We're Live in 3... 2... 1...

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A/N: Thankyou so so much for 9k readssss!!! Love you all xx

Harry's POV:

Date: Friday 12th May
Days until album releases: 0

I readjusted my position in my seat, as I nervously awaited for the 'on air' light to turn red. Watching Nick sit down, anticipation overwhelmed me, and I lunged forward for my bottle. Nick watched as I downed the entire thing, exhaling deeply after I finished, then wiping the residue off the corners of my mouth with the back of my hand.

"Thirsty?" He laughs, putting on his headphones.

"Excited." I reply shortly, taking off my jacket and hanging it over the back of my chair.

I was wearing a red, Gucci flannel suit, with a white shirt, and black Gucci shoes. It was simple, yet an eye catcher. Recently, I've been stepping out of my comfort zone, in terms of my clothing. Well... it's not my comfort zone. It's society's comfort zone. Happily, I would wear dresses, short shorts, crop tops - anything. But, society can't accept that. And that's okay, because maybe people like me just aren't meant for today's society. Maybe I'm the black sheep - the one out. Maybe this is Gods way of balancing my life. He's like: Hey, Harry. You've got an amazing life, so let's make you live it by not being able to be yourself.

It sucks, it really does. And I'm trying to find ways around it. My family support me so much and constantly reassure me that I'm 'normal' - if there even is a normal - but I still don't feel confident enough. I'm confident in myself, but I'm not confident other people will be accepting of that. Like I said, that's okay.

One day, I'll be able to be myself. But for now, I guess I'll just keep pretending.

This was the suit I'd gotten fitted while Primrose was staying for the first time. Primrose... she's been constantly on my mind all week, yet not there at all at the same time. It's been tough without her. Somehow, I've managed to convince myself that I don't need her. But my house grows emptier, my bed grows colder, and my heart grows lonelier. Even with the company of Mitch and Sarah, my house doesn't feel like a home.

She is my home.

It's like I've been living inside a hotel for the last week. She has the key to my house... and the key is her heart.

I love her.

I still love her.

Of course I still love her.

I just need time.

"You ready, mate?" Nick checks, hovering his hand over the 'live' button.

"Let's do this." I smile, pulling my chair closer to the table.

"We're live in three... two... one... Good morning everyone!..." Nick begins.

My heart is racing at 100mph, and I can feel my blood running laps around my body. All I can do is smile, and wait until I can hear my own music on the radio for the first time. I was nervous, of course I was, but this was the moment that separates my life from a boy in a band, to a male solo artist. This is the beginning of my next chapter.

This is it.

May 12th.

No going back now.

"... And I'm joined today with our guest, Mr Harry Styles!" Nick introduces me.

"Hello! It's great to be here." I blurt out, unable to control the overwhelming emotions I was feeling.

From The Dining Table [H.S]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon