Lost Without Him.

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A/N: hey guys! Please remember to vote for a chapter if you like it - votes do an awful lot for a story. They tell me what you guys are and aren't enjoying so I can tailor my work more to your liking, and they also move stories up on the rankings - allowing a wider audience to see my work.
Love you all, stay safe and be sensible! Stay inside to save lives x

Primrose's POV:

Harry took me to the venue at the same time he left for soundcheck, and after an emotional goodbye, we parted ways again until December 10th. As I drove down the road, Harry's figure shrank into nothingness as he waved with a shallow smile - clearly upset but not wanting to show it. Taking a shaky breath in, I waved over my chair to him, turning the corner and loosing sight of the love of my life once more.

Every day, I have a brief moment in which I become extremally close to telling Harry I love him: we could be doing something so simple as making tea, or he could be 4000 miles across the globe, oblivious to the unsent text message on the other side of his screen reading 'I'm in love with you, Harry.'

Sometimes I feel like he loves me too, but I soon convince myself out of my stupidity, and continue to live with these bottled up emotions, fearful to say them aloud. Hopefully, the right moment will come to tell Harry how I feel. It will be this beautiful setting, and the day will more than perfect when I take Harry's hands in mine and thank him for the most amazing time of my life, finishing with the three magic words.

The drive home was long and boring as a car crash caused four mile traffic on the motorway. Angel tired to call me, but there was no where for me to pull over to answer, so I had to keep driving. Don't text and drive, kids!

When I pulled into my vacant parking spot in the late night sky, I sat at my wheel for a few moments, staring up at the moon beaming down on me. She was so beautiful: hung way up in the sky surrounded by her accompanying children of crystal stars. There was a purity to the night time. The darkness held many secrets and fears, but it also showed the beautiful treasures not many people took time to look upon.

Stars and planets, millions of miles above us - a maze of never ending darkness holding all the power as it dominated our world from every angle. Humans are far less superior than the universe herself. We convince ourselves we are an advanced race due to the belief that there are no further life forms, yet, we simply forget the unexplored mass above us - consuming thousands of human lives from its sheer secrecy as we attempt to explore her. People act like the alphas in the daylight because all that is known, is visible, but they sleep through the dark mysteries of the light, not wanting to experience their greatest fear of darkness and secrecy.

Stepping into the crisp evening air, I dragged by suitcase behind me as I made my way to the barn, fumbling to find the keys on my keyring as I did. Harry hasn't spoken about his crystals since giving me one. It's a shame, because I'd love to learn more about them, but I respect the privacy. He does an amazing job at hiding them too - I haven't ever noticed that he's wearing one.

Opening my front door, I tossed my suitcase to the floor, heading straight to my bedroom to sleep. As I flicked on the light, I took in a sharp breath of shock - seeing that my bed wasn't vacant. Swallowing harshly, I took a nervous peer forward, feeling slightly at ease from the leverage I had against this sleeping body as I kept as close to the doorway as possible.

My eyes quickly noticed the long, pin straight, black hairs strew across my pillowcase, realising who it was.


Sighing in relief, I faintly tiptoed my way to my chest of drawers: clenching my face together as I opened the draws at a tedious pace, the squeaks of the hinges still as loud as ever, though. I pulled out the first jumper I grasped in my hand, too busy looking over my shoulder to see if Angel was still asleep. Moving to the draw below, I followed the same procedure as before, slowly opening the draw enough to retrieve a pair of bed shorts and sighing in relief as Angel lay unbothered by my presence. I left the drawers open in fear of making even more of a racket - whatever monsters lived inside could now have free rein over my house.

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