Chapter 18

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That stupig git i thought as i picked up my half empty bottle of vodka and started drinking again. I started drinking during the first year when I went to Hogsmeade. I would sneak out under my cloak and meet someone who would apperate to us at a store and I think I might have left some under my bed at the dursleys. I finished my bottle way too soon so I picked up Draco's bottle thinking how he was already drunk. "Harry you need to come back downstairs now.'' Snape's voice broke the peace I started to have. As I walked back downstairs I mindlessly took a sip from the bottle I was still holding. "Harry James Potter, what are you doing with a bottle of vodka in your hands?" snape demanded. "Drinking.'' I responded before realizing that I was going to be in trouble. "First where did you get vodka? And second what happened at dinner was unacceptable." "First I got the vodka when I went to the store, and second Malfoy shouldn't have looked in my notebook. I got that because blaise understands anorexia because he had it." I said as I grabbed my jacket to head to the store to get more vodka. "Harry where are you going we still need to take.'' Snape was clearly mad at how I spoke to him. "Out '' I said just as I slammed the door still holding the vodka. I finished the bottle.
"Draco Lucius Malfoy you should have told me when Harry wasn't here." Snape told me. "Sorry i couldn't help it i was drunk" "YOU WERE DRUNK" he yelled at me. Scared I ran upstairs and hid under Harry's invisibility cloak. Where is my bottle? I thought to myself. As I realized why Harry was yelling it dawned on me that Harry didn't write to Blaisse because he liked him but because Blaise could help Harry and I might have just made Harry's life harder.

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