Chapter 12: A Negotiator

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A girl screamed as she moved her head along with the tunes of the music. Talking about her appearance, she is a pale girl with pink eyes. She has long multi-coloured hair consisting of black, pink, blue and white (some of which is tied into two oni horns on the top of her head). By understanding all this description, we all know who it is.

"I thought I came here to help you study for your first exam, jeez." (Y/N) whines.

"Awwwwwwwww, but the sensation in my body demanding to hear more of rock metal!" Ibuki grins.

That grin (Y/N) knew better not to stop her, since her enthusiasm alone would overpower him. Seeing (Y/N) stressed out, Ibuki pushed his shoulder and winked.

"Come on! Now that we been best friend for over 9 years, let celebrate our friendship 'anniversary' with some dope ass music!" Ibuki said, while giving a huge smirk.

"Ehhh, rock metal is not my taste-" (Y/N) was interrupted.

"Shush, you demon. I didn't ask." Ibuki suddenly became bold.

"Jeez alright alright."

(Y/N) sighed deeply before closing his books. Ibuki smiled when he did so and pulled out her mic and started to do some karaoke. Meanwhile poor old (Y/N) was wondering what he's doing here in the first place.

"Uhm Ibuki?" (Y/N) asked.

"Yeah?" Ibuki grinned.

"Aren't you like, worried about neighbors calling cops on you?" (Y/N) asked.

"Eh they won't do shit." Ibuki simply dismissed it.

"According to the law, they can file a complaint and you have to pay the penalty fees, along with your belonging possessions." (Y/N) said.

"Yo don't go all that nerdy stuff over me, you are actually making me sleeeeeep." Ibuki whined.

"You do you." (Y/N) sighed.

Ibuki smiled and went ahead with the karaoke session. Seeing her doing the thing she like, (Y/N) couldn't help but smile at the energy she's putting in. Just as he was about to join in, he suddenly received a phone call. He took out his phone and couldn't see the name since it was unknown. Feeling anxious, he went to the corner of the room to listen and picked it up.

After finishing his call, he had shared the expression of fear and anger at the same time. But he fixed his emotion and looked back at Ibuki, who still seemed to enjoy the karaoke session.

"Hey Ibuki, listen I have to go right now. My dad is actually screaming internally to get home since it's getting late. See you tomorrow?" (Y/N) asked.

"Aww are you not going to finish yours turn before you go?" Ibuki asked.

"Unfortunately no, it seem my presence is needed at the moment. Maybe next time." (Y/N) said.

"Alright then, but you better study and help me during exam, ok?" Ibuki asked.

"Nah, you study by yourself." (Y/N) excused himself.

Ibuki simply pouted at him. But before she can even get his reaction back, (Y/N) was already in hurry and left his notebooks at her table. He suddenly went out and stepped inside his car before pushing the engine to work and rode off to somewhere. Ibuki tried calling him but she was too late because (Y/N) was already gone.

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