Chapter 3:- Motive

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(Y/N) pov:-


"Good morning everyone! Rise and shine! Today is now officially a daytime. You are free to do your normal routine!"

I woke up while groaning weakly as I held my head. Last night I kept dreaming about the things and good information that I had found, and that incident. I merely exposed my weakness to the enemies and there might be a time where they use it against me.

I then stood up and went to washroom. I did my usual routine and heard a knock at the door. So I refreshed myself and went over to thr door before opening it.

"Hey, it's time for breakfast. Wouldn't want Taka to break down your door again." Junko said.

"Thank you, I'll join you in a sec."

I went back and grabbed my inhaler and Monokuma file. After grabbing them, Junko and I went to the dining hall and saw almost everyone present over there. Most of them waved good morning to us. I sighed and went to kitchen to grab my breakfast.

Just as I was about to eat, Byakuya came in last and Taka complained to him about late he was. Byakuya didn't listen to Taka and instead put his attention on me, then glared at me.

"Look like the Ultimate Fashionista found her manipulated admirer." Byakuya smirked while closing his eye.

Everyone looked back at him, as if they were feeling a tense between him and I. But I decided to ignored him and went on eating my food. This seem to annoyed Byakuya and was about to come at me.

"Back off, will you? Ever since you met him for the first time, you always feel a bit salty and look for an opportunity to strike him. What's your problem, huh?" Junko stood up.

"You don't have a say in between us. Get lost, foolish person." Byakuya said.

"Alright that's enough! The last thing we need is fighting at each other. Let's just take a deep breath, will you?" Hina said sternly.

Byakuya gritted his teeth and went to his seat. I still sat there, eating my food as if nothing happened. Well, why do you say? It's because I was thinking about something that just felt mystery to me. Scratch that, I felt confused about this one person.

"Kyoko Kirigiri, why do I feel like I know you?"

All I know is that she is an Ultimate Detective, but that doesn't mean I'm anything less. I can also investigate such things.

"Yo (Y/N)."

I suddenly went out of my imagination and saw it was Yashuhiro, putting his on my shoulder and smiled.

"Man, it must suck so hard to get shouted by rich freaks. Like it's so hard to even stop him from flexing his golds." Yashuhiro laughed.

"Wait what just happened?" I said with confusion on my face.

Everyone just looked at me with 'wait are you serious?' expression.

"He just spoke bad things about you! How could you not say anything back?" Junko asked.

"Really? I must have not paid attention, I guess." I said while continuing my drink.

"You'll die." Celestia said while zooming at me.

"W-what? How could you joke something about that?" Junko said.

"If you show your weakness to others, you will die. Whether or not, it's like a destiny that chose you an outcome. Like (Y/N) over there who has asthma condition." Celestia giggled.

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