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Upon living the room, with Funsho behind me and Nifemi probably still seated on the bed trying to process all that she heard me say, and Tamilore, mouth agape surprised by my outburst, I settled into the car feeling excited and sad at the same time. I never had the intention of parting with them on a sad note but she stepped on my toes and I paid her back in her own coin.

"Thank God you decided to move out from that room, because I can't begin to imagine what life would have been like with them." Funto said as she sat beside me and Funsho got into the front seat. The driver started and manoeuvred the car out of the compound. Good radiance to bad rubbish. I sighed and closed my eyes to calm the fury of anger that  rose in me.

We got to Funto's hostel, which was now going to be my hostel too in no time. The driver and Funsho helped us with our luggages and I watched as Funsho placed light romantic pecks on Funto's forehead. Like a baby she giggled and whispered in his ear and he in turn, tickled her midsection and she shrieked struggling to pull away from his grip but he held her tight and joined her in laughter.

Feeling envious, the thought of Kunle crossed my mind and I remembered we almost kissed at my mum's house at the slum. I recollected those things he said on that day and smiled. It all felt like a replay of Korean films. The one's I had been watching ever since I gained personal access to televisions and android phones.

"Todun, see you later in the day." Funsho announced as he and Funto drew apart. He entered the car and caught the kiss  Funto blew in the air dramatically. I stood and watched them display so many love signs as the car drove out of sight. Any individual who decides to stay with those two in a room for at least thirty minutes will surely end up with either a heart attack or nostalgia.

"What do you two want singles like us to do?" I placed my hand on my mouth when I realized I had actually blurted what I was thinking.

"You were never single, you always had that person beside you but it seems your vision is too blurry to notice it." Funto replied with a smile on her face.

"Notice what?"

"Are you asking me, you even had a boyfriend before I did." She went further, making her way into the room. I looked at the back of her head as if it was going to tell me who exactly she gave to me as a boyfriend. "I wonder what Kunle is doing right now." She said as soon as we stepped into the dusty room. Cobwebs hung at every corner of the room and I shrank at the thought of having to do all the cleaning that day. We had a long journey and instead of grabbing a broom, I would have loved if I could seat down and have my body massaged and someone else did the cleaning but even the bed and chair we were supposed to sit on were dusty.

"You should worry about your boyfriend and leave Kunle alone." I muttered playfully, knowing what she said was just a tactics to make me say what she is eager to hear.

"Hunhun, is somebody jealous? Can't I care about a friend again." She asked pulling off her blouse, leaving her with her underwear and trousers.

"You can." I surrendered, not wanting to take the discussion any further. I knew she was trying to manipulate me into saying something I didn't want to say. I pulled my cloth and grabbed a broom. We divided the chores, with me deciding to clean the kitchen and bathroom, Funto took over the very dusty room. I hummed a sound as I swept and rearranged the few kitchen wares. Cockroaches ran around the room and I cringed whenever they flew on my body. I heard a car horn as it parked in the compound, Funto exchanging pleasantries with someone that greeted her then utter silence, except for the movement of brooms that screeched on the tiles.

I stood at the sink, trying to wipe a stain of urine left by either cockroaches or rats that have relocated on our arrival, when I felt a breath on my neck. I stood still in fear and jumped when I heard the person behind me clear his or her throat. Is that naughty girl trying to trick me? Funto has so many tricks up her sleeves and I was ready for anything especially when it has to do with confession of my feelings about Kunle.

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