Chapter 18 : Wild Party

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Few years ago:


"Oh my Tesoro came home......."

(B/N) came and hugged his mother. The mother cried uncontrollably as she held him tighter. (B/N) too cried a bit but didn't showed it. The emotion went up through the roof. (S/N) saw this emotional reunion and went over to join them.

"Now we all are back......" (S/N) smiled happily.

"Now I'm happy that we all came together. I couldn't sleep with the thoughts of having you all separated. I......I....." The mother stuttered.

"It's okay mammi, I'm here now." (B/N) comforted her.

While comforting her, he looked to the side and saw a girl with straight medium sized blond hair laying on the bed, along with her family to her side.

"So this is the girl who took the bullets for my brother?" He asked.

"Sadly yes. Her name is Chiaki, (Y/N)'s consigliere. Thankfully the doctor said it didn't rupture her stomach badly so she will live." (S/N) said with a sad expression.

"Hmm I see." (B/N) nodded his head.

He then noticed the sad expressions from both his mother and his sister. Feeling curious, he asked them.

"What's wrong? Why the long face? I thought her being fine will atleast put a smile on your face?" He asked.

"It's not that (B/N), I'm just........a bit worried about (Y/N). You know how protective he is to his closed one's." (S/N) sighed.

"Heh, I do. He scared all the boys away in your college for you, didn't he?" He laughed.

"He didn't need to do that......." (S/N) sighed.

After looking and understanding the situation, he finally understood. He chuckled a bit, making his mother and sister confused.

"He's the youngest out of us and he's taking care of us. Meanwhile I'm the oldest and are supposed to protect the family like father said, but I can't because I'm not like (Y/N). Heh, I won't lie, I'm bit jealous of him." He said.

"If father didn't convince (Y/N) at the last moment, I'm not sure if I would be standing here. He is really the true definition of terror."

"Even if he's youngest of us, don't forget that he sacrificed his dream for us. Don't speak bad of yourself like that, like (Y/N) said, we each have our own worth. Atleast for that, we should respect him." (S/N) said.

(B/N) simply just looked at her, before sighing and keeping his eyes closed. But as soon as he opened them, he saw her crying silently but still smiling.

"What's wrong?" He tried comforting her.

The mother knew what she was sad on about and shared the feelings.

"Can you believe it? He didn't kill anyone in the span of 2 months! He actually spent his times with me! He came back to lawyer practice, the profession he loves. Chiaki gave her own heart to him and from that moment, he came back to being old loving brother like he used to be. But after someone shot Chiaki..He.......I'm scared now....."

A Prodigy Of Sicilian (Danganronpa X Male Reader) Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα