Loving you's the Antidote

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A/N: look out for any familiar lyrics or references to certain people in this chapter! Hope you enjoy x

p.s. this is my favourite chapter so far!

"I'm Harry. Harry Styles." He smiled.

Harry. What a beautiful name. He looks like a Harry.

"Uhm- hi Harry." I blurt out, unsure how to go about this conversation.

Harry smiled, letting out a small exhale in replacement of a laugh. His eyes looked at me with such admiration: they were so delicate, so bright, so soothing to look at.

"And you're name is Prim, right?" He questions, his lips still slightly quirked in a grin.

"How do you know that's my name?" I say frantically. "Have you been stalking me? Is that how you knew I was out here? I thought you left after I fell over!" I blurt out.

Harry laughed - out loud this time. His hair bounced on top of his head as he ran his fingers through it in a zigzag motion. "No, I was not stalking you. I heard your 'boyfriend' say it when you fell down earlier."

Oh god! He did see my fall. Oh no this is so humiliating. Breathe Primrose breathe. This doesn't mean he knows it's because you were looking at him. I mean, you didn't exactly hide that it was about him but still, he may not have noticed.

"You saw that?" I mumble, as I drop my gaze to the sand; my strong hand tucking my hair behind my ear.

"Yeah, I did. I also saw him rush to your aid like the caring, loving boyfriend he is." Harry teased. Great. This means he was mocking Dan earlier.

"Can we um- can we not talk about him, please." I ask quietly, trying to hide the lump growing in my throat yet again.

Harry notices the change in my tone, and places his hand under my chin again, lifting my head to look at him.

"Look at me, Prim, look at me." He says, as I try to avoid eye contact with him. I didn't want him to see the tears pooling in my eyes. He sighs, removing his hand from under my chin. Both his hands cupped my jaw as he used his thumb to carefully wipe away any moisture from my eyes.

"A pretty girl like you shouldn't be crying." He talks quietly. A small laugh escapes my mouth, as my eyes dart to the sand again.

"Hey, I said look at me." Harry repeats, using his hands which were still around my face to move my face back to his. "Come with me. Let's go back to the bar. Get some drinks. I can't just leave someone in your state all alone now, can I?" Harry's voice was soft, and his words were reassuring. I felt so comforted by this man, yet, I've only known him 20 minutes. I've never felt a connection like this before.

Harry stands up, and my eyes follow him, remaining trained on his emeralds. He puts out his hand, waiting for me to take it. Shyly, I raise my hand and take a gentle hold of his.

"Ow!" I shout to myself, pulling my bruised hand down into my lap. Wow, trust me to use my bruised and possibly broken hand to hold something.

Harry walks behind me, his long legs standing either side of me as he gazed down to my head. He bends down slightly, wrapping his arms around my waist, and pulling me to stand. He kept his grip of me for a few short moments, while I found my balance on the uneven sand below.

"Can we do karaoke?" I mumble gingerly, trying to lighten the mood a bit.

"Of course we can." He replies, the laugh in his voice dancing through my ears. Harry removes one arm from my waist and throws it in his pocket. I flinch at the sudden movement, still slightly on edge from what happened earlier. He tightens his grip on my waist, reassuring me that he isn't going to harm me. We begin walking slowly - Harry matching the pace of my tediously slow steps. This made a huge change from Dan, who would practically drag me anywhere we went.

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