May 12th pt.2

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A/N: my fav chapter so far!

Primrose's POV:

Scruffily pulling my car onto the curve outside Harry's house, I didn't even hesitate before I'm storming out my car and up to his door. My fist lands three heavy knocks on the door, rattling it on its hinges. I move two steps backwards, and take a small breath in, gathering my thoughts in preparation to see him again.

I wasn't nervous. Nerves simply weren't going to get me anywhere. Harry wouldn't take me seriously if I was a shaking, stammering mess. I need to be confident - assertive - I need him to know that he was wrong, and I'm not here to just kiss and make up.

It's been 5 days since I've seen him, and it's honestly felt like a different lifetime. This whole situation is so easy to fix. All he needs to do, is apologise, and let me explain. I understand his reaction, how could I not? But, I hated it. Every second of it. The moment I saw him packing his bags, was like I was watching someone pull pieces of my heart away and toss them into the bin. When he left, and Angel stopped me from chasing him, my entire world caved in. Every piece of my happiness walked out that door like it was nothing. And...

it's always me.

I'm always the one to get hurt.

He's never the one left crying. I am.

His actions always lead to arguments, someone leaving, tears, pain, loneliness. If after today, we don't get back together, that's okay. I just need him to know that I'm not a cheater. That's all I need him to know. The fact he thinks I'd kiss Dan in the first place baffles me. However, there is no room, nor time, for confusion. This is the time for action. This is the day that I stand up for myself.

Faint mumbles disintegrated against the door, as I heard the fumbling of a lock. In one swift motion, the door swung open, and there was Harry. Dressed only in a tshirt and boxers, I saw a face filled with anger and annoyance. His foggy emeralds immediately met my blue gems, and as soon as he recognised me, his entire atmosphere softened.

I'd broken down the wall already. That was easy.

He looked at me for a few moments, his jaw slightly slack and his eyes so focused they weren't even blinking.

"Primrose..." he exhaled, and I just stared at him with daggers.

"Is it about me?" I say flatly, keeping my stance open and confident.

Harry's face floods with confusion, as he slowly lets go of the door handle - the wind opening the door fully. "Wha-,"

"Is it about me?" I repeat, storming through his doorway, pushing past him until I was stood in his hallway.

"What are you talking about?" He manages to get out, turning to face me, but keeping a large distance between us.

"The song... it's about me, isn't it?" I ask, even though I know the answer. I need to hear him say it. I need confirmation that it's about me.

"I was going to tell you..." he begins, but stops himself when he notices me laughing and shaking my head.

"Were you going to tell me before, or after, you made another mistake in our relationship - storming away and leaving me heartbroken, again?" I yell, walking forward and engulfing the space between us. My face was centimetres from him, and i could feel my own heavy breath rapidly bouncing from his face and back on to mine.

"You're putting this on me?" He scoffs, rolling his eyes at me in disgust.

"Yeah, Harry. I am. You didn't even give me a chance to explain, before you packed all your shit and left." I spit back, pointing a judgemental finger in his face.

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