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It had been two days since I arrived in Nigeria. I had been preparing for the exams and had no problem in studying since Dad employed a tutor to put me through.

I scrambled off the bed as soon as I had my alarm ring. The weather was cold as a result of the rain that fell the previous day. I took a warm bath, and rushed off downstairs to take my breakfast.

Munching away on bread and tea, my sister descended the stairs already dressed up and ready for work. She looked pretty in her red blouse, black trousers. Her black wedge shoe also made her taller than she really was.

"Good morning Kemi." I greeted her as she placed her bag on the table and reached for a cup to prepare her tea.

"Morning, how was your night?" She asked as she poured warm water into the cup.

"It was short. When did you come back yesterday?" I asked remembering I didn't see her arrive before I went to my room the previous day.

"A little after ten, I had a lot to do at the office and I was caught up in traffic." She stirred the content in her cup and lifted it to her lips. After taking a sip, she sat down and I passed her the bread. She took a few slices and we both ate in silence.

Having finished eating my food, I tucked my phone into my pocket, I carried my file and stood up, ready to go and meet the chauffeur at the garage.

"Off to where?" My sister asked me as she used tissue to wipe the crumbs of bread on her lips.

"To the exam venue." I answered reluctantly because I was fully aware that she knew where I was going to.

"I am to drive there." She smiled and stood up to adjust her cloth.

"Kemi !!" I half screamed "I have a driver, remember?" 

"Yes I do and it's not as if I love doing this driver thing but I have to follow Dad's instructions." She carried her bag and turned to me.

"Kemi you should have..." I was still talking when my Mum cut in.

"Good morning my babies." She walked towards us and  hugged us one after the other. She was dressed in a blue colour iro and buba(native Yoruba wear) that looked cool on her light skin. Her accessories also complimented her dressing. For someone who was forty-eight she looked a lot younger

"Why do you have that look on your face?" She asked me while Kemi walked towards the door.

"Mum tell Kemi not to take me to the venue I have a driver." I pleaded.

"First of all young man, accord your sister some respect. What's up with all the Kemi, Kemi thing? It should be sister Kemi or aunty Kemi when you call her name. No more no less." She pointed her index finger at me to emphasize her point and I looked at her astonished.

"I am serious, you shouldn't go around calling her name without any sign of  respect because she is six years older than you." 

"Mum, that's old fashioned and it's not done in the states." I tried convincing her.

"Welcome to Nigeria dear brother." My sister whom I thought I saw go outside placed her hand on my shoulder and gave a cynical smile when I turned to her. I scrunched my face at her and formed a puppy eye for my Mum. 

"But Mum, I am now an adult..." I said again.

"That's your businesss." They both said at the same time.

Knowing fully well that there was no use in arguing with them, I reluctantly placed my file under my armpit and took my phone out of my pocket. I scrolled through it and walked to the door.

"Young man your phone." I heard my Mum call me back. I wanted to let out a scream at the thought of her checking through my phone.

"What's up with my phone?" I asked angrily.

"I can't believe you didn't read the files giving to you. Phones are not allowed in examination hall." She stretched her hand to me, ready to collect the phone.

"I will put it in my room then." I answered her and ran to the room feeling frustrated, while their laughter rang throughout the house.


I sat beside Kemi as she skillfully maneu
vered the car when we got to the road that led to the examination centre. I couldn't seem to comprehend calling her sister and the thought of my phone been at home made me sick. How was I going to call her to take me back home when the exam is over? I even had the thought of exploring the town when I thought I would be driven by the chauffeur.

"We are almost there, don't you think you should do a random check on your things?" Kemi asked and called me back into reality.

"Not really, I did that at home already." I answered her as she silently cursed the driver that overtook her.

"How will I get back home since I don't have a phone with me." I asked her after alighting from her car. 

"Akorede will come pick you up. Just stay at that place when you are through." She pointed to a shop while I  grumbled at what they were all making me go through.

"Dad sent your picture to him already and I am going to call him now and  tell him where to pick you." She continued.

"Goodluck bro, you can do it." She waved with a broad smile plastered on her face while I watched her drive off.

I looked around the rowdy exam centre and when I realized no one looked familiar, I walked towards the official seated at the gate and got checked ready for the exam.


I stood at the front of the shop my sister pointed to earlier, awaiting the arrival of Akorede or whosoever she said was going to be my ride. I tucked my hand into my pocket and realised I still had more than enough money to find my way home if anyone of them didn't arrive on time but the smile drained on my face when I realized that I barely know my way home and I wasn't with my phone making me totally helpless and stuck.

A benz of the latest edition parked a few metres away and a guy of about my age alighted from it. He was dressed in a white tee shirt and a blue jeans with his dazzling watch strapped to his wrist. His Gucci sandals looked very nice on his legs they were exact replica of the one Dave bought when we went to California on a summer break.

The  guy walked to me and smiled, exposing his white set of teeth.

"You must be Kunle?" He stretched his hands and moved more closer to me making me realize I was a little bit taller than him even though he looked like a Golaith from a distance with the way he was muscular. He must really do a hell of a work out, I thought as I answered and shook him.

"Your Dad said I should show you around the town, since when did you arrive?" He asked as we entered into the car and we drove off after he dished few instructions to his chauffeur.


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