Dancing in the Moonlight

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A/N: hey guys! Please listen to the video attached to the story if you don't know what the song is. It really helps you visualise the scene better. Thankyou x

The bar tender pours Harry another whiskey. I watch him take a swig: the condensation of the glass racing down to his fingers. To be honest, I was still trying to process what he meant by "I'm starting to think people can have two."
He's starting to think that, as in, he's only just begun. Does he mean I made him think that? Or maybe he's talking about Dan, maybe he thinks Dan can have 2 people. No, that's ridiculous, Dan can't have 2 of them - I don't even have one!

"You're starting to think..." I say to myself, still trying to piece everything together.

Harry stands abruptly, throwing his hand out in front of me. "You ask too many questions Primrose." He laughs. "You said you wanted to do karaoke?" He reminds me, the jokey tone in his voice light and playful.

As if this man has the cheek to try and change the subject - again! I didn't even ask a question that time!

"But you said, you're starting to think-," I say again, this time slightly frustrated by his constant refusal to answer my questions.

"Fine, have it your way..." Harry says cockily. He pulls his hand away from in front of me, and walks up to the karaoke booth. He looks intently at the vinyl's; deciding thoroughly which one to play. Turning around to face me, the sound of Toploaders 'Dancing in the Moonlight' begins to play round the bar. Harry stands confidently at the microphone, and everyone turns their attention to him.

"We get it almost every night..." Harry began singing, his hands placed firmly on the mic stand. The whole bar erupts with cheers and clapping, as the music grows louder. "When the moon is big and bright..." He sings again, his emerald eyes beaming at me from across the room. I just sit, holding my drink to my mouth as I laugh behind the rim. I don't want him to see I'm enjoying this show he's putting on. He's just doing it to spite me, because I 'ask too many questions'. Maybe if you answered them Harry, I wouldn't ask so many.

"It's a supernatural delight, everybody's dancing in the moonlight..." He projects, the whole bar now on their feet dancing along with him. Accept me - of course. I wanted to go onto that stage and smack that smug look of his face. He knows what he's doing, he knows he's making me jealous. I just look back at him, desperately trying to hide my smile creeping in.
Harry has an amazing voice though, it's so thick and raw, so naturally good. I wonder if he works in singing - maybe musical theatre! I've never been one to keep up with the latest popular artists. In the bar it's all old fashioned hippie music, and I pretend not to know the words.

Harry refocuses his eyes on the crowd of people echoing his words. He begins strutting round the stage as he sings, dancing and twirling as he goes. He definitely works in musical theatre if he has the ability to be so comfortable on the stage. God I wish I was up there singing. He knows that's the one thing I've wanted to do all night.

"Everybody's feeling warm and bright..." he continues, giving a cheeky wink to the woman at the front of the stage. I pretend not to notice, turning my attention to my drink. I just stare down into the red liquid and watch the ice bounce off the glass. Harry continues to entertain the crowd, as they watch him in awe. I think he knows that wink made me jealous. Why would you sit at a bar with a girl, flirt with her and ask her all sorts of questions, to just wink at someone else. I'm so mad. He shouldn't have the spotlight. I should.

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