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"You have got to be kidding?" Funto asked me trying to seat down on the bed. She placed her phone against the wall and straightened her hair. I just informed her about sharing the same father as Funsho after spending about a week at Kunle's house. The family had just been so accommodating and caring, making sure that the doctor visited on a daily basis especially to check on my Mum's health. Just as expected she was surprised and excited at the news. 

"This whole thing is playing out like a movie." She added and I sighed.

"You are right, who will ever believe that I and Funsho are siblings?" I asked and she smiled.

"I wonder why he hasn't told me about this." She tilted her head sideways and collected a smaller phone from someone. She must have forgotten I told her earlier that we haven't informed him. "He has just been so withdrawn for the past few days." She added and wore her glasses.

"We haven't told him anything." I reminded her. I and my Mum talked about the issue of informing the family a while ago and we agreed to think about it. Introducing me to my father will give our lives a huge turn around. What if he doesn't want to see my Mum at all? What if he decides that I should come and live with his family? Will I even be accepted by Funsho's mum who feels betrayed? Will I equally be accepted by Funsho and his siblings? Breath, Todun breath.

"A Kobo for your thought?" Funto screamed over the phone.

"You think." I answered having been pulled away from the ocean of thought that I was immersed. "Don't mention any of these to him please." I pleaded. If he would find anything out, I want it to be after I and my Mum had come to a conclusion.

"Sure, I will not. He barely even calls now. So you have nothing to worry about." She answered.

"He must be worried looking for his sibling rather half-sister." I replied trying to calm her fears. "He better not try nonsense." I added.

"He will not na, since you will now become my in-law."

"You think accepting me will be that easy for him?" I asked worried and feeling stressed out.

"Time will tell, we will remember you in our prayers."

"Todun, you have to get set. We have some things to pick up at your house." I heard Kunle saying as he poked his head inside after knocking on the door as Kemi advised him to do. He and his sister since day one have been acting like the siblings I have never had, making sure I got all the love I deserve. Kemi gave me some of her clothes and bought me things whenever she came back from work, while Kunle has just been caring as he had always been. Caring, yes caring and nothing more.

"I will be out in ten minutes." I replied, I missed having the scent of orange mixed with the smell of mud block around me. I missed the smell of stale foods that our neighbours threw around. I missed so many things about the life I had been living that my heart leapt in joy as I tried standing up to grab my clothes in the wardrobe.

"Young lady." Funto's voice called me back to life again. I have totally forgotten that I was supposed to be talking to her.

"Yes..." I replied and took my phone off the bed as I walked to the wardrobe.

"I cannot begin to count the number of times your mind has wondered off today. Anyway, I am sure you are going out with your prince charming?" She asked me and I grinned. I never knew she heard his voice over the phone.

"Maybe, maybe not. We have to pick up some things from our house."

"Oh okay, I can hear my Mum calling me already. Have a nice time and don't forget to tell me what it feels like." She replied and cut the call. Nice time my foot, I mumbled. There wasn't going to be any nice time like what she has in mind. I had a flashback to what almost happened the other day. Focus, Todun focus.

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