy was fully transformed because she's an angel. "If Pansy came into her inheritance that means we will today." I say looking away because there was blood on my robes.
~~~~~~~time switch to potions~~~
"Draco where might Pansy and some of the slytherin girls be?" Papa asks me when we got to class. "Pansy kinda forced herself into early inheritance and some of the girls were the reason why." I responded by rubbing my back because it hurt. "Go home and take Harry with you Lucius and I don't have an inheritance but Harry does so all of you do too. Now go." Papa says leading the class outside so they won't know about the secret door. "Boys we are getting our inheritance so we have to go to a new room and bring the boys." Blaise says taking off his shirt and leading us to a room I have never seen. "Blaise leave your shirt on." I hiss, he just smiles and responds "I like this shirt and if Pansy has wings so I am assuming we do too." Whit that all of us had no shirt on. It started with Blaise, I started next, then the twins and lee. We were all angels. We were all checking out our wings and stuff when something red climbed on my back and put my wing in its mouth "he was so quiet" Blaise says, taking Harry off of my back. As soon as Harry was off of my back he started to cry. "It's ok Blaise it feels nice he's warm and it feels nice." I say because my wings were freezing. Blaise puts Harry BACK and Harry stops crying. "How is he still little?" The twins ask because Lee was in a big space and hugging George as hard as he could. "He's a demon so it doesn't hurt him, he's just a little hot." I say. "Hey let's go check on Pansy." Fred says sounding nervous like he is hiding something. "Great idea, just don't bang her." Blaise responds and George's face goes red "what makes you think that we banged?" "You just told me, I was making a guess. Now I can tease pansy." Blaise says taking Harry from me. "Put him on your back next to your wing he needs the cool." I say putting Harry on Blaise's back.When we meet Pansy in the hospital wing she is pissed. "Sooooo" I start to wiggling my eyebrows. "Don't even start with that. Where's Harry?" I take Harry off of Blaise's back and show him to Pansy. "A demond how cute." Pansy says hugging Harry. "Oh he feels nice I have been really cold all day." Pansy says hugging Harry tighter. "Um Pansy." George starters. "I know that Blaise got it out of you, he is a kinkey little shit." Pansy says. "I fe." "You can't say anything Blaise you know it.'' Pansy says, putting her pointer finger up to silence him. "Why can't blaise..." pansy gives fred a look and fred finishes with "ohhh" "what?" blaise almost shouts. "DAKOOOOO '' Harry screams at me. "What is it my little demon?'' I ask because he looks uncomfy. "Mommy is freezing cold and it huwts hawwy." he says trying to move away from her. "Pansy are you feeling anything?'' Fred asks, looking nervous. "I feel annoyed because I have had this conversation with Blaise a lot of  times before." pansy says then Harry screams. "Pansy your hurting harry when you feel extreme anger, extreme sadness, extreme annoyance, extreme fear, extreme feelings feelings that could signal your in danger as a protection mechanism.'' I explained taking Harry away from her. "But he feels really relaxed." she complains. "Kids you have to learn how to hide your inharentence." poppy says being followed by aunty rolanda. "Aunty rolanda.'' Harry says. "I'm not rolanda. Rolanda is my twin. My name is Xiomara." the woman who looks like our aunt said. "What do we call you?" pansy asks. "Call me aunty mara." aunty mara says. "Aunty mawa." Harry says, still hugging her. "Why does he trust me so much?" aunty mara asks. "We have no idea." we all say. "Arabella says that the dursleys hated him. I would think wait why is he cold?" she asked, handing Harry to me and he was freezing cold. "Hey he's freezing cold, his wings are changing,oh my gosh pansy." I scream. "What oh." "what is it?" the twins, blaise, and aunty mara ask. "We have reason to believe that harry might be the ruler of all." pansy said getting up. "I thought that was a myth.'' Blaise says, taking harry. "Put him down right now." I say. "Why? OWWWW." Liaise says dropping Harry on pansy on the bed. "OWW. BLAISE NOT ON ME." pansy shreeks. "Put him on a bed and dont touch him." aunty mara says. "Why he needs to be comforted." blaise says picking him up and winsing. "Because he can't be touched right now he will burn you."  she says holding Harry through her really heavy leather cloak. "Why will he burn us?" "Blaise he will burn you because he has the power of all creatures and can't be touched until he figures it out." "he's a little he needs to be cared for." Blaise screams, scaring harry. "There is one way he can have human interaction. You see my cloak? It's made of a special material that makes it where it can accidentally be burned. Take my cloak and say 'glove company.' that will make a set of gloves to fit the casters hands and it won't ruin my cloak." she says, taking off her cloak to reveal an all black full coverage long sleeved shirt that went into gloves, with pants that covered her feet and was all skin tight. "I work with kids who came into inheritance and are extremely powerful so i have to be on my toes." she explains. "Oh." pansy says. She opens her mouth to ask a question. "No, I have been around forever. And that is because I'm an archon. My brother is Elilaios." she says with a smirk. "Does that mean that aunty rolanda is one?" fred asks. "Yes," she says, turning around. From behind her a teenager looking boy wearing white jeans and no shirt pops in "HEY SIS IM BEHIND YOU." he shouts. Aunty mara turns around and yells through tears "damit eli i thought that you. Eli. damn it." and she hugs him. "Eli?" I ask because I may have done that guy. "DRACO!" he screams, letting go of our aunt and almost leavin. "Eli please tell me that you didn't do draco." "That may have been no definitely the longest and best relationship ever." he says, winking at me. "Aww cute little. Can I touch him?" Eli says moving to harry. Before we can say anything aunty mara cuts us off. "Eli, I'm telling daddy that you were with a child, not even one who is of age." "First off son of James and i wasnt of age." "You know that Harry's dad's name is james. And of age here is 17." "if you forgot in the wixen world im equivalent to dracos exact age. And two, how come you never told me that roro works with the son of a human deer." Eli says, taking out a pair of all white gloves. "Come here mini james."  he says, picking Harry up. "ELI WHAT THE." aunty rolanda comes in screaming before eli who is bouncing and calming harry down says a cocky "shhhhh you'll upset my new friend." "Eli you go missing for three hundred years and show up like nothing happened. Eli you know how we feel about this and damn it eli you left me with iao."  "roanda." eli pleads. "No we are talking about this now." "Rolanda please not now, not in front of the kids." he says, hugging Harry tighter. "Eli you're over three hundred years old." I said turning around and running away. "Eli give my baby right now.'' Pansy says, picking up the cloak and taking Harry from Eli and following me. I was having a panic attack because Eli is Eli and I was against the wall. Pansy shoved Harry in my hands and he wasn't burning me. "Harry. You called harry your baby." "harry is my baby he's mine and i wouldn't trade the world for him.'' I say take Harry from me. "Harry is also my baby.'' I say after her. "Tell me about Eli."  she says giving harry back to me. "Eli is like me. He's stubborn, he's arrogant, and he's a bitch. But i.." "draco you still love him don't you." "he is strong enough. And you are too." "pansy he is over 300 years old.'' I say crying. "Go talk to him." pansy says before all of the kids come out. "
You don't. Siblings fighting is atrocious." blaise says Than eli runs  out. "Draco you have to help me please." "you lied to me." "I'm 13 years old. "I was born way after my sisters but I was their protector," he says. "Fine come with us. We're going too my dads just don't tell your lie because I was let's see my dad didn't agree.'' I said, taking his hand. "Can I talk to Harry when we get back?" he says. "Sure were here." I say opening the door to the potions room.

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