Eventim Apollo

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A/N: this chapter is not 100% accurate to the real event. Please don't hate me :/

ALSO!! A few of you have said you aren't getting notifs when I update. If you follow my account, you will get a notification every time I announce a new chapter on the conversations board. Hope that helps :)

Primrose's POV:

'In 200 yards, you will arrive at your destination.' My SatNav announced to me as I drove towards the Eventim Apollo. It was just approaching sunset, and I could already see the flocks of fans swarming outside the venue, desperately trying to get as close to the door as possible. They were definitely in the pit. Surrounding, were a few, smaller groups of mainly girls, each dressed individually by their own attire, all sharing the same emotions of smiles and giggles.

'You have arrived at your destination.' My SatNav finished as I pulled into a luckily vacant parking spot. Sarah messaged me this morning with further details of where to park, and how to get in. Somehow, she'd managed to sneak me crew parking, so my little mini was in the same spot as the lorries and rich people cars. I felt very out of place right now in comparison to everyone else, but we were all here with the same intentions - to see Harry.

Looking at the time on my dashboard, the clock read 5:56pm, and the concert started at 7pm. Shit. I quickly scurried out my car, whipping round to the boot to open my suitcase and pull out my outfit, grabbing my backpack and heading back inside. I had an hour to get changed, do my hair, makeup, and find my way into the arena. Oh... and I was doing it all from my car!

I kicked off my converse, tossing them in the passenger footwell, and began shimmying off my joggers. Being as casual as I could be in a situation like this, I managed to squeeze my skirt over my bum whilst sitting down, so I was now half changed. Great. The easy part is done. Now, I somehow have to change my top half without flashing hundreds of fans. All I needed to do, was remove my jumper, and slip into a lace bodysuit. Sounds simple enough. Right?

Checking hastily if the coast was clear, I bought my arms out of my jumper so just my head was visible, and then followed by tucking my head under the soft fabric. Miraculously, I managed to get one arm through the thin strap, as most the fabric sat bunched round my neck. Just as I grasped the second strap, my blood ran cold as an unexpected sound rattled through the darkness surrounding me.

*knock knock knock*

Three short, simple knocks tapped against my window, causing me to poke my head through my jumper. My eyes met with a man - assumably a police officer judged on what he was wearing - who looked confused as I sat before him, half dressed with my hair all scraggly over my face. His finger gestured down, signalling for me to roll down my window. Forcing out a smile to cover my humiliation, I cautiously got my arm out from under the jumper, being careful not to flash him.

"Good evening." He said, crouching down to level his head with mine. "Ma'am are you aware that you are parked in a private area, and also... what are you doing?" He exhaled a laugh as he spoke, keeping his eyes trained on my face respectably. I looked down at myself, revealing my skirt awfully rolled up to my hips, almost flashing my thong, and when looking in the wing mirror, I caught glimpse of just how stupid I looked.

"I'm so sorry, officer. I'm here for the concert, and I was running too late to go to my hotel, so I thought it would be smart to change in my car. Also, I have permission to park here, do I need to show you anything?" I ask, not wanting to get shouted at.

The officer laughed, standing up straight. "All I need is a form of identification. I have a list of names who are allowed here." He smiled. As I went to lean over and grab my bag, I felt a cold breeze against my upper thigh and snatched back to the cushion, my cheeks burning red at the fact I definitely just flashed a police officer. Looking round at him, he places his hand over his eyes and turns his body around to face away from me. What a king.

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