Chapter 43

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time switch to potions class~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
At "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" is all we heard from my dad's office. "Um i have to go for a second." papa replies as he walks to his office. It was really soft so only caregivers could hear the warming spell that was used for bottles. "It's ok little one it's ok." snape mudderd. "Pssss. Draco um harry is screaming for you." an invisible fred says. "Papa needs help, you need help, we all need help. "Potions are dismissed." snape said with a small bundle in his robes. All students left except for our little group and Ron purposely left the door open. "Thank god."  the twins say as they remove the invisibility cloak. "Here is harry." the twins say handing Harry to me. "Kitten what's wrong?" i ask "lee hit hawy." he replies through sobbs . "what time did this happen." I ask. "A few minutes ago." Fred said, looking at the really old clock. "When did lucius start wailing?" I asked "a few minutes ago." snape replies. "Ok can you hand me lucius?" i ask putting harry down and my hands out and take lucius. I sat down and asked the boy on my lap "did you feel someone slap you?" the little boy on my lap noodles and says "mhm" "ok little light." I said to him and hugged him. Then I whisper to Snape "go research this." "ask Lee the same." I say. The same happens. "Uncie dwaco." Lucius says as he reaches for my collar. "Little light please tell me why you called me uncle instead of papa." I ask knowing the reason. "I feel strange cawing oo papa." "same." I say kissing the sop of his hair. "Merlin he is going to be mad when he is big." i say because we decided to cut his hair, because when he is little he likes to put it in his mouth. "When are we going to cut his hair?" I ask , hoping that it was today. ":we can do it now if you want." papa said, handing me the hair cutting knife i use. "Ok. Please sit still with little light." i say making one of the chairs into a high chair and strapping him in it. I take an eyebrow pencil out of my school bag and make an even line to cut. I'm used to cutting hair with a knife so I started cutting away from his head. When i finnish i hand him to blaise who styles his hair. "Ok kitten your turn." i say picking harry up because his hair is getting long. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" harry screams kicks pansy in the knee, she screams "FUCK", than harry runs out the door which was left open by none other than ronald weasley. "We have to find him now." pansy says holding he shin and hopping around. "Marauders" fred said  than george said "map" looking at each other than running out of the room. "What is the marauders map?" i ask running after the twins holding lucius whom i picked up. Pansy, Blaise, and my dad run after me. "I hear a really loud scream and a shrill voice screaming "RONALD BILIUS WEASLEY GIVE HIM TO ME YOU HAVE NO RIGHT KIDNAPPING HIM. GIVE HIM TO ME SO I CAN RETURN HIM HIS CAREGIVERS." than i herd hermione say in a soft tone "its ok harry we are going to return you to your mommy, daddy, and papa." "god hermione is a life saver."  pansy said following her voice. "Thank god hermione thank you so much." pansy said taking a sniffling harry from the girl comforting him. Pansy gives harry to me than turns on ron. "RONALD BILIUS WEASLEY WHY IN HOGWARTS WOULD YOU WANT TO STEAL MY LITTLE BOY, MY LIGHT, MY KITTEN?" I had no idea what pansy thought. "It's no problem." hermione says. "Harry you are in trouble for kicking pansy but with what just happened so it will be reduced to five minutes in a corner in someone's lap." I say walking back to the potions room followed by everyone except for ron and hermione.
