Chapter 21 : Once were an Innocent

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Sorry to dissapoint you all but this is mostly an extra parts of (Y/N)'s past. But I did added some few words on the aftermath of the last class trial. Next one will be done and not just full of pasts, I promise! So just this one time, forgive me.



Few years ago,


"Come in."

(Y/N) saw his mother entered the room and smiled at him. (Y/N) smiled at her back and led her to sit on one of the seats.

"How are you feeling (Y/N)? Are you okay now?" Mother asked.

"Yes, it's going well." (Y/N) smiled.

"T-that is good......." His mother smiled.

"Hey, did you know that (B/N) asked me to be Godfather of his baby on the way?" (Y/N) chuckled.

But there wasn't any happiness on her face. She was actually surprised but she quickly covered that and smiled a bit.

"Is that so huh? They didn't ask your sister instead? I mean, I'm not saying this because you're bad at being it, it's just you are busy everyday and I don't want things to burden you even more." His mother smiled.

"Heh, it's alright. I can handle this." (Y/N) said.

"So now will you allow (S/N) to be in relationship? You can't always keep her on leash because sooner or later, she might break out." His mother warned him.

"Mammi it's not easy. Trust me, I really want her to find a man of her dream. But it's really difficult because I don't want anyone to use her for their own benefits." (Y/N) sighed.

"It's alright (Y/N). Her sharing the last name as your father already made her just as fearful as you are. Having Don as your brother is even more than that." His mother said.

(Y/N) simply stared at her and said nothing. He stood up after leaning on the wall and went to get something. His mother was confused as she didn't know anything about her sudden summons. Finally, (Y/N) returned with a Bible in his hand.

"Ma, hold this please." (Y/N) pleaded.


His mother held the bible and looked back at (Y/N), who had a look of dissapointment at her. He then sat next to her and stared at her intensely.

"I want to ask you some questions. Tell me the truth and truth only." (Y/N) said.

"Then there's no need for Bible to be in my hand-"

"Keep it." (Y/N) said with a stern in his tone.

His mother was a bit hesitant but went along with it. (Y/N) lost his smile and focused on her, making her mother feel uneasy.

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