Clear Lipgloss

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Primrose's POV:

Two months later...

Harry and I walked into the barn, dragging our suitcases behind us and dragging our jet lag on top of that. I'm almost positive that my bag was ten times heavier now than it was when we left for this trip - probably because I didn't pack to come home, I just tossed it all in.

It was late afternoon: the restaurant was quiet, the bar was occupied by a few men drinking and gazing up at whatever sport was on the TV, and there, behind the bar, flirting with all the customers, was Angel.

"BITCHHHHH!" He screamed, practically flying over to us and pulling us both in for an extremely tight hug. "Oh my god I missed you!" He exclaims, kissing me on the cheek. Angel darts his head to face Harry, "did you take good care of my Primmy?" He interrogates.

"Sir, yes Sir." Harry mocks, standing up straight and saluting Angel like we were in the Army.

Rolling my eyes, I walk over to an empty table, dragging the chair open and falling down to rest my exhausted body. Harry follows, doing the same as me, and Angel sits on the end of the table so he was able to serve customers if necessary. "So, tell me about the trip." Angel crosses his legs, leaning in close to us.

"Well..." I begin, trying to think of where to start. "It was amazing." I exhale, looking over at Harry who was smiling widely at me. "I was very nervous about going on a 2 month long trip, but I should've just trusted Harry all along."

Harry proudly sits up, batting his long eyelashes at me a few times.

"Was it-," Angels eyes hastily flick between Harry and I, before he leans down to whisper just so I can hear. "Was it better than with Dan? No fights?" Angel whispers, giving me the serious eyes.

I honestly struggled to hold back my laughter from the sheer thought of Harry actually hurting me. "No, there was no arguments." I whisper back.

Angel cocks a suspicious eyebrow at me. "Really? Because if there were, you know I'd-," Angel punched his palm heavily three times, tilting his head to me to see if I got the message.

"Harry, Angel's gonna beat you up." I say loudly, watching Angel immediately bolt out the way of me, revealing Harry, almost half asleep.

"Snitches get stitches." Angel mouthed, scowling at me menacingly for a few moments.

"Okay, but can it wait? I have a photo shoot in a few weeks." Harry says, doing a small pose with his hands. "Why do you want to fight me anyways?"

"He thinks we argued on the trip." I laugh, rolling my eyes at Angel still trying to intimidate Harry.

Angel, have you seen this man's workout routine - you don't scare him!

Harry doesn't say anything for a few moments, before awkwardly clearing his throat. "Welllllll..." he drags out. Angel and I both immediately sit forward in shock, sharing the same expression of confusion.

"Well?" I blurt out.

"Well, what?" Angel rambles, switching his head between us rapidly. "I'll whoop yo ass, I'll whoop both yo asses if I have to." Angel barks, standing up and pushing his sleeves up, revealing his arms with a few small tattoos on. "I'll whoop your ass, ass, and asses if I have to!" He repeats, almost psyching himself up as he bounced on the spot.

"What are you talking about, H?" I ask, sitting back against my chair.

"It was at the duty free..."

Two month earlier...

Airports. The meeting point for people of all genders, races, sizes, ages, travelling to various locations across the world. One of the busiest, most organised places on the planet, filled with countless journeys, each taking you on a new adventure. A building filled with excitement, anticipation, stress - a combination of people's greatest fears and most awaited moments.

From The Dining Table [H.S]Where stories live. Discover now