Everyone was pretty riled and pansy was absolutely fuming so I whispered in her ear. "Hey cutie, I think you should take a bath to calm down so we can play with the littles." "thank you blaise just so you know that's what i am planning on doing." she said opening her bathroom and dragging me with her. "You know this is going to kick me out soon." I am trying to leave because I really want to take a shower. "Yah, I know I just need you to help me with my hair because I can't do my own hair for the life of me and if it is bad you aren't going to do my hair." she points out which is completely true. "Ok sit down and put your head in the sink." I say sitting behind the sink like I usually do because damn in the second week of first year the slytherin room girls' sinks adapted so I could help with hair. "Ok lets go." I say taking her hair down, taking the hair bands and pins out. "Here we go." I say rinsing her hair. "How long is this going to take because I want to take a bath." pansy complains. "Watch it, I'm washing your hair." i say turning the water on freezing cold so it doesn't burn her but i prove a point. "Merlin's beard i'm sorry." pansy said handing me the personal hair cair bag i made for every girl based on their hair. "It's going to be really funny when i'm the only slytherin girl with clean hair." Pansy snorts as I put conditioner in her hair. "Oh god I have to go after I finish your hair." I say finishing up her hair. "Go enjoy your bath" I say , putting everything in the bag. I ran out of the room and down the stairs. "Snape I really have to go or all of the girls in your house will be really pissed." I say and look at the door. "You forgot for this long that the slytherin girls can't do their own hair at the moment because you do it. Will have pissed girls, Blaise we already have pissed girls. You haven't washed their hair since you got harry." Snape explains as he opens the portal to hogwarts. "Go wash the girls hair because they are in the portions room with bags." snape says so i run into the potions room. "Sorry i was busy i just got a little and we've had a ton of work to do." "one of the other girls walked up to me poked me in the chest and said "well i have dirty hair and a reputation to maintain." "Well I'm the one who does your hair, ANNNNND I'm not done yet, I have a little which means someone to look after to care for a human being. That human being is more important than your hair. Now let's go wash everyone's hair.'' I say walking out of the door. "Thank you. Now please don't do this again this was the worst time of my life. Well second worse time the first worst time was the whole love argument with the gryffindors.'' Daphne says the following right behind me. "I mean astoria hasn't left the dorm and her hair a monstrosity." she says again. "If its any worse than millie's than it needs attention right away.'' Millie yells "I HEARD THAT AND IT IS. Asie's hair is a lot worse" i made up my mind i start running to the slytherin dorms because asies hair needs attention. "The portrait lets me in without a password. "Asie can you come out now i'm here to do your hair." i say going to the girls dorm. "No." "ok asie meet me in the bathroom." i say and go to the bathroom after picking her bag. "Ok." se says and takes my hand. "Thank you now head in the sink.'' I say turn the water on so it's warm. "Thank you." asie says when i finnish. "My turn." millicent bulstrode says walking in taking off her robes so they don't get wet but leaving her under a t-shirt. "Ok I smell that you have been using, oh my god is that-uhhh. That smells horrible." i say because she used pansies old shampoo. I put the hot water on because i know for a fact it wont burn her. "Ok let's do this" i say shifting on the sink so i'm sitting criss cross applesauce. We call it that because draco almost always has an apple. I finished all of the girls so now I'm sitting in front of the fire with my favorite cup of coffee supplied by the girls, braiding their hair so it is easier to do in the morning. "Ok girls I'm coming back in the mornin to do your hair. I will be here around 5 and I might bring some other people." I say handing everyone back their hairbrushes. When I get back to the room I go upstairs and I hear Snape and Lucius arguing about something useless. I go into the nursery that I'm in, Pansy is complaining, Draco is crying, both littles are crying, and the twins are calming the littles down. "Woah what happened?" I ask going over to Draco. "The adults are arguing about making us do our own hair and saying that you might not be allowed to do the girls hair." Pansy complains. I start to braid her hair and ask Draco why he is crying. "Lucius is blaming me for his hair and that's why they are arguing about it." Draco cry's. "Ok um we really have to go to sleep now because I have to be in the girls dorm at 5" I explain picking up my pjs. "Everyone in bed. Now please." I