Are You?

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(Updated my pfp and header not that that's relevant but just a heads up so no ones confused.)

"Crystal Clear on a starlit night, in all your gorgeous colors. I promise to love you for the rest of my life."

Upon his instruction, I let my eyes open and immediately gasp as I see the picture in front of me. This isn't real right now, he's not real right now. "Oh my god," I whisper unsure if there's anything else even to say right now. Red rose petals scattered down the entry through the hallway with candles flickering along our walls. Our baby grand piano getting use for the first time since we've moved in filling the air with soft chords accompanied by a violin. This is insane. setting my bag and everything down as gently as I can having to drop them more or less, I follow the pathway that's been created. 

The petals lead up to our back patio door and I assume out as I open the door and see Christian standing there with a massive grin on his face. This isn't real right now, he's not real and he's not being this romantic right now. Our deck is just as covered in flowers as the hall had been with more candles adorning it and a handful of lanterns making the area Christian stands have a warm yellow glow to it. 

Shaking my head I approach him with the biggest smile my cheeks wet with tears from the moment I opened my eyes. Christian holds his hands out to me as I get up to him making me laugh as I let him take my hands into his, "I would've gotten John Legend for you but it was a little last minute for him." I can't help but laugh and shake my head even if I'm practically sobbing right now over this all, "Where to even begin Ashtyn." He smiles at me and shakes his head a little, "You know I had this all planned out in my head but seeing you come back through those doors I completely lost my words because of how important you are to me." Chuckling I nod before he takes his hand and wipes my eyes, "Crying your eyes out still the most beautiful woman I've gotten to meet." 

"I love you," I tell him laughing through my tears of sheer joy, maybe a little bit of hormones but joy nonetheless.

"I love you, Ashtyn," He tells me before taking a breath the smile never leaving his face, "Ashtyn Kingston, when we met never in a million years did I think we'd be here. A beautiful girl at the party with a heart of gold on full display, what the hell would she want to do with me?" He asks making me laugh as he chuckles a little, "It may not have been planned and I may have made everything a lot harder than needed but I think we've made it to a very good spot if I say so myself." I laugh again nodding as he grins at me, "I'll never be able to tell you how much I regret how I acted at the beginning but it's my goal to show you every single day how much I love you and I love our baby girl. Sure things may not be the most conventional but given our careers conventional isn't always what's right is it?" Shaking my head I continue to take in just everything right now and how unreal this all is. How the hell did we get so lucky? 

"Ashtyn you are one of the if not the most incredible woman I've ever met. You're an absolute badass who doesn't let shit get to you and just takes everything in stride. Since the day we met you've never been afraid to speak your mind, and I feel like I might be the person who's seen that the most," Christian laughs making me chuckle as I nod, probably true, "So unapologetically yourself and feisty as hell and I can only hope baby Kacey gets even a shred of that. A shred of your confidence, a shred of your drive, your work ethic, your kindness and generosity, your empathy and forgiveness. I'd have no problem if it was a lot more than just a shread of all of those from you, but even a shred makes me know that she'll be able to handle herself just fine, just like you always have. You're already the best mom to our daughter and she's not even here yet, I for one can't wait to see you when she's here and just how incredible you truly are." 

"As I said before things haven't always been easy for us, but I intend to do every single thing that I possibly can to make sure from now on everything is as easy as it can be and we can just love each other and love our baby girl. We've already got a start on that, but what do you say we actually make it official? Ashtyn Janelle Kingston, it's been the privilege of my life getting to know you these last few months, and it would be the honor of a lifetime to be able to get to know you for the rest of my life," Christian smiles as he gets down onto one knee and pulls out a ring, "That all being said, Ashtyn Kingston, Will you Marry me?" 

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