Two Bodies One Soul

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Primroses POV:

The ripe, blissful melody of birds cheeping drifted through the open window, carried by the morning breeze dancing through the curtains causing them to float up and down mesmerizingly. Fluttering my eyes open, I nuzzled my head into the warm duvet, bringing my arm out to hug over Harry. My hand tapped a few times in varying spots over the bed, trying to locate Harry's body. However, he wasn't there.

I sat up quickly: my eyes weakly squinting open in adjustment to the light in the room, and my head fuzzy from the rush caused by the sudden movement. Blinking a few times, my stomach dropped slightly in sadness as Harry's side of the bed was vacant. I rubbed my eyes weakly as I tossed my feet from the bed, yawning as I glanced over to the clock.


My feet sleepily made their way to the landing as I cautiously poked my head around each door. I didn't enter any of the rooms - in respect for Harry's privacy - but I did a quick scam of the premises to assure he wasn't in there. All of the rooms were fairly similar: there were a few guest bedrooms all decorated differently, but carrying the same theme throughout, there was a beautiful bathroom with the most magnificent bath I'd ever seen, and then came the last room.

As I grasped the handle, my body hit against the dark wood of the door when it didn't open. Confused, I applied more force, and the door heavily opened. A cold breeze swam from the dark room inside, tingling against my bare legs as I still only wore the jumper Harry put me in last night. Finding the light switch, a mellow colour shone through the room, and I gasped in awe of the beauty that lay before me.

It was a recording studio!

I couldn't help but take a few steps in, too scared to touch anything as my eyes identified all the equipment and their strategical positioning. No wonder the door was so heavy - the entire room is sound proof. There was a shelf filled with varying microphones, and five sets of headphones hung on pegs next to it. Against the farthest wall was a mixing desk, with a studio chair tucked underneath it. Acoustic panels, bass traps and diffusers dressed the walls, guiding my eyes to the reflection filters masking the microphone on its stand. I haven't seen a setup like this since I studied theatre!

After finishing all the rooms upstairs, I continued my hunt for Harry downstairs. The living room was lifeless as I passed through and entered the kitchen - stopping dead in my tracks at what sat before me.

Wanna Be by The Spice Girls blasted through the speakers to such a volume that he didn't hear me open the door. The sweet smell of American pancakes filled the room, as Harry danced around the kitchen, using his spatula as a microphone. "if you wanna be my lover..." he sung, striking poses to his reflection in the window. I couldn't help but laugh as Harry danced in his boxers and a pink apron, flipping a disc of batter on the frying pan.

"yo, I'll tell you what I want, what I really, really want..." Harry rapped.

"so tell me what you want, what you really, really want..." I continued the lyrics, racing into the room and grabbing a spoon from the empty batter bowl.

"Jesus fucking Christ!" Harry yelled, stumbling backwards as his hand flew to his now heaving chest. "Scared the shit out of me, love." He smiled, sighing in relief. His arms opened as he wrapped me in a hug, kissing my forehead repeatedly. I'm sure this moment would be a lot more wholesome if the Spice Girls weren't still blaring through the speakers.

"Did I wake you?" he checks, and I shake my head. "Sleep well?"

"I sleep the best I ever do in your bed." I admit, feeling Harry's lips quirk into a smile against my forehead. "What are you doing? I feel like I'm back in the early 2000's."

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