say from the bathroom. When I walk out Draco is in his own bed, the twins are in the rocking chairs rocking the littles to sleep. Pansy was sitting on my bed in her pjs so I climbed in and we talked for a little while. Eventually the twins eat the littles to sleep then the twins fall asleep around 10. Pansy and I fall asleep around 10:30. We fell asleep in our usual way. I was spooning Pansy and she was asleep on my arm. Around 04:30 because Harry had tapped my shoulder. I mean I'm not complaining. It is time for me to wake up. "Bunny" Harry whispers in my ear as I sit up to look at him moving Pansy in the process. "What is it? A kitten follows me." I say as I pick up a set of clean robes. "Where are you going?" He asks me with wide eyes. "I do the slytherin girl's hair so I have to go style it. Do you want to come?" I offer turning around and changing. "Sure. But I want you to know that mentally I am younger but not really slipping yet so can I bring my dummy, stuffie, and a warm bottle?" Harry asks nervous this time. "Of course kitten that's what I'm here for to make sure you have what you need. Now I have to check your nappie. Or will you tell me." I say which imditly causes him to clamp his legs and start to pout. "Come here." I say in a stern but nice tone. He doesn't so I walk over to him "one more chance to tell me if you need a change or I'm will figure out myself and I don't want to do that." I say and he looks down embarrassed saying "please change my nappy now and don't ever speak of this to anyone" "of course kitten." I say lifting him up on the chair. It still scares me how light he is. Harry smirks and I can tell what he is thinking. "No, no absolutely not. Pansy can't sleep without me. And FYI I would be Draco." He smiles and tries to run away. But being the stronger more dominant person in the room he stays still so I can Finnish putting his nappy on. "Let's go get your stuff so we can go. Do you want me to carry you or piggyback time." I ask Harry who lights up and wraps his arms around my neck and his legs around my waist. "Words please kitten." I say as he lays his head on my shoulder. "Carry me peas." Harry says. "Ok how old are you?" I say/ask because I know he slipped. "I'm one." Harry says as he digs his head in my shoulder. "Ok let's go." I say walking out of the bathroom. I pick up his dummy and put it in his mouth, than I put a hearing spell on his bottle and pick up his snake. "Can I wear green robes?" Harry asks pointing to draco's robes. I duplicate and shrink them so they fit him and he pipes up saying "did I know that the hat wanted me in the green house." "No i didn't. We have to go now." I say picking Harry up and putting his dummy back in his mouth.  "Where are we going?" Harry says around his dummy. "We are going to the greenhouse." I say in a new voice that I didn't know I had. "Otay. Can I bottle?" Harry says when we get to the portrait. Harry then starts hissing at the portrait which hisses back. When we walk in the common room Harry decides to spit his dummy out because he doesn't like all of the new people. "Kitten sweety don't spit your dummy out on my clothes." I say picking the dummy up and putting it in the nappy bag. Because I used my daddy voice and forgot to say that Harry wasn't in trouble he started to cry in my shirt. Of course all of the girls Gave me looks. "Are you just going to let him cry?" Asie questions. "Yes I am because right now he won't listen to anyone." I say wrapping my robes around Harry who has stopped crying and sniffling. "Is hawwy In twouble?" Harry whispers, reaching for his dummy. "No Harry you're not in trouble I'm just taking away your dummy for the time being." I say zipping up the pocket his dummy is in. "Oh Blaise give the little boy his dummy." Asie says as she walks over to us. Before I can tell her not to, she picks up little Harry who immediately starts screaming because Asie is a stranger to him. "Put my little boy on the couch and back away slowly. Now." I say and asie does so. "It's ok baby." I say as I pick Harry up. "NOOOO WAN DAKO WAN DAKO." Harry screams louder than he ever has. "Ok baby we can get Draco now we can get Draco." I say to the screaming boy. Without doing the girls hair I turn around and head back to find Draco. Harry was still crying and screaming so thank Merlin I live in the dungeons. As we enter the house Snape is up and looks like he just calmed Lucius down so sorry not sorry. "Merlin's beard Blaise what happened?" Snape said because Harry usually calms down by the time we get back to our house. "Harry spit his dummy out on my shirt so I told him not to but I forgot to say that he wasn't in trouble so he started crying and then asie grabbed him without notice and something really weird happened, I became over protective and yelled at asie. "DAKOOOOOOOOOOOOO." Harry screamed trying to get out of my grip.

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