All the Best, -H x

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Primrose's POV:

Dear Primrose...
                              I hope you travelled home well from Jamaica. I sincerely apologise if I frightened you by bringing you home, Mitch said you were a little skittish when you left. As much as I wish you'd waited for me to see you out, I understand why you left.

I'm sure you must be confused as to how I've written you, and I'm going to explain. After you left, I was beside myself of confusion, guilt and regret. I was confused as to why you left so suddenly, I felt guilty that I bought you to my house without permission, and I felt regretful that I hadn't opened up about my feelings when I had the opportunity. While explaining to Mitch how I felt, I went to throw something in the bin, and saw a ball of paper the same as the pad in my room. The only reason I took it out the bin, was because I was confused as to who wrote something on my pad. When I unfolded it, I saw the note you left me.

I would like to apologise if  me writing you over steps the mark, but it was critical to me that you found out what happened that night. After you hit your head, I carried you out of the bar, and straight to my place. I had no clue where you'd been staying, and didn't feel comfortable taking you back to Dan in the state you were in.

In terms of Dan, I pray things are okay with you. A girl as beautiful and kind as you shouldn't be with someone as cruel as him, yet I understand if you are still together. It took everything in me not to beat that man lifeless after the way he treated you; seeing you collapse on the beach like that shattered my heart.

Thank you for that night. It's truly a moment I will treasure forever. I've included the photo you took of me on my camera, and I'm keeping the one I took of you - incase I never see those beautiful blue eyes again. I do wish we got to spend more time together. I've never met anyone quite like you. You make me feel so safe and free, despite knowing not a lot about me.

You've been running round my mind ever since I woke up that morning. I'm embarrassed to say it, but I can't stop thinking about you.

I'm going to leave you my phone number, incase you want to call me. Hearing your warm voice again is the one thing I need right now. Do not feel obligated to call me, I understand completely why you wouldn't. But, I hope you consider it.
                              07769 277 213

Incase I never see you again, I wish you the best in life, and hope that only good things come your way. I know your beauty inside and out won't fade, and I pray you realise how special you are. Don't settle for anything less than happiness. You deserve the world.

All the best,
-H x


Speechless, my eyes move to the photo Harry included.

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