Doesn't Feel Like Home

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A/N: my reads have dropped a lot recently, have I done something differently/wrong?

Harry's POV:

Date: Thursday, 4th May
Days until album releases: 8 days

It's been over a week since Primrose left. I thought it would be easy, I though the time would fly after she left. I've been so busy with work, preparing for the album drop - it's been the most exciting yet nerve racking thing I've ever done - however, I'm practically scraping myself through every day.

I lie on my bed, every night, staring at my ceiling, thinking about her. Honestly, it's torture. Every morning, I roll over and out my arm out to hug her. Every morning, I'm left heartbroken at the reminder that she isn't lying next to me. The house has been so empty since she left. I can hear all the things I never once noticed. The clocks ticking. The tap dripping. The floor creaking. Her presence made this house, seem like a home.

We speak almost every day on the phone - not always a phone call, but we always text. She's been busy with business, especially as it's half term. Arrangements were made for me to visit her on the 6th, until the 9th. Just a short stay, as I have loads to do in the few days before the album comes out.

I'm nervous, about the album. It's nothing like it was with One Direction. With the boys, we were so busy, and had so much going on, letting ourselves get nervous was simply a time waste... and we didn't have time. We had jobs, after jobs, after jobs. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate the life I've been given so much, but... I'm allowed to be nervous, right?

This is the first music the world is going to hear primarily from me. I'm the only person on this album. I wrote every song. If people don't like it, it falls on me. My entire career is in the palm of my hands.

Today, is May 4th. A week tomorrow, my life changes forever. Mitch and Sarah are staying with me from now, until the 14th. They want to support and help me in the run up to the album. When I go out to meetings all day, Sarah and Mitch clean my house, make food, do laundry, sign for all my packages. I tell them not to, but they insist on helping me. They're amazing people to have around.

Last night, I couldn't sleep - tossing and turning every second. My mind was racing on a constant treadmill. There was too much to think about to sleep. But when I let myself think, I didn't know where to start.

Rolling out of my bed, I made my way down the stairs and into my kitchen. As I went to flick on the light, I noticed my fridge door open, washing the room white.

"Oh, sorry Harry." A voice says from behind the door. Seconds later, Mitch's head pops round the door. "Couldn't sleep, was going to make some tea." He explains, shutting the fridge and finding his way to the granite with his phone torch.

"Why didn't you turn on the lights?" I ask, flicking the switch on.

"I didn't know if your house had some major security lock, so that when you're in bed, all the systems shut down. And if something like the light turns on, the police are contacted or some shit." Mitch turns on the kettle, taking two mugs from my shelf as he talks.

"Mitch, I'm not crazy." I laugh, pulling up a stool from my breakfast bar. "Why can't you sleep?"

"Sarahs snoring again." He says shortly, giving me the eyes as if to say 'it's-so-fucking-annoying-but-I-love-her-so-I-don't-say-anything-about-it.' Which I just nodded to.
"What about you?" He asks, pouring the water into our mugs.

"Too much on my mind to sleep." I sigh, running my hand through my curls. "You know, work and all."

Mitch walks the mugs over, and pulls out a stool next to me. He takes a long sip of his tea, staring at me over the rim of his mug. "Work? Or Primrose?" He asks, placing his mug down and staring at me intently.

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