We'll Be Alright

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A/N: you guys, I'm so so sorry for these slow updates. I've just been exhausted recently and didn't want to publish work I wasn't happy with. Hope you understand x

Primrose's POV:

Today was September 10th, 9 days before Harry goes on tour. I've offered to come down to London and help him get organised for his travels, but in actuality, he thinks I'm coming to learn about what I'm going to do on tour. I still haven't told him I'm not coming - I can't, it'll crush him. Saying I would come was a slip up - a mistake - and unfortunately, I now have to pay the consequences.

The trip down was short, well... as short as it could be. Purposely taking the earliest train possible really payed off. Harry picked me up in his Range Rover, and as soon as the black doors separated us from the outside world, he would not stop talking about tour.

"So, P, I've asked my stylists to organise a few outfits for you whilst we are away, incase we go anywhere super fancy - not to say you don't have nice clothes already, but I just didn't want you panicking. Then, on the days where you don't want to watch me play a show, because I just assume you will get bored, you can hang in the dressing rooms, stay in our hotel, go out into town, whatever you see fit. In terms of travelling, my manager has booked private jets for sufficient travel, so you don't need to worry about airports this time. Jeff said try and stick to 2 suitcases maximum. I know we are travelling for around 4 months, but try and not overpack. On the morning of the 18th, we set off for our first show. Ooo! We start in San Francisco. You'll love it there. It's one of my-,"

"Okay, Harry!" I snap accidentally, closing my eyes and rubbing the bridge of my nose with my thumb and pointer finger in attempt to soothe the aching in my head.

"-favourite place..." he finishes his sentence, trailing off into silence as he continues to drive. I looked over and noticed the glum expression on his face: he seemed tired, and disappointed. Placing my hand softly over his which was resting on my thigh, I interlocked our fingers - feeling the warmth of his palm against my cold hand.

"Harry... I didn't mean that." I say quietly, keeping my eyes focused on the road as looking at Harry so sad was too difficult. "It's just a lot to take in, you know?"

Harry takes a deep breath in, lifting his hand with mine still over it, and bringing it to his mouth. "I know." He whispered against my pale skin, before cushioning his lips against it. "M'just excited." He mumbles, returning his hand to my leg.

I don't respond, giving Harry a subtle smile, before turning to look out the passenger window. My mind was littered with thoughts as we continued to drive home. Varying ways on how to break the news to Harry fought for dominance in my head, yet none succeeded. None seemed good enough. None seemed reasonable enough to justify lying, and then ripping this pure, innocent, joy and happiness away from him. This would break him - whether he let me see it or not - I know it would. Based on the way he simply couldn't stop talking about what we'd do together, it was no secret he wanted me there.

We pulled into his driveway, both unbuckling our seatbelts and Harry practically sprinting round the car to beat me to opening the door first. Helping me out the car, he went to the boot and pulled my suitcase out, before we both headed inside.

"Prim!" Harry yelled from the kitchen, snapping my attention away from the beautiful flower arrangement in his hallway. Entering the room, I saw Harry stood next to an open cupboard, smiling widely with his hands behind his back.

"What's happening?" I laugh in confusion, hesitantly approaching in fear of getting pranked or something. Harry stayed silent as I approached his side, reluctantly forcing my eyes to meet the open cupboard. I blinked a few times, trying to figure out why I was staring at a shelf of snacks. "What is it?"

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