Chapter 9: Second Investigation

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3rd pov:

(Y/N) immediately went outside the door and went past many people who looks worried about what happened. He sprinted to his dorm and went inside. He actually wanted to find his notepad. But when he did so, he looked at the surveillance camera, who looked back down at him with a blinking light on the side. Feeling enraged, (Y/N) picked up the chair near him and threw at the camera, thus breaking it into pieces. He then fell down to his knees as he held his chest in pain before gasping and using his inhaler. When he did so, Monokuma suddenly appears and does not looked way too happy.

"What are you thinking, young man? Vandalizing the school's properties will lead you to punishment!" Monokuma said.

"That can wait. We need to have a talk." (Y/N) said while having his calm expression.

"Huh?!" Monokuma was in disbelief.

"This took me a while to understand this sick game. Though I still do not remember why we were in this first place but I discovered something." (Y/N) said and put his inhaler back in his pocket.

"One of you is impersonating one another, right?" (Y/N) continued.

"Huh? What do you mean? I am impersonating someone? What an absurd things to say!" Monokuma said.

(Y/N) noticed that Monokuma is stumbling and already made up his mind.

"Junko Enoshima, right?" (Y/N) said out loud.

"............" Monokuma didn't say anything but just stared at him.

"That Junko Enoshima is not even the real one. I knew it since the day one when I noticed her freckles. Then comes her unbelievable strength that no normal man does have." (Y/N) said, breaking Monokuma silences even more.

"When I attempted to attack her from behind, she was quick as eagle and already kept her fingers under my lower ribcages. That is the technique soldier learns in the army. So much for her to be a Highschool Fashionasta level." (Y/N) said.

Both of them stared at each other in silence. Though they may be in silence but that speaks a lot in tension. Expecting Monokuma to be upset about his huge revelation of his secret, his eyes widen when Monokuma giggles with his eyes blinking red.

"That fake Junko, did she killed Leon? Did you force her to do your dirty work, to make an entertainment for your 'people'?" (Y/N) said, increasing the tension more.

Monokuma giggles even more.

"Hehehehe, you think this will scare me? This is why I admire you so much (Y/N). I don't expect you to take this long to find out. Even when we trapped you there, you still managed to escape. That's some good luck." Monokuma said.

(Y/N) simply stared at him.

"Yes fine, you are right. But let me tell you the truth. If you do tell the others about my truth, there might be two possibilities that potentially end up being true." Monokuma said.

Even (Y/N) knew what those possibilities are, he just couldn't bring himself to tell the others. He gritted his teeth in anger but still held his expression back.

"One of the possibilities is that if you do say the truth, the fake one will be held accountable for her actions and we both know you wouldn't want that to happen, right?" Monokuma said.

"And let me guess, the other one is that people won't believe me right?" (Y/N) asked.

"Right as usual!" Monokuma giggles.

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