Chapter 23 : Fight or Flight

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Present time:

3rd pov:

Back at Hope Peak Academy

At the noon, there was someone who was looking for something in the ladies changing room of Sauna. After finally getting something important from there, (Y/N) finally got the laptop and hid it behind his back. After checking to make sure that it was hidden properly, he left the room and began going his way to stair. When he got there, he looked at the stairs and sighed a bit.

"Monokuma told us not to wander too far off in the very top floor. That must mean, the signal must work now. No matter how hard we try, we can't just find her base so this is our best option. I told Kyoko to meet up but in different route so that we won't be suspected."

(Y/N) used his inhaler one last time and immediately pushed himself to climb up the stairs. While going up the 2nd floor, he saw someone standing on the stairs. Though hearing the footsteps, the person turned her back and it was Aoi.

This moment right here alerts him so greatly. Something tells him that he should be cautious or else he could die there.

Aoi suddenly walked toward him and this alerts (Y/N) a little bit. But surprisingly, Aoi went past him. She didn't even bother to look at him in the eyes and left silently. Nevertheless, (Y/N) ignore it and continues ahead.

After finally reaching to the highest point of this building, he saw a warning tape around the door.

"New area huh?"

(Y/N) took off the tape and entered the new floor. When he got inside, he saw nothing but a mess in the vicinity. The mess was so big because infront of him, he could see walls broken, bloodstained rugs, construction trucks as if it was the reason of the mess around there etc.

"Something important must had happened here the way things are right now.......I wonder if this is the place......where we all came for the 'meeting'....."

(Y/N) brushed away his thoughts and moved ahead. He sent a note under Kyoko's door, but he doesn't know whether she would come or no. Nevertheless, he took a look around the room he was in and there was no cameras around, which was the perfect time to pull out his laptop. Judging by the strong frequency, he followed it.

When he finally found the room with the highest frequency, he entered the washroom. After getting in one of the stalls, he took out the laptop and typed something in it.

"Hello (Y/N)! How're you doing?" Alter Ego smiles.

"Hello Al, need to get more information from outside."

"Oh sure! Now that I have what I need to do so, I can do what you requested me earlier. You want me to deactivate the whole building right?"

"Yes but I just want you to check the possibility and if we can do so, don't activate. Activate it when I call out your name."

"Alright, I will do what you say."

Alter Ego started digging deeper and disappeared from the screen. (Y/N) closed the laptop and kept on the seat. He then left the stall, but when he did, he saw Kyoko laying her head against the wall and Makoto next to her. But the thing is, Makoto is glaring at him. He still couldn't believe that (Y/N) killed Sakura and there was no apparent reason.

"Kyoko, I believe that this is just between us. How could you let him know?"

"He found out already so there wasn't much I can do." Kyoko said.

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