The One Where Primrose Cries

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Primrose's POV:

Angel turns the photo of Harry to face me, and his jaw drops open. "Why've you been sent a photo of Harry Styles?"

"I took it of him in the bar, now please give me 2 minutes!" I whisper shout again. Angel lowers the photo as his eyes scan the letter Harry sent me. Just as I go to talk to Harry again, Angel jumps off the bed and starts screaming.

"OH. MY. GOD. Oh my god. Omg. No way. YOU MET HARRY FREAKING STYLES IN A BAR?!" He shouts, running up to me and shaking my body with his hands.

"Yeah, what's the big... how do you know his surname? I never told you that?" I ask confused.

"Are you dumb, it's HARRY STYLES! The fact you think I wouldn't know who he is offends me deeply but, chile anyways." Angel says, while staring at me furiously.

"Uhh... how exactly do you know Harry?" I ask, beyond confused as to what Angel is talking about right now.

"One direction? Hello! Girl, there's no way you don't know who Harry Styles... oh my god. You don't know who Harry Styles is?" Angel finally realises, as I continue to stare at him blankly.

Moving my hand off the phone, I pull it to my mouth, and am met with a frazzled Harry desperately trying to get my attention.

"Primrose... Prim... Primrose, please! I was going to tell you, I promise I was. I just didn't want to scare you away that's all! A lot of girls get freaked out by famous people, and I didn't want to scare you."

"Who are you, Harry? Is this why you wouldn't tell me your job?" I ask flatly.

"Prim, I was going to tell you next week - in person - when I stayed with you." He reasons, sounding remorseful and sad as he spoke.

"Tell me what?" I ask again, furious he won't answer.

"Your friend is right - I was in One Direction, the boy band. We've performed concerts all over the world, have 5 albums, a film, and I guess you could call us the biggest boy band of the world. And now, I'm doing a solo thing for a few months while we are on hiatus. When you met me in Jamaica, I was writing music for my new album. Please Primrose, you have to believe me, I was going to tell you." He explains quickly.

I don't say anything for a few moments. I walk over to Angel and take his hand tight in mine for some reassurance. "You mean to tell me, you wrote me a letter, with an address you found in the bin, gave me your phone number and told me to ring you, then made plans to meet me, all while knowing you had a huge public eye, and that I was vulnerable and not-in-the-know of any of this? You confidently would've walked into my town, into my business, into my house, having all your fans and paparazzi following you, and didn't even think of the risk that puts me in? Is this why you haven't told me anything about your life? Why didn't you just tell me? It should've been the first thing you told me on the phone, before even contemplating asking to meet me again. How dare you lie to me like that. I spent all of that night in Jamaica telling you things about myself, and you told me nothing! I literally got taken home by a stranger, put in his bed, and then woke up having no idea where I was!" I shout, squeezing Angels hand as I spoke, and he squeezed back, assuring me I was okay.

"You know why I took you home that night! You hit your head, you were hurt. I'd take you home to my place any day over sending you home to that embarrassment of a man you call your 'boyfriend'. Don't use that against me, you know I never would've hurt you." Harry spat back, furious I tried to throw that in his face. In his defence, I probably shouldn't have said that. But I'm so mad right now I don't care.

"Don't, talk about Dan like that. Throw away my address. Forget you met me. Never write to me again. Never call me. Goodbye, Harry." I say, before slamming the phone down to hang up.

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